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国际法促进中心  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-07-12 19:18





The Implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” Policy

and Its Contribution to the Development of International Law

— From the perspective of application of international agreements

 and treaties to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region










第一, 条约涉及外交、国防等专属于主权国家权力的,由中央政府决定其缔结和适用。


第二, 特区只拥有由中央政府通过《基本法》明示授予的特定领域的缔约权。


第三, 中央政府通过特区缔约的授权机制和其他通报审查机制,确保“一国”原则的具体落实。


第四, 国际条约适用特区产生的国际权利义务由中央政府承担,确保中国作为国际法主体的唯一性。




第一, 在回归过渡期通过外交行动和法律行动解决了回归前适用于香港的国际条约的继续适用问题。



在双边条约方面,香港回归前由英国将其对外缔结的双边条约扩展适用香港的情况也有不少,特别是在司法协助、引渡、民航等领域。香港回归后,这些英国签订的双边条约  不能继续适用。为了使有关合作关系得以延续,中英双方在过渡期作出安排,逐一授权香港与一些国家就上述事项签署单独协定,取代英国条约,并过渡到九七年以后。

第二, 允许特区作为非主权实体在特定领域单独缔结双边条约,并参加不限于主权国家参加的多边条约。


第三, 突破传统条约法领土适用规则,遵循中央政府缔结的非外交、国防类双边条约原则上不适用于特区。



第四, 中央政府在处理多边条约适用特区时,充分尊重特区的高度自治权,发展出许多条约法新的具体做法。




Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,


It is a pleasure to be here with you today.


“One Country, Two Systems” is a great pioneering initiative of China. As a law professional, I think the greatness of the “One country, Two systems” formula can be seen from, among others, China’s practice of international law in relation to Hong Kong.


Today, I will focus on the case of the application of international treaties in Hong Kong. 


As we have learnt at law school, treaties are an important source of international law. Treaties establish rights and obligations between contracting States. Treaties are important instruments governing international relations.


Through centuries of development, international treaty law has gradually developed into a system of rules and norms that are widely accepted by the international community.


That said, as the practice of “One country, Two systems” has no precedent to follow, in the course of its implementation, there may arise issues such as those relating to the application of treaties in Hong Kong and treaty law lex lata has no ready solutions to them.


The Chinese Government has fully and faithfully implemented the principle of “One country, Two systems” in the HKSAR. While following the general rules of the law of treaties, China has introduced a series of unique practice relating to the application of international treaties in the HKSAR and its conclusion and implementation of international agreements. These practices has enriched international law and contributed to its progress. I would like to elaborate a little bit on what China has done in this regard.

 1. It is imperative to uphold “one country” as the overriding principle and maintain national sovereignty in handling matters relating to the application of treaties or international agreements in the HKSAR.


“One country” is the premise and basis of the “One country, Two systems” policy. Upholding “One country” has always been China’s overriding consideration in implementing the “One country, Two systems” policy in Hong Kong. It is with this in mind that we have made special arrangements for the application of treaties or international agreements in the HKSAR.


(1) The conclusion and application of international agreements or treaties that involve exclusive powers of a sovereign State, such as foreign affairs and defense, shall be decided by the Central Government.


The Chinese Government had made it very clear well before Hong Kong’s return to China that in the case of treaties relating to foreign affairs or defense to which China is a party and/or other treaties which must apply to the entire territory of a contracting State, they shall also apply to the HKSAR as from 1 July 1997. In the case of treaties of the above categories to which China is not a party, they shall not be applicable to Hong Kong upon China’s resumption of exercise of sovereignty, whether or not they had been applied to Hong Kong before its return to China.


(2) The HKSAR may conclude treaties or international agreements only in fields or on matters explicitly authorized by the Central Government under the Basic Law.


This could be seen from three aspects.


First, the HKSAR shall not on its own participate in any treaty that is limited to sovereign States only. International treaties to which the HKSAR may become a party using the name “Hong Kong, China” are those not limited to sovereign States. For most of other international treaties, it is the Central Government that negotiates and concludes and then extends their application to the HKSAR.


Secondly, the HKSAR’s power to conclude agreements or treaties with foreign States is granted and authorized by the Central Government under the Basic law. Such power is not an inherent power. The HKSAR has as much power as the Central Government grants.


Thirdly, bilateral agreements that the HKSAR may conclude with foreign States on its own are limited to the fields that fall within the HKSAR’s autonomy under the Basic Law, i.e. the economic, trade, financial and monetary, shipping, communications, tourism, cultural and sports fields. The HKSAR may also conclude bilateral agreements on legal cooperation and visa exemption under the authorization of the Central Government on a case-by-case basis.


(3) The Central Government ensures the implementation of the “one country” principle through the establishment of authorization and notification procedures on matters relating to Hong Kong’s conclusion and application of international agreements.


In areas of mutual legal assistance, visa exemption, investment protection and others where, according to the Basic Law, the HKSAR needs prior authorization of the Central Government to conclude agreements with any foreign State.
