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美国的垃圾回收之困 | 双语阅读

财经十一人  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2019-07-07 17:52


They have pledged to help fix U.S. recycling, but for decades the companies have fought against “bottle bills,” which result in more bottles and cans being recycled but are costly for the industry.

那些公司承诺帮助解决美国的垃圾回收问题,但几十年来他们却一直在与“瓶罐法案”作斗争。 “瓶罐法案”的存在确使越来越多的罐子被回收,但其开销对于饮料业公司来说也是不小的负担

By Michael Corkery

Beverage Companies Embrace Recycling, Until It Costs Them

Recycling is struggling in much of the United States, and companies like Coca-Cola say they are committed to fixing it.


The beverage industry helps pay for pizza parties celebrating top elementary school recyclers and lends money to companies that process used plastic. Coca-Cola and Pepsi, along with Dow, the plastics producer, support nonprofit groups like Keep America Beautiful, which organize events like litter cleanups. A recent video funded partly by Keep America Beautiful featured models dancing through a recycling facility in Brooklyn, which one advertising writer said makes “recycling sexy.” By 2030, Coca-Cola wants all of its packaging to be made from at least 50 percent recycled content.

饮料行业在小学举办披萨派对,表彰那些在垃圾回收中表现最好的学生,它们还向处理废旧塑料的公司提供资金。 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)和百事可乐(Pepsi),以及塑料生产商陶氏化学(Dow)纷纷支持类似于“保住美国的美丽”(Keep America Beautiful)这样的非营利组织,这些组织会组织垃圾清理等活动。 最近“保住美国的美丽”出资赞助了一段视频,在视频里,模特们在布鲁克林的一家回收设施中翩翩起舞,一位广告文案写手认为,这段舞蹈让“回收变得性感”。 可口可乐公司希望截止到2030年,至少有50% 的包装所用的材料来源于回收物。

But one approach to recycling that many of these companies do not support has proved to actually work: container deposit laws, more commonly known as bottle bills, which cost them lots of money.

但是,有一种鼓励垃圾回收的方法已经被证明确实有效,但这些大公司却并不支持,那就是容器押金法案,也就是通常所谓的“瓶罐法案”。 因为公司们会为此耗费大把资金。

In the 10 states where consumers can collect a few cents when they return an empty bottle or can, recycling rates for those containers are often significantly higher. In some cases, they are more than twice as high as in states without such deposits.

美国10个州都有规定,消费者可以通过返还一个空瓶子或者罐子来获得几分钱的奖励。 在此条款的激励之下,罐子的回收率明显增高。 与其他没有奖励的州相比,这个数字高了不止一倍。

For decades, beverage companies, retailers and many of the nonprofit groups they control have fought to kill bottle bill proposals across the country — with great success. Since 1987, only one state, Hawaii, has passed a bottle bill. This year, such measures have been proposed in at least eight states. Nearly all have been rejected or failed to gain traction.

几十年来,饮料公司、零售商和他们所控制的许多非营利组织一直在全国范围内努力去扼杀“瓶罐法案”,并取得了巨大的成功。 自1987年以来,只有夏威夷州通过了“瓶罐法案”。 今年,至少有八个州提出了这样的议案,但几乎全都被否决,或未能获得关注。

The result? Recycling in much of the country still depends almost entirely on the good will of consumers to place their used containers in a bin for pickup. The process is convenient, but means millions of bottles and cans head straight to a dump instead.

结果呢?在美国的大部分地区,回收利用仍然几乎完全依赖于消费者的意愿,他们把用过的容器放在相应的垃圾箱里以便取走。 这个过程很方便,但这意味着数以百万计的瓶瓶罐罐直接倒进了垃圾堆。

The financial reason for such opposition is clear. If the other 40 states were to adopt expansive bottle bills, it could ultimately cost the industries billions more. The beverage industry says the bills function like a tax and allow governments to collect millions in unclaimed deposits. Beverage distributors, in many cases, also pay a handling fee for the processing of empty containers.

各界对“瓶罐法案”持反对态度的经济原因是显而易见的。 如果其他40个州采用昂贵的瓶罐法案,最终可能会给这些行业带来数十亿美元的损失。 站在饮料行业的角度来讲,这些法案的作用和征税无异,使那些因无人退瓶而无法发放出去的押金流入政府的腰包,总额以数百万美元计。 在许多情况下,饮料分销商还要为处理空瓶罐支付手续费。

“I am confident that the industry’s true rationale for opposing deposit laws is that they cost them money and they don’t want the expense,” said Susan Collins, president of the Container Recycling Institute, a research and advocacy group that supports bottle bills.

“我相信,该行业反对此法案的真正理由是,这让他们付出了大量金钱,他们想要避免这些开销,”瓶罐回收协会会长苏珊·柯林斯(Susan Collins)认为,这个协会是一个支持瓶罐法案的研究和推动组织。

Most recently, in Connecticut last month, the industry helped to soundly defeat a bill that would have expanded deposits to juice and energy drink bottles, along with soda and beer.

上个月在康涅狄格州,一项提案计划将瓶罐押金法案的适用范围从苏打水和啤酒扩展到果汁和能量饮料。 但是,在企业界的努力下,这项提案遭到高票反对而被否决。

“It’s like Groundhog Day all over again,” Chris Phelps, state director of the advocacy group Environment Connecticut, told a local newspaper shortly after the measure was defeated in the state legislature. “Every year when it comes to the bottle bill, every year, no progress is made, despite a lot of effort, a lot of work, a lot of recognition of the need to make progress.”

“这就像土拨鼠日(一个北美传统节庆活动,每年一次)一样,每年都来一次,毫无变化,”康涅狄格环境保护协会会长克里斯·菲尔普斯(Chris Phelps)在该法案被州议会否决后不久对当地一家报纸表示。 “每一年! 当涉及到瓶罐账单时,每一年都没有取得任何进展,尽管付出很多努力,尽管开展了很多工作,尽管这种进展的必要性得到各界认可。

Facing public pressure over its contribution to plastic pollution in the ocean and the problems with many municipal recycling systems, the beverage industry has released broad statements in recent weeks suggesting a new openness to bottle bills.


In response to questions from The New York Times about the industry’s lobbying efforts, the American Beverage Association said in an email that while it had opposed bottle bills “in the past,” it was “open to any ideas” that would create more recycled plastic.


“This includes a deposit or fee on our containers,” the trade group said.


The industry argues that bottle bills address only one source of plastic waste — soda and water bottles. Beverage companies and retailers say they want to increase recycling rates for all types of plastic, including yogurt containers and food pouches that would be excluded from deposit laws.

企业界认为,瓶罐法案只涉及到塑料垃圾的一个来源——苏打水瓶和饮用水瓶。 饮料公司和零售商表示,他们希望提高所有类型塑料的回收率,包括酸奶盒和食品袋,这些都将被排除在瓶罐押金法案之外。

Bottle bill supporters acknowledge that the systems have flaws, but blame retailers and bottlers for opposing attempts to modernize them.


“It gets to the larger question about recycling as a whole,” said Darryl Young, a former board member of the National Recycling Coalition. “Is it really just a way for manufacturers to avoid responsibility for their waste?”

“这造成一个对于回收业整体来说更大的问题,”国家回收联盟(National recycling Coalition)前理事会成员达里尔·杨(Darryl Young)说。 “这真的只是制造商逃避责任的一种方式吗?”

Years ago, the National Recycling Coalition considered merging with Keep America Beautiful. Mr. Young said he voted down the deal partly because of concerns about the agenda of the group’s corporate donors.

几年前,国家回收联盟考虑与“保住美国的美丽”合并。 杨说,他否决这次合并的部分原因是担心资助该组织的那些大公司动机不纯。

“They want to help,” Mr. Young said, “but on their own terms.”


‘Let That Dog Lie’


Laura Turner Seydel, an environmental advocate and daughter of the media mogul Ted Turner, started a group called Atlanta Recycles in 2005 after learning about what seemed like an absurd conundrum.

劳拉·特纳·西德尔(Laura Turner Seydel)是媒体大亨特德·特纳(Ted Turner)的女儿,也是一位环保倡导者。 在2005年了解到这个看起来颇为荒谬的难题之后,她成立了一个叫做“Atlanta Recycles”的组织。

Recycling rates in Georgia were so low that local carpet manufacturers, a large user of recycled plastic, were forced to import the material from outside the state, even though Atlanta is home to the headquarters of Coca-Cola, one of the world’s largest producers of plastic bottles.


This winter, Ms. Seydel said, she witnessed why, 14 years after she founded Atlanta Recycles, little has changed.

塞德尔说,今年冬天,她亲眼见证了“Atlanta Recycles”成立14年后情况几乎没有改善的原因。

“It exemplified why the wheels are coming off recycling,” she said.


In January, some members of the group — made up of business leaders, government officials and environmentalists — were briefed on a $4 million investment that the Coca-Cola Foundation was making in the city. Coca-Cola, the group learned, had chosen Atlanta to showcase its “World Without Waste” campaign, which centered on increasing collection rates of bottles and cans.

今年1月,这个由商界领袖、政府官员和环保人士组成的团体的一些成员听取了可口可乐基金会在该市投资400万美元的简报。 该组织了解到,可口可乐选择亚特兰大作为其“世界远离浪费”(World Without Waste)运动的展示地,该运动的核心是提高瓶罐的回收率。

The company, through a group called the Recycling Partnership, would pay for city workers to comb through residential recycling bins and leave behind “inspirational scorecards” marking which items could be recycled and which belonged in the trash. The program had been tested successfully on a smaller scale.

该公司将通过一个名为“回收伙伴”的组织,为城市工作人员支付费用,让他们仔细检查居民的回收箱,并留下“鼓励卡”,标明哪些物品可以回收,哪些属于垃圾。 该项目已在较小范围内已成功测试。

Someone in the meeting floated another idea: Why not explore the idea of a bottle bill in Georgia?


The proposal was quickly shot down. Several members of the group expressed concern that pushing for a bottle bill could jeopardize the funding from Coca-Cola. The message, Ms. Seydel recalled, was “you better let that dog lie.” The discussion at the meeting grew heated. Ms. Seydel and others argued that bottle bills were proven methods to increase collection rates of used plastic.

这项提议很快被否决了。 该组织的几名成员表示了各自的忧虑,他们担心推动瓶罐法案可能会危及可口可乐的资金供应。 赛德尔回忆说,这些人的意思就是“你最好待着别添乱。 ”会上的讨论越来越激烈。 塞德尔女士和其他一些人认为,瓶罐法案已被证明是提高塑料回收率的行之有效的方法。

Kanika Greenlee, the city’s environmental programs director, had come prepared with a statement from Coca-Cola, making clear its opposition to deposits. Bottle bills were inconvenient and costly, the company said.

该市环境项目主管卡尼卡·格林利(Kanika Greenlee)准备了一份可口可乐的声明,明确表示反对这项法案。 它们表示,瓶罐法案既不方便又昂贵。

Ms. Greenlee, who through a spokeswoman declined to comment, holds several roles related to recycling in Atlanta. She works in the city’s public works department, but she also serves on the national board of directors of Keep America Beautiful alongside executives from Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper, Pepsi and the American Chemistry Council, a trade group for chemical and plastics companies.

格林李通过一位发言人拒绝置评,她在亚特兰大担任几个与回收有关的职位。 她在该市的公共工程部工作,也在“保住美国的美丽”的全国理事会任职,与她一起任职的还有可口可乐、胡椒博士、百事可乐和美国化学理事会——一个化学和塑料品公司的行业协会——的高管。

A spokesman for Keep America Beautiful, which the packaging industry helped create in 1953 to combat litter, said the group had a “neutral” position on bottle bills and that “all options at this point need to be on the table” to improve recycling.

“保住美国的美丽”是1953年在包装行业的帮助下创建的,旨在抵制乱扔垃圾。 其发言人表示,该组织在瓶罐法案上持“中立”立场,“在这一点上,所有的改善都需要被提上议程”,以改善回收利用。

In a statement, Coca-Cola said company policy positions were independent of its foundation’s donations, adding that the grant had already been awarded when the Atlanta Recycles meeting took place.


“We are open to exploring a variety of strategies to achieve our goal of recovering and recycling the equivalent of a bottle or can for every one we sell by 2030,” Coca-Cola said, adding that it found curbside recycling was “one of the most effective and convenient recycling solutions for consumers.”


‘A Superior Strategy’


Empty bottles have vexed the beverage industry for more than a century. They are “the monstrous evil that saps the life from an otherwise prosperous trade,” The National Bottlers Gazette wrote in 1882.

一个多世纪以来,空瓶子一直困扰着饮料业。 1882年,《国家瓶装商公报》写道,它们是“可怕的恶魔,夺走了原本繁荣的瓶装行业的生命”。

Back then, beverage companies desperately wanted their bottles back because the glass containers were so expensive to make. The companies even conducted raids on homes to retrieve their used containers from housewives who used them to store ketchup and medicine.

当时,饮料公司迫切地想回收他们的瓶子,因为玻璃容器的制作成本太高。 这些公司甚至对家庭进行突击检查,从家庭主妇那里回收使用过的容器,这些家庭主妇用这些容器储存番茄酱和药品。

By the 1980s, however, mass-produced plastic made bottles inexpensive — and people rarely reused them. They often ended up being tossed on the side of the road, and the beverage companies simply made more of them.

然而,到了20世纪80年代,大量生产的塑料使瓶子变得便宜——人们很少重复使用它们。 它们经常被扔到路边,饮料公司也只是简单地生产更多塑料瓶以供使用。

Bottle bills were passed partly in an effort to reduce this kind of litter. But states like Tennessee, New Jersey and Washington settled on an alternative. In Tennessee, beverage companies agreed to pay a small tax in order to fund litter pickup efforts, education programs and handouts promoting recycling.

瓶罐法案被通过的部分原因是为了减少这种垃圾。 但田纳西州、新泽西州和华盛顿州等州选择了另一种方案。 在田纳西州,饮料公司同意缴纳小额税款,以资助垃圾清理工作、教育项目和促进回收利用的传单。

There was another bonus. In many parts of the state, inmates would perform the daily litter cleanup, keeping costs low and rewarding good behavior in the county jails. The tax revenue pays for salaries and other expenses of county sheriffs overseeing the litter crews, like lunch from McDonald’s for the inmates.

还有一项补贴。 在该州的许多地方,囚犯们会每天清理垃圾,以降低运营成本,并会因其善行得到监狱的奖励。 这些税收用于支付监督垃圾处理人员的县治安官的工资和其他开支,比如为囚犯提供麦当劳午餐。

“It makes the time go easier,” one inmate, Miko Coleman, 29, said as he picked up trash along a quiet country road this spring.

今年春天,29岁的囚犯米科·科尔曼(Miko Coleman)在一条安静的乡间小路上捡垃圾时说,“这让时间过得更快了。

But the money — and the cleanup crews — would go away if Tennessee enacted a bottle bill, according to a provision in the law. That has made it difficult for bottle bills to gain traction politically.

但是根据法律规定,如果田纳西州通过了瓶罐法案,这笔钱——以及清理人员——将不再存在。 这使得瓶罐法案在政治上难获支持。

“I have to hand it to the industry, they have a superior strategy,” said Marge Davis, a writer and conservationist, who has been proposing a bottle bill in Tennessee nearly every year since 2004.

“我不得不把它交给这个行业,他们有一个更好的策略,”作家兼环保主义者玛吉·戴维斯(Marge Davis)说,她自从2004年起一直在支持瓶罐法案在田纳西州的施行。

Ms. Davis says the litter pickup helps to beautify roads, but does not get at the core issue of recycling more bottles and cans. And even though her bottle bill proposal would find a new funding source for roadside cleanups, she has had a hard time convincing lawmakers.

戴维斯女士说,垃圾清理有助于美化道路,但并没有影响到核心问题——回收更多瓶罐。 尽管她的瓶罐法案提案将为道路清理找到新的资金来源,她还是很难说服立法者。

At times, Ms. Davis’ efforts faced another opponent — the group Keep Tennessee Beautiful. Like the work crews, Keep Tennessee Beautiful derives much of its funding from the tax money.

有时,戴维斯女士的努力面临着另一个对手——“保住田纳西的美丽”这个组织。 和工作人员一样,这个组织的大部分资金来自税收。

Keep Tennessee Beautiful’s organizational values, according to its website, include “personal responsibility” and “policy based on fact.”


For several years, the group circulated research and spoke out against bottle bills. Their argument, presented in a two-page white paper in 2002, mirrored the beverage industry’s position closely. Stopping litter and encouraging recycling are best done through education, it said, not through 5-cent deposits.

几年来,该组织一直在进行研究,并公开反对瓶罐法案。 2002年,他们在一份两页的白皮书中提出了自己的观点,这与饮料业的立场非常相似。 停止乱扔垃圾和鼓励回收利用最好的方法是通过教育,而不是通过5美分的押金。

“Funds should go for prevention education,” the white paper states. “Teach the child and retrain the adult.”

“资金应该用于教育大家预防问题的发生,”白皮书说。 “首先教育孩子,再是成人。

Missy Marshall, who has been executive director of Keep Tennessee Beautiful since 2013, said her group does not currently have an official position on deposits, but she worries about upending funding for a system that is successfully reducing litter.

自2013年以来一直担任该组织执行干事的米西·马歇尔(Missy Marshall)表示,她所在的组织目前还没有关于这项法案的官方立场,但她担心这个法案的成功施行会导致目前已明显改善垃圾问题的系统的资金稳定被打乱。

“What we don’t think is a positive step is to undo what we are doing,” she said.


Lobbying Power Unleashed


One of the industry’s chief criticisms of bottle bills is that they deprive municipal recycling programs of valuable scrap material like aluminum cans. Selling this material helps offset the cost of processing items that are less valuable.

该行业对瓶罐法案的主要批评之一是这些法案剥夺了市政府回收铝罐等有价值废料的计划。 而出售这种材料有助于抵消加工价值较低的物品的成本。

This argument has gained particular credence among environmental groups and municipalities after China put strict limits on the amount of plastic scraps that it imports from the United States. The policy shift in China led to a glut of used plastic and paper around the country, forcing some communities to burn or bury material they cannot offload.

在中国对从美国进口的塑料废料数量进行严格限制之后,环保团体和市政当局对这一观点更加信任了。 中国的政策转变导致美国的塑料和纸张供过于求,迫使一些组织焚烧或掩埋他们无法处理的材料。

In Washington State, Sen. Christine Rolfes thought she had come up with a comprehensive solution. This winter, Ms. Rolfes introduced a bill that she said was intended to hold all plastic packaging manufacturers responsible for the recycling of not just plastic soda and water bottles, but also harder-to-process plastics like takeout containers and packaging wrap.

在华盛顿州,参议员克莉丝汀·罗尔夫斯(Christine Rolfes)认为她已经发现了一个全面的解决方案。 今年冬天,罗尔夫提出了一项法案,她说,该法案旨在要求所有塑料包装制造商不仅要回收塑料苏打水瓶和普通水瓶,还要回收更难处理的塑料制品,比如饭盒和包装袋。

Representatives of roughly 20 companies and trade groups testified against the bill, including a group called the American Institute for Packaging and the Environment, whose members, according to its website, include ExxonMobil’s chemical division and Pepsico.

大约20家公司和贸易组织的代表一致反对该法案,其中包括一个名为美国包装与环境协会的组织。 该组织的网站显示,其成员包括埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)的化学部门和百事可乐。

“They pretty much represented the entire economy,” Ms. Rolfes said of the bill’s many opponents. “It was insidious.”

“他们在很大程度上代表了整个经济,”罗尔夫斯在谈到该法案的众多反对者时说。 “这是阴险的。

After several revisions, the current version of the bill no longer holds plastic manufacturers responsible for recycling.


The bill, which has been signed into law, now directs a state agency to study different approaches to recycling plastic packaging. The report is due by October 2020.

该法案已经签署成为法律。 根据该法案的要求,一家州立机构正在研究比较回收塑料垃圾的不同方案,该研究报告将于2020年10月提交。

翻译:秦欣玥, 原载2019年7月5日 《纽约时报》


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