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虐炼talk | 如何高分拿下综合口语task 4

TFT小组  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2019-11-18 19:30


对于很多同学来说,Task4是个大难题,因为听力内容很长,通常2到2分半的听力内容,考生需要把他浓缩到1分钟以内。 什么内容必须说,什么内容不需要说,什么内容可说可不说? 大家在做题时一定都很confused。今天我们来讲讲托福口语task 4的解题技巧。





Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture in an environmental science class.

Professor: OK, so what are some of the most effective public policies when it comes to fighting environmental problems? There are a lot of different approaches but…this is, in my opinion, too often we underestimate how much can be accomplished just by appealing to people’s sense of moral duty, to their civic duty. In other words, getting people to voluntarily stop polluting because, well just because it’s the right thing to do. These programs that try to get people to voluntarily stop doing things that hurt the environment are called moral suasion.

Now, obviously this type of approach won’t be effective for all problems but it will solve some. For some environmental concerns, moral suasion has been very effective. The classic case is, well, Smokey the Bear. Now, don’t laugh. When the forest service first came out with the “Smokey the Bear” campaign, it may have seemed a little childish. You remember the character, the bear dressed like a foreign stranger, saying things like please don’t hurt my animal friends or please don’t start forest fires. Well, it worked. It worked because it made people more sensitive to these problems. This “Smokey the Bear” campaign, this kind of campaign in general raises people’s awareness of the problem and appeals to their sense of moral duty, to do the right thing.

Another good example of this is recycling. In the early days of recycling, local community promoted these voluntary efforts. They make people aware of the need to reduce the amount of garbage by recycling. They provided neighborhoods with containers to put their glass and newspapers in instead of throwing them away. Some people started doing it, and others followed. Maybe people thought I have this recycling container, my neighbors doing it, I should do it too. Nowadays, of course, everyone recycles. The point is, in order to get people to really do it, to get high rates of compliance, the program heavily relied on moral suasion.

Question: What is a policy of moral suasion? Use the Smokey the Bear and recycling campaigns to explain how it works.



1.Smokey the bear campaign: 拟人化的熊熊会跟人们宣传说不要伤害我森林里的朋友,让人们更加又保护环境的意识。



Paraphrasing是托福综合口语中必须掌握的一项能力。 口语第三题和第四题听力部分内容都在一分半至两分钟左右,字数大约在200字,多则能到250字。而我们1分钟能有效输出的内容只有120-150字。所以有些东西不必说,自己听懂就行。

Task 4里有时候1/3都是不需要复述出来的内容。 以这题为例,其中标注颜色的是重点,其他都是废话,听懂即可。考试时将有颜色的部分记下来,并将重点信息进行改述,压缩到相应的时间里面。

注意题目里第一段的内容,如果你的目标是23分,这部分不用记笔记。如果想拿26+,绿色highlight的部分要记下来并且加入你的答题中。这部分的定义解释会让你的答题更完整。 对于主题背景的阐述不要讲太长,一般限制在10”内。 复述出详细的例子是task4 得高分的关键。


In the lecture, the professor talks about the moral suasion, which means trying to get people to stop polluting the environment by appealing to their moral duties.

He then uses two examples to better illustrate this. The first example is the “Smokey the Bear” campaign. A character dressed up like a foreign stranger always says “please don’t hurt my animal friends” or “please don’t start a forest fire”. It reminds people of environmental issues and that they should do the right thing to protect the environment.

The second example is recycling. The community first promoted voluntary efforts and increased people’s awareness to reduce the amount of the garbage which could be recycled. Then they provided people with containers where they could put their glass and newspaper. At first, a part of people started doing this. Little by little, others followed the herd. And now all the people recycle garbage voluntarily.

In short, with these two examples, the professor explains what is meant by moral suasion.


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