In America, if you go into a doctor’s office or the clinic, there’s normally a thing called
Whenever you visit a doctor, you have to pay this co-pay.
It’s a very
flat rate
depending on
your company.
Whenever I visited a doctor, I always had to pay $30.
If there is anything extra after that, they will send me the bill.
flat rate 统一价格,统一收费
depend on 取决于
Co-pay 是 Co-payment的缩写。这是美国医疗保险中的一个专用名词,指在门诊就医和取药时,由保险受益人分摊的费用。与保险费中的自付额(deductable)不同,此项费用是固定的小数额付款,每次看病和取药时都会产生。Copayment 和 deductable 本质上的区别在于前者不计入保费,也不属于保险额范畴;后者则是保险额的一部分,其大小直接影响到保费的多少和赔付额度的高低。