Course Topic: Best Practice in Safety Leadership
Date: 13, December, 2017
Course Outline for Safety Leadership:
Section 1: The importance of Leadership in Safety
● How people's focusplays a part in safety incidents
● Safety leadership as a recurring theme when things go wrong
● The leader role in exerting influence
Section 2: Understanding Your People
● Normal human tendency Sub-optimal safety -a lack of care or something to be expected?
● Explaining human variability -the importance of the context
Section 3: Leader assumptions and how they influence behaviour
● the safety challenge
● Revealing and challenging existing assumptions
● Theory X versus Theory Y
Section 4: Leadership Style
● Different people, different styles Behavioural preferences -you and your comfort zone
● Contingency Theory -flexing your approach Telling vs Coaching
Section 5: The Critical Safety Leadership Behaviours
● Doing the simple things well
● A recipe for effective safety leadership
● Assessment and development
Section 6: Leadership Commitment
● Strong words, hollow promises?
● Being seen to act
● We all get distracted
● Time For Safety
● Making it all happen
Benefits of Attending
Safety Leadership
Evaluating your current corporate Safety Leadership philosophy
& Designing an effective corporate safety leadership philosophy
Identifying the critical safety leadership behaviours that will serve to improve your effectiveness
Obtaining practical skills in managing safety based on the effect of traditional methods
Appreciating the how "moments of truth" are instrumental in
reinforcing how people regard safety and what this means for achieving
strong influence
Understanding what lies behind a "zero harm" vision & the role leaders have in aligning others with this vision
Understanding the need to change your approach from Theory X to Theory Y so as to achieve world class safety
Registration Today! [email protected] +86-21-31608131
报名联系 [email protected] 或 021-31608131
Advanced Behavioural Based Safety Workshop Dec.11-12 Shanghai