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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-04-03 06:02




Lizard laboratory


The 48 uses of dragon’s blood


Komodo dragons could be the source for a new generation of antibiotics


From the print edition | Science and technology


Mar 2nd 2017


MYTHOLOGY is rich with tales of dragons and the magical properties their innards possess. One of the most valuable bits was their blood. Supposedly capable of curing respiratory and digestive disorders, it was widely sought. A new study has provided a factual twist on these fictional medicines. Barney Bishop and Monique van Hoek, at George Mason University in Virginia, report in The Journal of Proteome Research that the blood of the Komodo dragon, the largest living lizard on the planet, is loaded with compounds that could be used as antibiotics.

神话中有许多关于龙的传说,以及它们体内器官所具有的奇妙功效的故事。它们的血液是最有价值的部分之一。据称可以治愈呼吸和消化系统疾病,因此被广泛追捧。一项新的研究为这些虚构的药物提供了一个真实依据。弗吉尼亚乔治梅森大学的Barney Bishop和Monique van Hoek,在《蛋白质组学研究》杂志中谈到,地球上最大的蜥蜴,科莫多龙,它的血液中富含可以作为抗生素的混合物,。

  • mythology  n.神话

  • innards  n.内脏

Komodo dragons, which are native to parts of Indonesia, ambush large animals like water buffalo and deer with a bite to the throat. If their prey does not fall immediately, the dragons rarely continue the fight. Instead, they back away and let the mix of mild venom and dozens of pathogenic bacteria found in their saliva finish the job. They track their prey until it succumbs, whereupon they can feast without a struggle. Intriguingly, though, Komodo dragons appear to be resistant to bites inflicted by other dragons.


  • ambush  v.埋伏

  • water buffalo  [畜牧]水牛

  • prey  n.捕食,被捕食的动物

  • venom  n.毒液

  • saliva  n.唾液

  • succumb  v.屈服

  • whereupon 之后,随后

  • Intriguingly  adv.有趣地

Most animals—not just Komodo dragons—carry simple proteins known as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) as general-purpose weapons against infection. But if the AMPs of Komodo dragons are potent enough to let them shrug off otherwise-fatal bites from their fellow animals, they are probably especially robust. And that could make them a promising source of chemicals upon which to base new antibiotics.


  • antimicrobial peptides  抗菌肽

  • potent  adj.有效的,强有力的

  • shrug off  摆脱;不屑

  • robust  adj.强健的,健康的

With that in mind, and working with the St Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park in Florida, Dr Bishop obtained fresh Komodo dragon blood. He examined the blood for peptides with molecular weights, lengths, electrical charges and chemical characteristics that were similar to those from known AMPs. He then analysed the peptides using a mass spectrometer and a combination of commercial and home-brewed software to identify which of the newly discovered peptides were likely to have medicinal potential.


  • a mass spectrometer  质谱仪

  • peptides  n.多肽类

The team identified 48 potential AMPs that had never been seen before. Their initial tests were equally promising. Dr Van Hoek exposed two species of pathogenic bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, to eight of the most promising peptides they had identified. The growth of both species of bacteria was severely hampered by seven of the eight; the remaining peptide was effective against only P. aeruginosa.

研究小组发现了48种之前从未发现的潜在抗菌肽。他们的初步测验也是很有希望的。Van Hoek博士将绿脓杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌这两种病原菌放置在他们鉴定中的8种最有医用前景的多肽中。8种多肽中,有7种能够有效抑制这两种细菌的生长,另外那种多肽只对绿脓杆菌有效。

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa  绿脓杆菌

  • Staphylococcus aureus  金黄色葡萄球菌

  • hamper  v.阻碍

There results are noteworthy. Antibiotic-proof bacteria are an increasing problem in hospitals. Such bugs are now thought to kill some 700,000 people each year around the world, and P. aeruginosa and S. aureus are parental strains for some of the most menacing types. On February 27th the World Health Organisation named both in its first-ever list of “priority pathogens”, for which drug-resistance is a serious problem. Dr Bishop’s findings hint that the blood of dragons may yet prove to be as useful against disease as myths suggest.

他们的研究成果值得注意。细菌的耐药性是医院日益严重的问题。(期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~)2月27日,鉴于病菌的耐药性是一个严重的问题,世界卫生组织在 “优先病原体”这一前所未有的名单中加入了这两种细菌。Bishop博士的发现可能表明,蜥蜴的血液可能会被证实能用来治疗疾病,正如同传说中的那样。

  • menace  v.威胁,恐吓

  • first-ever史无前例的

翻译 ▍hua外音

审核 ▍云图

编辑 ▍毛毛

Try to translate 

Such bugs are now thought to kill some 700,000 people each year around the world, and P. aeruginosa and S. aureus are parental strains for some of the most menacing types.

Put Chinese below





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