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TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-03 06:00


【老外说】是一档以“采访”老外为主的节目,帮助大家更好的了解中西文化差异,一窥英国人、美国人日常生活。 每周一更新。本栏目适合精听/泛听。可做听写练习。



I heard it's very difficult in America and some European countries to see a doctor. You have to make an appointment one or two month ahead.

  • make an appointment 预约


  • clinic 诊所

  • Hawaii 夏威夷

  • Boston 波士顿

  • Finland 芬兰

Lines/queues much longer 排的队伍长得多

healthcare is free /don’t charge anything 就医免费

In America, if you go into a doctor’s office or the clinic, there’s normally a thing called co- pay .

Whenever you visit a doctor, you have to pay this co-pay.

It’s a very flat rate depending on your company.

Whenever I visited a doctor, I always had to pay $30.

If there is anything extra after that, they will send me the bill.

  • flat rate 统一价格,统一收费

  • depend on 取决于

小Tip Co-pay 是 Co-payment的缩写。这是美国医疗保险中的一个专用名词,指在门诊就医和取药时,由保险受益人分摊的费用。与保险费中的自付额(deductable)不同,此项费用是固定的小数额付款,每次看病和取药时都会产生。Copayment 和 deductable 本质上的区别在于前者不计入保费,也不属于保险额范畴;后者则是保险额的一部分,其大小直接影响到保费的多少和赔付额度的高低。


So it’s really expensive in America, right?



You’re talking about public hospitals. Private hospitals will be much much more expensive.

I haven’t been to the doctors for anything serious.

  • Regular check-ups 定期检查

  • Prescribe =give some kind of medication 开药方

When I get home, maybe 3 or 5 days later, I’ll get a bill, saying that I have to pay this additional thing at home, on top of the 30 that I already paid for going to the doctor.

  • additional 额外的

  • on top of (这句中的意思)另外


The co-pay varies from jobs? What kind of jobs would get very little copay? Government officers?

  • vary from 因……而异

  • to be honest 说实话

  • insurance 保险

People who work in banks also have good benefits.


  • John Hancock Building 约翰汉考克大厦

由美国著名建筑师Henry Cobb 设计。大厦有六十层,全身完全被玻璃幕墙所包裹。其自身的色彩只有玻璃的蓝灰和框架的深灰,但当反映出周围的环境时,便有了极为丰富的色彩变化的强烈的动感。在他的平行四边的两个短边上,各有一个三角形的凹角,在立面上就形成了玻璃幕墙的竖向凹槽,由于平面的转折,在一天的任何时候玻璃幕墙的色调都会出现深浅明暗的变化。


Here in China it's quite cheap. We do have something equivalent to co-pay, but it’s very cheap. It varies from doctors. For very prominent doctors, the Chinese co-pay would be like over 50 or 100 RMB. For a regular doctor, it may be just $1 or $2.

But in America, it doesn’t vary from doctors, all the same?

  • equivalent to 对应的/等同的

  • prominent著名的/杰出的

It’s more about the insurance.



If you really do have a serious illness, and working in a very good company, the company would cover most of the fees.

  • cover sth 足够支付

eg:Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees. 你的父母得支付你的学费。

  • budget  预算

  • emergency  急诊

  • stitch up 缝合



  • sales company 销售公司


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