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Best Practice in Safety Leadership December 13, 2017 Shanghai

EHSCity  · 公众号  · 社会安全  · 2017-10-24 12:45


Course Topic: Best Practice in Safety Leadership

Date: 13, December, 2017

Course Outline for Safety Leadership:

Section 1: The importance of Leadership in Safety

● How people's focusplays a part in safety incidents

● Safety leadership as a recurring theme when things go wrong

● The leader role in exerting influence

Section 2: Understanding Your People

● Normal human tendency Sub-optimal safety -a lack of care or something to be expected?

● Explaining human variability -the importance of the context

Section 3: Leader assumptions and how they influence behaviour

● the safety challenge

● Revealing and challenging existing assumptions

● Theory X versus Theory Y

Section 4: Leadership Style

● Different people, different styles Behavioural preferences -you and your comfort zone

● Contingency Theory -flexing your approach Telling vs Coaching

Section 5: The Critical Safety Leadership Behaviours

● Doing the simple things well

● A recipe for effective safety leadership

● Assessment and development

Section 6: Leadership Commitment

● Strong words, hollow promises?

● Being seen to act

● We all get distracted

● Time For Safety

● Making it all happen

Benefits of Attending

Safety Leadership

Evaluating your current corporate Safety Leadership philosophy & Designing an effective corporate safety leadership philosophy

Identifying the critical safety leadership behaviours that will serve to improve your effectiveness

Obtaining practical skills in managing safety based on the effect of traditional methods

Appreciating the how "moments of truth" are instrumental in reinforcing how people regard safety and what this means for achieving strong influence

Understanding what lies behind a "zero harm" vision & the role leaders have in aligning others with this vision

Understanding the need to change your approach from Theory X to Theory Y so as to achieve world class safety

Registration Today! [email protected]   +86-21-31608131

报名联系 [email protected] 或 021-31608131

Advanced Behavioural Based Safety Workshop Dec.11-12 Shanghai


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