专栏名称: 法学学术前沿
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塔玛纳哈:一种现实主义的法律理论 | 东方明珠大讲堂3万字实录

法学学术前沿  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-05 11:02



“东方明珠大讲坛”是华东政法大学落实深化高等教育综合改革精神, 立足“学术兴校”发展模式和“多科融合”发展格局,由科研处牵头打造的代表本校最高级别、覆盖全校所有学科、具有学界美誉度和全国影响力的一流学术殿堂,旨在营造浓厚的科研氛围和高雅的学术氛围,带动全校高质量科研进一步突破。 本期推送由 美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学布莱恩·塔玛纳哈教授 主讲的第59期东方明珠大讲坛的讲座实录。

本次讲座特别邀请到了 上海交通大学中国法与社会研究院院长季卫东教授 华东政法大学科研处处长陆宇峰教授 担任与谈嘉宾; 华东政法大学社会发展学院李俊教授 担任特邀主持人, 华东政法大学中国法治战略研究院助理研究员钟浩南博士 担任学术翻译。 华东政法大学副校长罗培新教授 出席本次大讲坛并致辞。






Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the 59th session of "Speeches of the Invited Speaker Series" of East China University of Political Science and Law. Today we are greatly honored to invite an internationally renowned scholar, professor Brian Z. Tamanaha as the keynote speaker. Now he is university professor at the Washington University School of Law. He is very famous in the field of jurisprudence and social legal studies. He has published 11 books and nearly 90 articles and book chapters. Some of his words have been translated into 12 languages and published world. Well, the most important thing is that his epidemic sort has had a significant impact on the Chinese legal bill.


At first,please welcome professor Luo Peixin, vice president of East China University of Political Science and Law,deliver the welcome speech.












Thank pressor Luo very much for your warm welcome speech. In this session, we also invite professor Ji Weidong and professor Lu Yufeng as our special guests. Professor Ji Weidong, a very known scholar at home and abroad in the field of sociology of law and comparative law who has made great contributions to legal education and research in China. Now, he is the Dean of China Institute for social legal studies, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He used to be tenured professor of Kobe university law school in Japan, professor Lu Yufeng, director of Scientific Research Office and the Dean of Academic for China's rule of law of East China University of Political Science and Law. His research direction is legal system theory. He does well in using an autopoietic social system theory to study legal issues in risk society, global society and digital society. Professor Peng Guibin, deputy director of Scientific Research Office also attends this session. The interpreter for the discussion session is Doctor Zhong Haonan from Academy for China's rule of law of East China University of Political Science and Law. My name is Li Jun, the moderator of this lecture from the school of Social Development, East China University of Political science and law.






Thank you for that introduction. Thank you for inviting me. I'm honored by this invitation, as you said, the topic will be based on a book I published in 2017. That book I has been translated into Chinese and I'm hoping I have been told, but we shall see that it will be out by the end of this year. I believe it's coming out with Tsinghua press, but I'm not sure about the status of the translation at this moment. What I proposed to do for everyone here tonight is just talk about some really fundamental ideas in the realistic theory. Clearly, I cannot talk about the whole book, but I want to focus on the very basic foundation of ideas.


And the description that was just given, I think is a quite good description of my perspective. I'm not a sociologist. I do legal theory so I do jurisprudence, but what I call the branch of jurisprudence that I do is a branch of jurisprudence that is oriented towards understanding law within society. It doesn't take law in isolation. It's also oriented towards understanding law in empirical terms. It's not just a philosophical Enterprise where I sit and imagine things. It’s looking at law concretely. So, to put it in a nutshell, the theory that I have been trying to develop focuses on what law does, what law is used for, what people think of law, how people act in relation to law and the social consequences of law. So, I'm mentioning that because it's all about what people see do and think about law and then what the consequences of that. Furthermore, this perspective portrays law as a complex of institutions which evolve over time in connection with surrounding social, cultural, economic, political, technological and ecological factors. This description of law I'll elaborate on later. I'm just giving you a general sense of the perspective and it comes down to a really basic thing. Let's look at what law is and does. Let's understand law in terms of how it developed in relation to society.


What I plan to talk about is the first the epistemological underpinnings. Epistemology means knowledge or theories of knowledge and how we know what we know. The ontological aspect and ontological is the nature of existence, what it is. And finally, the methodological aspects of this realistic theory. That is how we are to proceed methodically in understanding law. The insights I cover will range across what I call pragmatism, naturalism, historicism and holism. And I'll take up each topic in turn and the social construction of law. If time permits, I'll go beyond that, but I will certainly at least cover those.

今天我打算谈论的, 首先是法律现实主义理论的认识论基础 。认识论是指知识或者知识论,关于我们如何知道我们所知的。 其次是法律现实主义理论的本体论面向 ,本体论是指存在的本质 。最后是方法论面向 ,即采用什么方法推进对法律的理解。其中涵盖的观点包括我所称的实用主义、自然主义、历史主义、整体主义以及法律的社会建构。如果时间允许的话,我将谈论这些主题以外的更多内容,但我的演讲肯定至少会涵盖这些主题的内容。

Let me first briefly talk about pragmatism. I don't know how well known this philosophy of law is in China. The pragmatism is really the only native developed or American-developed philosophy. It was developed in the late 19th century and early 20th century and the big names behind it were Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, John Dewey and George Herbert Mead, who was a famous sociologist.

首先简要谈论一下实用主义。 我不知道在中国人们对这一哲学流派知道多少。实用主义事实上是唯一的由美国本土发展而来的哲学流派。它产生于19世纪末20世纪初,它背后的伟大名字包括查尔斯·桑德斯·皮尔士(Charles Sanders Santiago Peirce)、威廉·詹姆士、约翰杜·杜威和著名社会学家乔治·赫伯特·米德。

Let me talk about the basic ideas of the pragmatist because these ideas provide the underpinnings for the approach that I developed. The pragmatists were developed and influenced by Darwinian evolutionary theory. So, it was in heavily influenced by Darwinian evolutionary theory which had emerged in the mid-19th century, by probabilistic explanation, Bayes reasoning, by the scientific model of inquiry and experimentalism. The pragmatists believed that science was really just an extension of all human inquiry. It's continuous with all inquiry. So, what did the pragmatist believe? So, they believe that humans engaged in actions within natural and social environments, they followed habits and customs. We use tools, we have concepts and ideas and beliefs. We engage in projects and we learn from failures as well as successes. We adapt over time to changing circumstances. And through these actions, we build a corpus or a body of collective knowledge. And this knowledge is incorporated within language, ideas, concepts, theories, social practices, rules and institutions, instruments and even technology. So, the pragmatist view is all of this. Everything is developed through human activities in the world, trying to achieve projects, learning from our attempts and then building bodies of knowledge based upon that. Now, like all species, the pragmatist argue that humans have natural traits, natural needs, and they engage in natural social environments. And these activities are aimed at surviving, basic human need, procreating and improving the conditions of our existence.


Let me quote from john Dewey just to give you a sense of how much he took this perspective. So, Dewey wrote: “man lives as animals live, eating, fighting, fearing and reproducing.” That's just a fundamental view of us as human social animals.

Now the pragmatist took from their study of science, a theory of truth, they articulated a theory of truth and that their theory of truth is that true ideas and this again is from Dewey. It's a quote: “true ideas are those that we can assimilate, that we can validate, that we can corroborate and that we can verify and false ideas are those that we cannot.” Theories are the facts that we verify, are themselves framed by concepts and theories.

But they're subject to an external reality. If the theories don't conform to the reality or the facts don't conform to the reality, then the facts have been refuted. As Dewey said, “our ideas must agree with reality, be such realities, concrete or abstract, be they facts or be they principles under penalty of endless inconsistency and frustration.” In other words, we can have theories and we can believe in facts. But if they're not true, we will fail in our projects. We will be frustrated in our projects. So, here's another quote. “If meaning, if ideas, meanings, conceptions, notions, theories, and systems are instrumental to an active reorganization of the given environment, to a removal of some specific trouble or perplexity, then the test of their validity and the value lies in accomplishing this work. If they succeed, they’re reliable, sound, valid, good, and true.”


Now an important way of understanding the pragmatist is to know what they were arguing against or who were they arguing against. They were arguing against what was a dominant form of philosophy in the late 19th century and early 20th century. And this philosophy was based on philosophers proclaiming universal truths, necessary truths, absolute truths. The pragmatist view is there's no such thing. These truths, James said the truths of philosophers were based on abstractions, from verbal solutions, bad a priori reasoning, assumed principal closed systems. His responses, no, we must turn to concrete activities. Look at facts, look at action, look at power, and see which of these we can observe in action, and see which of these we can confirm, which of these we can disconfirm.


Part of the objection of the pragmatist is these philosophies based on universal and abstract truths besides being mostly just made up by the philosopher, made up by claims about what is self-evident and what is not self-evident. The claims of philosophers about what is self-evident often was just their own assumptions. Instead, the pragmatist said, no, we cannot have these absolute and universal truths because the world is open. The world has multiple existing perspectives and it's constantly developing over time. Here's a quote. We live in an “infinitely verogated”, “verogated” means all kinds and all sorts of things. Quote, “so multiplex and far reaching that it cannot be summed up and grasped by any one formula.” This is a universe they said that's still evolving over time. We cannot have universal truths forever because our social existence is plastic as open ended. And what happens to exist remains to be seen.

实用主义者们提出的部分反对在于,这些基于普遍和抽象真理的哲学大多只是哲学家们的编造。他们通过关于何为自明何为非自明的主张,编造了这种哲学。相反,实用主义者们说到:不,我们无法拥有绝对和普遍的真理,因为世界是开放的。世界拥有多元存在的面向,并且它持续地随时间而发展。下面我引用一段话:“我们生活在一个无穷多样(infinitely verogated)的世界中”。“verogated”意为所有种类和所有类型的事物。引用:“它是如此的多元和宽广,以至于人们无法凭借单一的公式来总结和理解它”。他们认为,宇宙依然在随时间演化。人类无法拥有永恒的普遍真理,因为社会存在是开放可塑的,将会发生什么还有待观察。

Now just to explain where they got these ideas from, it's important to note that, as I said, they really began with the philosophy of science at the end of the 19th century in the beginning of the 20th century. Scientists and philosophers themselves were beginning to question theories of absolute truth, precisely because they had learned during this period, a several decade long period, that things they formerly believed to be universally and absolutely true were no longer understood that way.


And the two best examples of that, which they discussed in their work in the late 19th century, was the development of non-Euclidean philosophy. Prior to that, Euclid geometric system was thought to be absolutely true. But when non-Euclidean geometry developed, they realized that this is just a theoretical framework and that there can be alternative frameworks. Another discovery and this was after the turn of the 20th century that led to the same conclusion was the development of Einstein's general theory of relativity. Newton's theory, his mechanistic theory of gravity was thought to be universally true, but along comes Einstein to develop a completely different theory of physics that was then understood because of this new theory. It was then understood that these theories are just theoretical paradigms and that attempt to allow us to understand reality. But any given paradigm is not absolutely true because some other theory can come along and explained new facts that the others theories didn't explain.


So, it was based on these recent scientific developments in their writing that had an impact on their philosophy of truth and the nature of knowledge. They took from these lessons that the idea of absolute truth is a fiction something we cannot achieve, but we can, and this is very important, know many truths, not universal and absolute but truth that we believe in act on, prove reliable, are able to corroborate. And those are truths developed within communities of enquirers working on trying to establish particular ideas, the truth of those ideas and particular projects.


That's pragmatism. I don't want to go any further on it. But that core set of ideas informs the approach that I develop.


The second idea I want to talk about is naturalism. Now naturalism has different meanings, but the core meaning of naturalism is that only natural phenomena exist. There is no supernatural phenomenon. And everything that exists exsits or occurs within natural processes.

我想讨论的第二个观念是自然主义。 自然主义有不同的含义,但是其最核心的含义是:只有自然现象存在着。不存在超自然的现象,所有存在的事物都在自然进程中存在和发生着。因此,自然主义大体上把人类视为社会动物。

So, naturalism basically views humans as social animals. Again, to focus on Dewey. Dewey wrote thought itself, thought, our thinking, our ability to think, “has its origins in”, this is a quote from Dewey, “biological adaptive behavior. And the ultimate function, the purpose of thinking is control of the conditions of our environment.”


So, he's using this naturalistic theory of the development of thought itself, that as social animals were trying to survive. What do we need as social animals? food, clothing, shelter. We're physically vulnerable. We are roughly equal in our ability. We live in environments that could pose dangers to us and we have scarce or limited resources. Other natural traits: we are self-interested, but we're also altruistic. We compete with others, but we also cooperate with others. We have shared meaning and we act together in groups to achieve objectives that serve our needs and desires. So, naturalism, and that again, is just a very brief summary, has many implications for law or for the understanding of law and they operate at different levels of generality. So, all I'm going to give you is to give you just a sampling of different implications of naturalism.


One example and a really fundamentally important one about naturalism looks at what are natural human traits. And this comes from the studies of anthropologists and psychologists. They've identified some core traits. Now when I say natural traits, I want to emphasize that there's much vast variation and the expression of these traits. But when I say universal traits, I mean all human groups have these. What do they have? They have music, we have tools, we have gift giving, we have cosmology--philosophies of the universe and meaning. We have these general forms of shared traits: music, dance, cosmology.


But we also have natural traits directly related to law. For example, all secular societies have property rights, have prohibitions against murder, have redress for violent injuries. All human societies have some form of rules related to marriages, to inheritance, to restrictions on sexual relations, debt obligations, and so forth. These core set of rules based on this naturalistic trait and the requirements of living in group society which are fundamental to our interaction with one another. And that's what I mean by natural. We have lots of variation, but there are no societies that that live without some version of these rules. Now again, I want to emphasize the content of the rules varies enormously. All I'm talking about is the existence of the rules.


Now there's some other naturalistic fact factors. And again, I’m just going to list a few, but one, which I mentioned in the book I'll just tell you, is that there are now leading theories that suggest that humans have evolved to have natural moral intuition that undergird law. These are intuitive moral judgments about right and wrong, about fairness. One person who studied these natural traits suggest and I quote that “even young children have a kind of intuitive jurisprudence because they distinguish between intentional and non-intentional acts. When they talk about punishment, it should be proportional to the wrong. They make other kinds of distinctions. I'm talking about children now. “These distinctions have ideas about what's obligatory, what's permissible, what's forbidden.” These are psychological studies that have been done on children that show that they have these built-in traits that emerge early now. When I say built-in, I'm not determining because we don't know yet how much of this is inbuilt and how much it has a sociological overlay. So, I want to say it's a combination of all these things.


One of the pragmatists who wrote about this was George Herbert Mead who was a famous sociologist. So, he wrote early on that criminal punishment itself was a natural impulse. Let me give a quote from mead. He wrote quote “the revulsions against criminality reveal themselves in a sense of solidarity within groups.” What Mead was saying is that the punishment of crime is actually important to the social groups binding themselves together because this revulsion against criminality, going back to the quote, “provides a sense of being a citizen on the one hand, and excluding the transgressors, the criminals on the other hand.” This is Mead.


The famous Adam Smith said much similar things. By the way, let me add one other thing that's not widely known that Mead himself was influence by Adam Smith. So, Smith wrote and this is a quote, “Fraud, falsehood, brutality, and violence” excite or prompt reactions of “scorn and abhorrence,” he observed and these natural reactions call loudest for vengeance and punishment. What Smith was talking about and Mead was talking about is that we have these natural social traits in which we have norms that we follow and that we have natural impulses about enforcing those norms when they are violated. Here's again, a quote from Smith. “Nature has implanted in the human breast that awareness of ill desert bad things”, deserving bad things, merited punishment in violations of norms as “great safeguards for the association of mankind to protect the weak, to curb the violent and to chastise the guilty.”

著名的亚当·斯密(Adam Smith)也说过很多类似的话。顺便说一件不为人知的事,米德自己也受到了亚当斯密的影响。引用斯密的话,“欺诈、虚假、残忍和暴力会激起人们的鄙视和厌恶”,他观察到这些本能反应强烈呼唤着复仇和惩罚。斯密和米德所讨论的是这样一种天生的社会属性:我们有要遵循的规范,而且当这些规范被违反时我们有一种天然的冲动去执行这些规范。再次引用依据斯密的话,“自然在人类的内心中植入了恶有恶报的意识”,并且对违反规范应得的惩罚和报应的恐惧是一种“对人类联合体的重要保护,以保护弱者、遏制暴力,并惩罚犯人”。

I'll just add very quickly that we have recent neurological studies that have confirmed that in the oldest parts of our brain, the limbic system people have lodged these impulses that come up whenever people observe bad behavior. One study found that when citizens impose punishment or administer punishment, it activates parts of regions of our brain that are associated with anger and disgust. Again, this is the idea that we have built into us through evolution, through socialization, collectively reactions to norm violating behavior.


Now, again, I want to emphasize I’m just touching on different areas that naturalism has a way of understanding law and legal phenomenon. So, I mentioned a couple. Now let me mention another. There are naturalistic reasons to that. Perhaps. And again everyone, I want to emphasize I’m just laying out potential hypotheses, right? These have yet to be developed and confirmed, although parts of them have been confirmed. But another possible naturalistic influence is on the emergence of legal systems themselves. And that is that legal systems emerged as the population size and social complexity developed within society because it became necessary to coordinate behavior among great numbers of people. The emergence of legal systems. This now when I say emergence, I’m going back to way back in history of human society. I'm talking about this moving from hunter gatherers to chieftains to early states. These political arrangements, chieftains and early states, in particular, develop institutional apparatuses, courts, police that declared law and enforced law.


So again, I’m just giving examples of different ways. We can develop naturalistic explanations that bear on law. So that's about the emergence of law itself. We also have concrete issues within law that can be understood naturalistically. The great example of that that's being developed a great deal is the naturalistic underpinnings of criminal behavior. Studies have found that certain individuals for biological reasons, for example, related to their brain may be greater prone to violence or to pedophilia, to abusing children, sexually abusing children and other kinds of antisocial acts. There's been a great deal of studies of brain development that suggest that young people, for example, teenagers do not have fully developed brains. They don't make risk assessments the same way. This potentially bears on how they should be treated when they have criminal violations, given the immature state of their brain. And many other implications, again, I’m just listing.


Now I want to end one as I’m going to leave naturalism, but I want to say one thing. When I talk about natural human traits and natural factors, it is not to say that humans are determined. This is not about determinism. The pragmatists believe that the natural influences are not fixed in their extent or their expression and they're not all-encompassing. So, what creates the concrete legal factors out of these naturalistic influences depends on surrounding social, cultural, economic, political, legal, ecological factors. We have natural traits and natural requirements and natural impulses, but these natural impulses are not deterministic in the sense that they shape everything. No, they interact with all these other things. They have an influence, but they were expressed in different ways. So that is naturalism.


Let me now move to two other very important topics within this theory. And that is historicism and holism. Historicism is just the idea that law exists over time. It's laid out in a temporal plane that law is a historical product, that law is an inherited tradition, and this tradition changes over time within society. So, this is just about understanding that law today, even laws that we create now have nevertheless been influence by the fact that they have emerged over time within particular circumstances. The most famous American jurist who wrote about this was Oliver Wendell Holmes, who was a supreme court justice. He wrote. And this is a quote “in the same way we account for the distorted shape of a tree—by looking for the special circumstances under which it has grown, and the forces that have influences over time.” This is a Holmes again, “The law embodies the story of a nation’s development through many centuries, and it cannot be dealt with as if it contained only the axioms and corollaries of a book of mathematics. In order to know what it is, we must know what it has been, and what it tends to become.”

现在转向这个理论中另外两个非常重要的主题——历史主义和整体主义。 历史主义是这样一种观念:法律随着时间而存在。在时间层面上,法律体现为历史的产物,是一种继承而来的传统,并且这种传统在社会中随着时间的推移而变化。因此,这只是为了理解今天的法律,甚至我们现在制定的法律,仍然受到它们在特定情况下随着时间的推移而出现这一事实的影响。在此方面撰写过文章的美国最著名的法学家是霍姆斯,他曾经是最高法院的法官。他写到,“如同解释一棵歪歪扭扭的树一样,要通过观察它生长的环境,以及随时间的推移而产生影响的力量来解释它”。“法律体现了一个国家在许多个世纪中的发展历程,而不能被视为数学书里的公理和推论。为了理解法律是什么,我们必须知道它曾经是什么以及它将会变成什么” 。

Now, in addition to this temporal over time, extension of law. Law also extends spatially, and I'm using that as a metaphor, spatially within society. What I mean by that is that law is interconnected within society, with everything, with the culture, the economy, the polity, social structures, technology, the ecosystem, all aspects of society interconnected. “Interconnected” I should say what I mean by that is intertwined. This is an ontological proposition because it says it's in the nature of law that it's intertwined within society. It's in the nature of law that it extends temporarily. The interconnectedness of law works in both directions. One direction is that society infuses law, it informs law, it comes through law. But the other direction is that law also constitutes society. Law provides the underpinnings for society. So, I will use this phrase “law and society”. By society I'm using all of these surrounding influences are mutually constitutive. One creates one and the other creates the other.


Historicism and holism are actually the same view. I am talk about one in terms of time and the other in terms of interconnected within society, but they're actually the same view. Just one emphasizing temporal and the other emphasizing spatial. This view was developed up in the late 19th century and early 20th century. They have different names jurisprudentially. Historicism was called historical jurisprudence. The famous theorists for that were Savigny and Sir Henry Maine. The holism was developed in the late 19th century and early 20th century. It was given the name sociological jurisprudence. Now these are just jurisprudential labels, but both theories had the same core idea at the heart of them. And I developed this more extensively in the realistic theory of law book. So, what I want to say only is that what I just said was really represented in different schools of jurisprudence, but those schools of jurisprudence ultimately became merged and developed the same set of core ideas.

历史主义和整体主义的观点其实是相同的。它们一个从时间角度讨论,另一个从社会内部的相互联系角度讨论,但二者的观点其实是相同的,只不过一个强调时间,一个强调空间。这种观点自19世纪末和20世纪初发展起来,在法学上有不同的名称。历史主义被称为历史法学,著名的理论家比如萨维尼(Savigny)和亨利·梅因(Henry Maine)。整体主义发展于19世纪末和20世纪初,被称为社会法学。这只是法理学上的标签,但这两种理论的核心观点是一致的。我在《一种现实主义的法律理论》(A Realistic Theory of Law)一书中展开论述了这一观点。我刚刚所讲的内容在不同的法学流派中确实有所体现,但这些法学流派最终都融合为一体并发展出了相同的核心思想。

I will cut out some of the examples I showed, but I do want to mention one or two important names. I've mentioned Oliver Wendell Holmes. Oliver Wendell Holmes was a member of the metaphysical club in Cambridge that developed pragmatism. So, he was really steeped in pragmatist ideas. But an even more important American jurist who was influenced by these ideas was Roscoe Pound. For those who have not heard of Roscoe Pound, I will just say quickly, he was an enormously influential American jurisprudent writing in the first half of the 20th century. And one of the things he's best known for is his advocacy of sociological jurisprudence. In particular, he was emphasizing the ideas of Rudolph von Jhering, but more generally, he advocated sociological jurisprudence. And importantly, Roscoe Pound identified his debt to the pragmatist. So, in a number of key articles, he cites to the pragmatist. He cites to William James. So, the key ideas within the realistic theory are historicism and holism. And I want to suggest you that these are the same ideas. They go together. The idea's law evolves over time within society, subject to surrounding influences. These set of ideas, holism in historicism, were reflected in different jurisprudential schools which ultimately merged.


One other quick thing I want to say about is “mutually constitutive”, because I want to show what I mean by that and because it is really a fundamental idea. It's one thing. So, we can easily imagine how law seeps into legislation. It influences ideas and problems and legislators want to enact them. But law also seeps into judicial decisions because judges are influenced by their background ideas.


So that's on the one hand, law in society influences law. But I want to just mention more specifically some examples of how law actually constitute society. And when I speak everyone, I am speaking about the United States because I know the most about us. So, you can reflect on your own ideas about how it relates to China. But specifically in the United States, the law provides the underpinnings for all corporations. Corporations are legal creatures. They are made by law through enabling acts. Corporations are created by law and there are innumerable corporations in American society. In addition, law provides the basis for economic transactions. This is what I mean by “constitutive” now. In other words, every employee in a corporation, myself for example, has an employment contract. So, the law is constituting the employment relationship between employers and employees, but law also provides the basis for corporations, obtaining loans, obtaining financing from banks and so forth. Couple of other examples that I want to provide for you about how law constitute society is that law in our system creates all of the government agencies. They're created by legal enactments again, called enabling acts, that create corporations. I can go on, I could say property rights, mortgage, all of these are constituted by law, but you get the basic idea. So that's historicism and holism.


Now let me shift to another set of ideas and this comes closer to sociology. That is the idea that law is a social construction. Now this again means lots of things, but I mean it in a really fundamental way. And this applies, I should add, not just to law but to everything, all institutions we have in society are social constructions. What does that mean? That means that the social world, law included, is the product of our meaningful actions and beliefs and their intended and importantly unintended consequences. So, the social world is created by us collectively based on our ideas, understandings. Everyone who's born today is born into an existing social world and assumes a place in this world and partakes of the language and the knowledge and conventions and practices and institutions that are created on an ongoing basis.

下面让我谈谈另一个与社会学联系更为紧密的观念,即 法律是一种社会建构。 这一观念意味着很多,但我想以一种十分基础的方式解释它。并且我想补充,不只是法律,社会中的所有制度都是社会建构。这是什么意思呢?这意味着包括法律在内的社会世界,是人类有意义的行为和信念的产物,是在人们有意或无意的行动所产生的结果。因此,可以说社会世界是人类根据自己的想法和理解所共同创造出来的。每一个出生在今天的人,都生在一个既存的社会世界中,在这个世界占有一席之地,并享用着不断被创造出来的语言、知识、习俗、惯例、实践和制度。

So, what does this mean? Concretely, all of us exist in a common world that consists of hospitals, schools, petrol stations, office buildings, factories, government offices, courts, grocery stores, movie theaters. All of this are socially constructed. And we take this for granted. It's just the world that we are born into. So, this perspective, again, is a general perspective on society, is specifically applied to legal institutions and seeing legal institutions in this way opens up different insights, allows us to see law in ways that, for example, jurisprudence scholars have missed.


Now I'm not going to go into the details of it, but once again I want to refer to Mead, the sociologist who I discuss in the book, developed a social constructionist idea of property. So, he says in this passage or multiple passages, the property exists because people within society have a collective response that enforces property rights. When someone steals, the policeman will arrest that person. The prosecuting attorney will charge that person with theft. The judge will make a finding that the person violated the law by taking property. It is this collective response in all these different institutions that gives rise to the existence of property as a social institution. So, it was a very, and it is a part that I want to emphasize, bottom-up approach to the construction of, in Mead’s case, social institutions generally but to law specifically because he used law as an example of social construction. So going further again, Mead talked about all of these things——stores, banks, churches. People work within organizations and organizations are built on conventional roles, responsibilities, routines, practices and rules, engaging in activities that connect up with everybody else——other people in the same organization, people in different organizations, people interacting with the organization from the outside.


Now, again, I want to emphasize something as I did in naturalism. This is not a deterministic view. It's not the view that roles and responsibilities and rules are determining everything that people do. That was not Mead’s view. Mead emphasized that people have a plurality of perspectives, different views depending on where they come from. And the rules and roles, informal and formal norms, Mead emphasize, have lots of room for flexibility.

So, here's a quote from Mead. There’s “plenty of scope for originality, flexibility, and a variety of such conduct.” People can use rules creatively, can modify or extend rules and institutions and roles. So that's the basic perspective. I bring this perspective of social construction to law.


So, from this perspective, we can identify the key factor is conventional recognition. What people recognize in what sense, what's law? what count as law? Who are legal officials? People collectively recognize that we know who's a judge, we know who's a policeman, what kind of powers a judge or a legislature policeman have. All of these are based on collective recognition, what judges or legislators have to do for something to count as law, to qualify as law. In other words, the rules of validity are based on collective recognition. So, this idea of social construction basically says what we make as law is literally whatever legal officials and people collectively recognize as law through our conventions and rules.


Now this ground of perspective, as I said, brings this ground-up social construction’s view of law, brings difference, allows us to see law in different ways. And I’m just going to give examples again because I want to suggest you concretely what the implications of this are. I'll give you one fundamental insight when we look at law from the collective recognition standpoint. We can see that law is more than a system of rules. Lots of legal philosophers talk about law as rules, the most famous one being H.L.A. Hart. So H.L.A. Hart said law is a system of rules of obligation. One set of rules he called primary rules. And secondary rules are the rules that legal officials use to run the or create the primary rules of obligation, to recognize them, to change them and to apply them.


Now everything Hart said was correct. I'm just saying that if you look at law from the social construction perspective, you will see immediately that law does a great deal of things. They go far beyond creating systems of rules. In fact, law is a multifunctional tool that does many things. We use law to do many things. And I’ll just give you an example that I’ve already mentioned. Law creates corporations. Law gives rise to the existence of entities that act in the world. So that's one example. Let me give you another example. If you look at law from the social construction perspective, it's a standard view among legal philosophers repeated by many, and all of them, as far as I can tell, that the function of law is to guide the conduct of the people. Now, this seems to make sense and it seems obviously true. But if you actually look at people and how they act in their daily lives, it becomes much more questionable. For example, we begin to ask what do people actually know about law? We have multiple studies in the United States and Europe which show that people are often wrong about law on many fundamental issues. They have beliefs about law, but the beliefs are actually not true. So, it turns out that when people take actions, they don't take actions based on the law, they take actions based on their assumptions about what law is. If that's the case, then laws not guiding their conduct. There's a relationship between law and social action, but the relationship is not one of guidance. Guidance is ex ante, that is they have to know the law and then have it a factor into their decisions. And studies show time and time again, that's not what people do. They think about the law but not based on consulting a lawyer or actually knowing what it is. It's based on their assumptions about law.


One more example and this is one something that I've written about more recently. And that is if you look at law from the social construction as a standpoint and you say that law is whatever people collectively recognize as law, then you are immediately led to the realization of legal pluralism. Legal pluralism is the idea that multiple forms of law exist within society. And legal philosophers have until now completely ignored this phenomenon until quite recently. Because they understood law from a top-down perspective as the creation of the state. And indeed, in all societies today law is the creation of the state. But that's not its only source. There are other forms of law that are not the creation of the state. And for example, across large parts of Africa, Customary Law is the primary mode of law. There are multiple studies of this that show in many societies, 80 or 90% of the people have property relations relying on Customary Law, which is not the same as State Law. When they have disputes, they go to customary tribunals, they don't go to State Law. Another example is many societies have forms of religious law. For example, many Islamic societies have Islamic law recognized by the people and it is separate from state law, but not just in Islamic societies, it also exists in Britain.


So again, these are examples. What I’m trying to suggest you is that if you see laws as social construction, the way I’m describing at its very foundations, you begin looking at law in a different way, asking what do people understand? How does it work out? What are their actions? What do they actually know? I have spoken for a long time, so I’m going to wrap up just by summarizing a couple of key ideas and then I’m going to stop so that we can have time for a discussion.


Two other things I want to emphasize about the pragmatic realistic view of law. And again, this comes directly out of pragmatism. The pragmatists believe that all social institutions are there for our purposes, for human purposes, that we should be able to evaluate and utilize them in ways that serve our needs. So, this is the instrumental view of all social institutions. Let me read a quote from Mead: “Now it is true that social arrangements, laws, institutions, are made for man, rather than that man is made for them; that they are means and agencies of human welfare and progress.”

This is a critical idea. They're saying we should look at all of our institutions and law as a significant one, as they are to serve our purposes as instruments for the human goals. Let me read Dewey because he repeated this again and again, quote: “law is through and through a social phenomenon, social in origin, in purpose or end and in application.” Another quote: “A given legal arrangement is what it does, and what it does lies in the field of modifying and/or maintaining human activities as going concerns.”


Now, their view that law is instrumental came along with another view that is what they called experimental instrumentalism. I’ll just describe it. What it means is we gather empirical data. Let's say there's a social problem or economic problem that we want to address. We gather data, we figure out what's the best way to deal with it. We utilize law as an instrument to try to resolve it. And then, and this is the critical part, we look at the consequences--experimental instrumentalism. If it turns out that it didn't work, it didn't solve it, it made things worse. We then now have this information and engage in the next round. So, pragmatism was very oriented towards trying seeing the consequences, changing what you're doing, and continuously engaging in this way, utilizing law to solve our problems. So that is the instrumental view of law.


The last thing I want to say is that the pragmatists also emphasize the importance of ideals like liberty, rule of law, whatever ideals we have. These ideals, the pragmatists argued are important ways in which society continues to make progress. We espouse ideals, we question whether those ideals are being served. We then change programs in a way that allows those ideals or society to progress towards achieving those ideals. So, pragmatism viewed all social institutions, and law of course, as an instrument for the social good and they also emphasize the great importance that ideals have in leading the progress of society and law as well.

最后,实用主义者也强调自由、法治等理想的重要性。 实用主义者认为,这些观念是社会不断进步的重要途径。我们支持这些理想,并去问它们是否得到了实现。接着,我们改变计划,以使使社会朝着实现这些观念的方向发展。因此,实用主义将所有的社会制度和法律视为实现社会福利的工具,同时他们还强调观念在引领社会和法律进步方面的重要性。





Professor Brian Tamanaha aims to set forth the third approach for jurisprudence besides natural law theory and positivist analytical jurisprudence, that is, to study and understand law in the context of history and society, and to construct a general legal theory. This effort is very meaningful and deserves high praise. Professor Tamanaha asserts that legal theory should be based on experience, pay attention to context and recognize the multi-level and diverse composition of the legal order. These ideas largely belong to the category of sociology of law, or can be classified as social theory of law. The Chinese academic circle of sociology of law certainly welcomes and supports this standpoint. In addition, I myself also study law from the perspective of complex system and have deep sympathy with the theoretical approach to analyze the characteristics of Chinese law. As for professor Tamanaha’s research and related discussions, I would like to express some comments and ask three questions.


First question:

In your speeches and representative works, you defined your theory as a kind of legal realism, highlighting the characteristics which in knowledge pedigree is close to Eugen Erlich's sociology of law theory. In fact, the ideological source of early American legal realism is Erich's concept of "living law". The pioneers of early American legal realism--Oliver Holmes, Jerome Frank, and Carl Llewellyn tend to focus more on adjudication. Because they overlooked the difference between daily behavior and basic structure, they failed to extend their critique of the objectivity of adjudication and of the authenticity of institutions to the critique of the society. However, the various updated versions proposed by the successors of legal realist showed a more colorful spectrum. You believe that your legal realism transcends its early version because it does not merely concentrate on adjudication but takes more comprehensive and complex legal phenomena into account. In view of this claim, it is of course necessary and possible for us to compare your theory with the later variants of legal realism, so as to deeply understand the essence of your theory.

So far, the development of legal realism has gone through four waves, which can be divided into six types, namely, exposing judicial subjectivity, empirical research on law and society, law and economics, critical legal studies, law and cognitive science, as well as law and political economics. How should we view the above-mentioned knowledge genealogy and how to position your realist theory of law in such a picture? This is the first question I want to ask here.

第一个问题: 塔玛纳哈教授在演讲以及代表性论著中把自己的学说明确界定为一种法律现实主义,凸显了在知识谱系上更接近欧根•埃利希法社会学的特征。实际上,美国早期现实主义法学的思想渊源正是埃里希的“活法”概念。虽然美国早期现实主义法学的开创者和旗手奥利弗•霍姆斯、杰罗姆•弗兰克以及卡尔•卢埃林的确倾向于司法本位,并且因为忽视了日常行为与基本结构之间的区别,所以无法把对审判客观性以及制度真实性的批判延伸到社会批判的层面。但是,现实主义法学的继承者们提出的各种进化版本却展示了更加丰富多彩的光谱。当塔玛纳哈认为自己的法律现实主义超越了司法本位的局限性、把更广泛、更复杂的法律现象纳入视野之时,我们当然有必要、也有可能与现实主义法学后来的变种进行比较分析,从而深入领会其理论的精髓。


Second question:

I note that you lay more emphasis on history and custom, that is "historicism" and "naturalism" rather than science and behavior. You pay special attention to the diversity of legal orders, and is particularly sensitive to the overall context. Therefore, we think that the basis of your realist theory of law lies in groups and the social relations between them. Your theory tries to incorporate the complexity and integrity of society into a general theoretical explanation of state legal system. From social and historical perspectives, how to explain changes of social institutions is of key significance for a general theory. You advocated pragmatism in your speech and opposed the universal, necessary, and absolute truth. And you once examined four kinds of reform of legal order, but did not specifically analyze the driving force and mechanism to promote the change.

With regard to the driving forces of social change, there are currently two basic theoretical models in the sociology of law. One emphasizes conflicts, disputes and struggles, referred to as “the conflict model”. The other emphasizes agreement, consensus, and cooperation, referred to as “the consensus model”. The positions of Oliver Holmes, one of the originators of American legal positivism, Roberto Unger, the representative of the third wave of legal realism, and K.S. Laman, the promoter of the fourth wave of new legal realism, are all inclined to the conflict model. Your realist theory of law emphasizes the diverse compositions of the legal order, so cannot avoid the question of how to deal with their relationship. Which model do you prefer? The conflict or consensus model?

In addition, from your discussion of the three levels of social recognition of law, and your position of historicism and holism mentioned in today's speech, it seems that you prefer the consensus model and just seek opportunities for improvement in openness and contingency. Does my understanding fit your opinion? This is the second question I want to ask.



Third question:

No matter we emphasize conflict or consensus, if legal theory focuses on social relations and understands law as a social construction formed through interactions, it will inevitably reveal the underlying logic of social relations, especially the power hidden behind. The so-called power refers to the coercive force mutually exercised by members within a certain community. Of course, in the context of social relations, this power is relative and variable.

The essence of legal realism is to understand social relations as a systematic and structured mechanism of power operation and understand law as the basic condition and framework of power operation. It then tries to deconstruct the assumptions of law’s naturalness, objectivity, impartiality and spontaneity to reveal such fact. In this sense, legal realism has a strong critical rationality. In other words, legal realism is characterized of anti-naturalism, anti-market fundamentalism, and anti-spontaneous order. It tries to restrict the arbitrary exercise of power and reconstruct unreasonable social relations by reconstruct legal system.

If the critique object of early legal realism is the fetishism of institution, then that of new legal realism is the fetishism of structure. The social relationship is the essence of the structure, so the new legal realism focuses on the existence of the relationship between the subject and the structure, and tries to reconstruct this relationship according to certain evaluation standards. In your speech, you acknowledged that pragmatists, while recognizing the importance of power, did not discuss power intensively. So, how do you understand power and social relations? This is the third question I want to ask.






First, I want to say thank you for those comments and questions. Really, very brilliant comments. I cannot answer fully in this context. So, I just want to say a few words about each question that you raised.


First of all, about the relationship with legal realism. As you said, I think quite correctly, the realists were primarily focused on adjudication. The set of ideas that they drew from were much broader and they were influenced themselves by historical jurisprudence by Eugen Ehrlich, as you mentioned, by von Jhering. So, they were influenced by the same schools of thought that I was talking about. But the way legal realism developed it came down to judicial decision making. One of the things I'm trying to do is recover that broader vision.


So, I don't talk a lot in this book about judicial decision making. That's a particular common law obsession. And it's an obsession that Americans have or American jurist have. But I think to understand law and society, you have to have a much broader perspective. As you pointed out, we have modern schools of jurisprudence like law and economics, critical legal studies, law and cognition. My view of those schools is that they fit within the broad umbrella of the approach that I'm trying to describe.


As you said, right at the outset, I've distinguished and this is in the book between three branches of jurisprudence. One is analytical jurisprudence, that is legal positivism. The second is natural law theory, and the third is social legal theory. So, the social legal theory which takes this naturalistic understanding, views laws as social construction and is heavily empirically oriented. That's the methodological component. It’s focused on empiricism. That is a good way of understanding what law and economics does. “Law and economics” also has a normative orientation. It says Law is efficient and it should be. So, there's a normative component. that is its own unique contribution. Law and cognitive science. These are all versions of this branch that I'm talking about.


Critical legal studies is a little bit different because they were making descriptive claims, but they also had a political agenda. And the approach that I'm describing is amenable to their political agenda. But it's not necessarily something that adopts it. As you correctly point out, Roberto Unger was an important influence in developing those ideas, I just wanted to add that he was my thesis adviser, so I know his work very well.  Indeed, I was influenced a great deal by the ideas that he was espousing. So, you ask how my approach fits in with this. And I think the best way to think about it is what you began with talking about--these three branches of jurisprudence. And I would say that these modern schools fall within the general parameters of this social historical approach that I'm trying to develop.


The second question you asked and this is a very complex question. We would have to sit and discuss this for many hours. But I’ll say about it because I think you raise again important points. So, your question is what gives rise to legal change and you offered two possibilities conflict and consensus. And you ask me which of these two I adopt. I make a point in the book and I actually had it in this talk. But I left it out because I cut out really about 15 pages from the talk. It’s a big part of what I'm trying to do. It’s saying that these are not mutually exclusive approaches or influences, that society consists of and human behavior consists of conflict and consensus. And so, both of those have to be taken into consideration for me. It's not either-or thing. I think that's part of the problem that we have people who are conflict theorists and people who are consensus theorists and coming at it from their own perspective and my view is actually both are fundamentally important perspectives and both have to be included. Now in addition to those, if the question is what these change that I'm going to give a little bit more of specific, I think conflict is really important. By the way, I mentioned by Jhering, his idea, his famous book calledis about conflict. It's about groups and individuals fighting out through law and over law to achieve their objectives.

您问的第二个问题是一个非常复杂的问题。我们不得不坐下来讨论好几个小时。但是我还是想讨论这个问题,因为我认为您再次提出一个重要的观点。您的问题是什么引起了法律的发展,您提出了两种可能性——冲突与共识,并且问在二者中我认同哪一个。我在书中提出了一个观点,在讲稿也的确讨论了这个问题。但是我在此并没有提及,因为我从讲稿中删去了大概 15 页的内容。这是我尝试做的事情中一个很大的部分。我认为冲突和共识并不是相互排斥的方式或影响,社会和人类行为是由冲突和共识共同构成的。因此对我来说,它们二者都必须考虑,而不是非此即彼的。我认为问题部分在于,我们既有冲突论者也有共识论者,而他们分别从各自的视角出发来看待这个问题。但我认为,二者都是基础而重要的视角,都应当被考虑。此外,如果问题是这些变化的原因中,我想要更具体地讨论哪一个,我认为冲突确实很重要。顺便说一下,我提到了耶林,他的称为《为权利而斗争》著名作品就是关于冲突的。它是关于团体和个人通过乃至超越法律,为实现他们的目标而斗争的。

But in addition to conflict and consensus, I want to say that law changes and society changes because I'm always talking about law and society. I can't pull them apart, right? I think they change for many reasons. I'll just give you one reason, one enormous impotence impetus for changes--technological development. It means that technology changes society. Technology, I mean, we talking on zoom is a good example of technology, but everything. So, when technology changes, society changes, and society changes, law changes with it because all of these changes create new problems, create new opportunities, all of which are dealt with in legal terms or many of which are dealt with in legal terms.


So, I want to say technological development is a really critical part of legal change, but I also think there are others. Culture changes over time, ideas evolve, societies change, and the way societies change is through interaction with other societies. We're not self-contained societies. In that sense, we all are interacting with one another. Again, tonight’s conversation is a perfect example. So, I'm hearing from Chinese scholars and I'm giving my view to Chinese scholars so I listen, we interact, I change my ideas and then this filter into law. So cultural changes, interaction with other societies, technological changes, conflict, consensus. So, I'm going to say through everything in there and it's all involved in legal change. I mean no answer. I'm suggesting that change is multicausal and it's everything the totality of these interactions.


Your last question power. I’ll show you my talk. I literally had a section called power, but I left it out and you were correct to ask me about it.  So, I guess this is what I want to say about it. I think in relation to law, in particular, power is fundamental because I view legal systems as coercive apparatuses of power. Now they do good things, but they also do things that we would be critical of. The good things will just say I gave examples. Law helps coordinate behavior, constitutes corporations, facilitates economic transactions. Those are all good things. But law also enforces hierarchy. It enforces social hierarchies, it enforces economic hierarchies, it enforces the power of the government. Law has lots of other things it does in relation to power and sources of power. And this is the part where I left out where I had a discussion in the U.S. People in the U.S. think that now with our Free market system, we don't have laws enforcing hierarchy, but in fact law does enforce hierarchy in our society today.


The old forms of law, law enforcement of power and hierarchy was about slavery, for example, or class systems within society. If you look at Hammurabi’s Code, low class people had different punishment than upper class people. This was just written into Hammurabi’s Code. In Roman law, the male citizen was the most powerful and everyone else was subject to the authority of the male in the household, the wife, the children and the slave. These relations were power relations and they were enforced by law. What I wanted to say about modern American society is we also have law enforcing power relations and hierarchy. But now it operates through a different source of power and the specific source of power is the ownership of property. So, the power relations of employers versus employees are precisely that employers have the ability to offer terms to employees where you can take it or leave it, not like fair bargaining. We see lots of examples of this. Now their labor unions and so forth. So that's the law trying to rectify the imbalance, trying to get involved. So, law is working on both sides of this, its enforcing power, but law also can be utilized as a way of restraining power or restricting power. So, the relationship between law and power is fundamental and I'm going to add that it runs through everything, but I was not able to discuss that in my talk.
