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北航:受鱼启发,快速高效清除泄露的石油 | ACS Nano 论文推荐

科研圈  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-04-21 17:06



撰文 Prachi Patel

翻译 许雅澜

审校 陆妍婷





北京航空航天大学的 Dongliang Tian 与卧龙岗大学的 Ziqi Sun 及其同事受到滤食性鱼类的咽喉部结构的启发,设计了一种新型过滤器。为了过滤出悬浮在水中的微小猎物,这类鱼的喉咙里长有骨弓,越深入喉咙越窄,间隔也越小。水流入喉咙,逐渐从骨弓之间的空隙渗出,再从鳃中流出,而食物颗粒则聚集在后面。



当驱动系统推动膜通过油水混合物时,液体沿膜向上流动。水渗过膜并沿其亲水性表面形成一层薄层,防止油堵塞孔隙。拥有最大流量的底部大孔隙使水更快地流过,而顶部浸满水的小孔隙由于疏油而使油很容易流过膜的顶部而进入容器,Tian 解释说。虽然油可能会通过大孔隙的第一个关卡,但该系统对受污染区域进行多次清扫,每次都能收集更多的油。






这种新奇的过滤技术可以实现“一步到位、快速、连续、大流量的泄漏石油采集,”来自清华大学的Lin Feng说。她表示这项技术有望用于大规模的石油泄漏,特别是在湖泊和平静的海域上。而波浪可能会成为一项挑战,因为水可能会溢过膜的顶部而直接进入集油容器,降低膜的效率。研究人员建议,调整孔径、船舶速度、膜的长度和坡度等变量可有助于应对波涛起伏的水域。





【题目】Fish Gill Inspired Crossflow for Efficient andContinuous Collection of Spilled Oil

【作者】 Yuhai Dou, Dongliang Tian, Ziqi Sun, Qiannan Liu, Na Zhang, Jung Ho Kim, Lei Jiang, and Shi Xue Dou 

【刊期】ACS Nano, Published on web

【日期】January 23, 2017


【摘要】Developing an effective system to clean uplarge-scale oil spills is of great significance due to their contribution tosevere environmental pollution and destruction. Superwetting membranes havebeen widely studied for oil/water separation. The separation, however, adopts agravity-driven approach that is inefficient and discontinuous due to quickfouling of the membrane by oil. Herein, inspired by the crossflow filtrationbehavior in fish gills, we propose a crossflow approach via ahydrophilic, tilted gradient membrane for spilled oil collection. In crossflowcollection, as the oil/water flows parallel to the hydrophilic membrane surface,water is gradually filtered through the pores, while oil is repelled,transported, and finally collected for storage. Owing to the selective gatingbehavior of the water-sealed gradient membrane, the large pores at the bottomwith high water flux favor fast water filtration, while the small pores at thetop with strong oil repellency allow easy oil transportation. In addition, thegradient membrane exhibits excellent antifouling properties due to theprotection of the water layer. Therefore, this bioinspired crossflow approachenables highly efficient and continuous spilled oil collection, which is verypromising for the cleanup of large-scale oil spills.



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