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人学经济 and books 20170513

重燃阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-05-12 11:46






本周分享链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hsQhHHy 密码: tnxa

在今年截至目前19期的杂志封面中,川普出现了4期,虽说本杂志对于川普的各项政策不怎么待见,但你老这样到底是爱还是恨呢......本期封面说的是川普经济学,别的不多介绍,摘录文中的一些单词供大家联想一下:king,dominance,centre of attention,standard supply-side economics,tax cuts and deregulation,好像有些很熟悉吧。是否能实现 川普著作的Make Amercia Again呢 ,经济学人是没啥信心,我们还是继续看戏。

好久没有分享跟中国相关的书籍了,本周要分享的经济学人推荐书籍是在年初1月7日刊提到的不可能的合作伙伴:中国的改革者、西方的经济学家和全球化中国的形成》(Unlikely Partners: Chinese Reformers, Western Economists, and the Making of Global China),它非常详细地记录了中国在毛逝世后围绕经济改革的方向和步伐展开的意识形态之争,以及西方顾问在这一过程中发挥的极其积极的作用。中国所取得的惊人成就如今我们几乎认为是理所当然的,其实决不是一件必然会发生的事情。对外来思想敞开心胸,愿意进行实验并根据中国的实际情况酌情加以利用,对取得成功起了重要作用。不过要提醒大家的是这是一本400多页的厚书,订阅需谨慎,不要让它遗忘在硬盘里。

* * *

Unlikey Partners


by Julian Gewirtz

  • Hardcover: 416 pages

  • Publisher: Harvard University Press (January 2, 2017)

Mr Gewirtz’s book does not attempt to provide a definitive account of China’s economic rise. It dwells in the world of ideas, tracing the arc of debates. Little attention is paid to what was actually happening on factory floors or in farm fields. But it is still a gripping read, highlighting what was little short of a revolution in China’s economic thought.

Reading the book today, it is tempting to conclude that China is ignoring a basic lesson from its success: that being open to foreign ideas served it so well. Under XJP, officials rail against “Western values”. Yet there is also a less gloomy conclusion. China’s path has never been linear: reformists and conservatives have constantly jostled for the upper hand. But voices for openness have ultimately prevailed. And the gains that China has made in its understanding of economics and, more fundamentally, in the lives of its people will not be easily undone.

