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GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-10-19 12:00



Scroll down for English version

们要参加的会议是越来越多了。这也是为什么有效和有价值地支配你的时间至关重要。通过遵循基于Getting Things Done®搞定™方法论的3个技巧,会让你了解如何提高会议效率。

谁不想提高工作效率?无论您是在效率低下的会议而纠结,还是想在更短的时间内完成更多的工作,GTD®搞定™框架可能是您想祈祷得到的答案。我们友情请到来自GTD北欧组织旗下的丹麦首席执行官Lars Rothschild Henriksen分享他认为最好的建议和见解。让我们一起潜入GTD吧!








  • Ÿ 捕获: 收集引起你注意力的事物

  • Ÿ 理清: 澄清它的含义

  • Ÿ 整理: 将其放在它所属的位置

  • Ÿ 检视: 经常做检视

  • Ÿ 执行: 放手去做 _________






  • Ÿ会议的目的是什么?

  • Ÿ本次会议的理想结果是什么?

  • Ÿ[举行会议]

  • Ÿ会议的下步行动是什么?

  • Ÿ谁在这些行动中起带头作用?



English version

Improve your meeting using the Getting Things Done principles

We’re attending more meetings than ever before. That’s why it’s crucial to make the time you’re using fruitful and valuable. Learn how to make your meetings more productive by following these 3 tips based on the Getting Things Done® methodology.

Who doesn’t want to be more productive? Whether you’re struggling with inefficient meetings or simply want to get more done in less time, the Getting Things Done framework might be the answer to your prayers. We asked Lars Rothschild Henriksen , CEO of GTDnordic Denmark to share his best tips and insights. Let’s dive right in!

1. Stay on top of your inbox

Wait, what? Since when do e-mails have anything to do with meetings? Well, one of the things that happen when you put the Getting Things Done-principles into practice is, that inbox zero becomes your new standard. This makes it so much easier to stay on top of your tasks and projects and means that many more things are resolved digitally — which spares you for numerous unnecessary meetings.

The effect applies to all levels in an organization practising inbox zero. Especially assistants and employees reporting directly to the management level experience a significant drop in e-mail volume and complexity: Many issues become easier to clarify, requiring fewer meetings to make progress. An empty inbox is merely the most effective way to making all your tasks running smoothly.

2. Five steps to maintain your focus

We’re all struggling to maintain focus throughout the day. In fact, even the goldfish has surpassed us in the ability to stay focused! Less attention means less productive meetings — so what can we do to catch up and beat the goldfish?

Getting Things Done provides you with 5 actionable steps

  • Capture: Collect what has your attention

  • Clarify: Process what it means

  • Organize: Put it where it belongs

  • Reflect: Review frequently

  • Engage: Simply do

When applied to meetings, namely Capture is essential and helps you maintain your focus and remember the most important parts from the meeting. Pen and paper work just fine for this, but be sure only to capture and wait to process your notes to an appropriate time (that belongs to the Clarify and Organise steps).
