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51找翻译  · 公众号  · 语言  · 2017-04-18 10:43


Position 1: Administrative and VisaService Officer (LE2)

About the position

Applicants must be Chinese citizens.

Employment conditions:

·  Flexible working hours within a givenbandwidth and core hours;

·  Flex leave to be agreed to by the staff’s supervisor;

·  Paid overtime (where there is an operationalrequirement, overtime will be offered to staff);

·  Up to Fourteen paid public holidays a yearthat will include a mix of Chinese and Australian public holidays;

·  An entitlement of Twenty (20) working days’annual leave per year accrued on a credit basis; and

·  Fifteen (15) days’ personal and carer’s leavecredited annually.

The Starting Salary forthe advertised position is 80,337 annually(includinga thirteenth month). Staff may benefit from annual salary increments and/or aperformance bonus depending on achieved performance ratings.

The key responsibilities of the Visa Service Officer(LE2) include:

Visa OfficerDuties:

1. Provide administrative services to Visa Office clients, both in person, through telephone, general correspondence and email.

2. Deal with our Service Delivery Partner to count and load visa applications received.

3. Data entry, including registrations of visa applications, financial and file management.

4. Scan and allocate visa applications received.

5. Receipt applicable visa charges and undertake daily reconciliation.

6. Assist with the assessment and grant of visa applications for Australian visas inaccordance with Australian legislative and policy framework.

7. Assist FamilyMigration team on providing administrative services.

8. Assist inother administrative support duties, such as mail opening, record keeping andfile handling, as required.

The successful applicant will meet the following selection criteria:

1. Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to maintain high standards of client service.

2. High levelwritten and oral English language skills and an ability to act as aninterpreter and correspond in both English and Chinese.

3. An ability tounderstand, apply and communicate complex legal and policy directions.

4. An ability towork effectively with minimum supervision and meet deadlines.

5. Sound judgement and the ability to cope with large volume of work while maintaininghigh standards of productivity and accuracy.

6. Capacity towork as a team member.

7. Proficiency in standard Microsoft Office Suite, e.g. MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint etc.

8. A tertiary educational qualification is preferred.

Your application, written in English, must include:

·  a statement of claims for the positionseparately addressing each of the selection criteria (2 pages maximum);

·  curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages); and

·  contact details for two work-relatedreferees.

Applications that do not address the selection criteria will not be considered.

Position 2: Office Manager – VisaOffice (LE6)

Successful candidates will be offered an initial contract of 12 months.

Salary and Conditions:

The basic salaryoffered is from CNY306,875 per year. (See below for further information in relation tonon-national salary.)

Staff engaged bythe Australian Consulate General, Shanghai to work in the visa office will beoffered a package of employment conditions that includes:

·Flexible working hours within a given bandwidth and corehours; Flex leave to be agreed to by the staff’s supervisor;

·Paid overtime; whenthere is an operational requirement, overtime will be offered to staff.

· Up to Fourteen paid public holidays a yearthat will include a mix of Chinese and Australian public holidays;

·An entitlement of Twenty (20) working days’annual leave per year accrued on a credit basis; and

· Fifteen (15) days’ personal and carer’s leavecredited annually.

·Staff may benefit from annual salaryincrements and/or a performance bonus depending on achieved performanceratings.

Non-national staff will also receive an allowance of approximately 40% over and above thebasic annual salary in lieu of pension, Government medical insurance, housingallowance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance, basic injury insuranceand commercial medical insurance contributions made for national staff.

For non-national staff who are Australian residents and receive Australian super annuation contributions (SGC), their allowance will be reduced by the amount that is paidin SGC payments (currently 9.5%).

The successful candidates will be expected to undertake the duties described below. This selection exercise will also be used to establish an order of merit forappointments at the Visa Office in the next 12 months.

The successful applicant will meet the followingselection criteria:

1. Tertiary education, preferably with a degree in Business Management or Accounting, or atleast three years of experience as an Office Manager.

2. Excellent financial and office management skills, sound knowledge of audit requirements.

3. Excellen torganizational skills and the ability to prioritize workloads.

4. Proven ability to manage staff and provide strategic support to management.

5. Excellent writing and communication skills in both English and Mandarin.

6. Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.

People interested in employment in the above positionshould lodge the following:

•  An application in English, outlining the skills, abilities and personal qualities that show they meet each of the above the selection criteria (maximum 2 pages);

•  A Curriculum Vitae (CV) (maximum 2 pages);and

•  Details of two work referees.

Position Description

The key responsibilities of the position include,but are not limited to:

·Establish annual budget bid, property budgetbid, prepare monthly forecasts and monitor office expenditures, Providehigh-level strategic advice and analysis including solutions to the CMO ofpotential budgetary issues and cost saving plans.

·Monitor all procurement and paymentprocedures to ensure all financial procedures comply with the PublicGovernance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and relevant departmentallegislations and guidelines.  Thisincludes: supervision and involvement in preparing spending proposals,reviewing quotations, negotiation of major contracts and assessing andmonitoring the service providers’ performance, conducting regular audits andetc.

· Prepare high-level performance andstatistical reports and analysis to assist the management team to set strategicdirection and long-term plans for the office.

·Oversee and regularly audit counter revenuereconciliation, provide professional expertise, high level advice and workablesolutions to front office manager, team leaders and sub-collectors with regardto daily revenue collection, receipting and reconciliation.

·Liaise with DFAT, office building managementand A-based residential owners in relation to complex and sensitive propertyissues. Coordinate and manage the office lease, maintenance, refurbishment andrelocation which includes search for vendors, liaise with law firm and projectmanager, schedule and manage the office move etc.

·Oversee the management of assets procurement,refresh and disposal, repair and maintenance, loss and damage, undertake annualstocktakes. Regularly monitor/ assess at a high level the office securitymeasures such as duress alarms, security and emergency doors. Oversee themanagement of office electrical appliance, furniture, equipment and otherassets in the office,  to ensureeverything are properly maintained and meets Work Health and Safety Standards.

· Provide strategic advice to the CMO on theadequate staffing levels for the office and prepare the LEE forecast andreports. Oversee the potential staffing issues, and develop strategic plans andsolutions where necessary. Coordinate with LE staff recruitment process,undertake selection exercise and manage staff’s entry and exit procedures.

·Organise whole office staff meeting, functionand annual team building. Assist CMO in developing, coaching and motivatingemployees. Identify staff training needs. Manage LE staff personnel informationand records. Maintain the office structure chart, the master list of staffdelegations and position numbers, reporting line list and etc.

· Develop and provide financial andadministrative training to relevant staff and team leaders to ensure bestpractice in the office procedures and financial process meeting departmentalfinancial guidelines and audit requirements.

· Coordinate with team leaders/A-based managersto identify training needs; oversee training arrangements and ensure trainingreports and records are maintained properly.

· Ensure maintenance of IT equipment in theoffice, including assisting A-based officer to maintain and upgrade the server,intranet and system; ensure good management of cables, server boxes and dataports in the server rooms and staff area; ensure all PCs, printers, copiers andscanners are properly maintained.

· Maintain good records management to ensureboth electronic and paper files are accessible and in good order; managelimited access to sensitive and confidential information.

· Assist the CMO and the DFAT SAO withimplementing security measures to ensure Post Security Instructions arefollowed.

·Actively contribute to the development of theBusiness Continuity Plan (BCP) including coordinating relevant trainingexercises and lessons learnt etc. Regularly review the BCP including cross referencing with the Guangzhou“buddy post” BCP, and advise the CMO if any changes are required.

· Provide strategic direction to the VisaService and Admin teams, including developing business plans, strategies andimproving methodologies. Monitor workflow and outcome. Ensure the teams meethigh level service standard. Conduct PDA discussions with team members, makeassessment and rating on each team member’s performance and address to relevantperformance issues.

· Effective liaison with Service Delivery Partner. Oversee the process of visa application registration and receipting.Ensure the assessment of super green applications for Australian visas inaccordance with Australian legislative and policy framework. Ensure theadministrative services meet per-set services standard.


·  Strong leadership skills as a member of thesenior management team in the office. Ability to provide strategic advice inrelation to complex and sensitive projects. Ability to provide leadership inimplementing and promoting continuous improvement.

·  Highly developed management andorganisational skills.

· Excellent time management skill and provenability to prioritize tasks and work effectively in a high-pressure servicedelivery environment.

·Comprehensive knowledge of financial andadministrative policy and regulations. Good knowledge of migration policy andlegislations.

·Demonstrated oral and written communicationskills and sound interpersonal skill to maintain strong relationships with key internaland external stakeholders. Ability to undertake complex analysis and deliverquality outcomes.

· Excellent oral and written language skills inChinese and English, with sound knowledge of the culture difference betweenAustralia and China.

·Sound knowledge of accounting and finance toensure the financial management at post in compliance with departmentalfinancial policy and guidelines.  Abilityto analyse highly complex issues and provide accurate advice and reports to theCMO to support the post decision-making.

·  Ability to provide high level of clientservices.  Effective liaison with ServiceDelivery Partner and oversee the management of counter services.

·  Demonstrated ability to identify trainingneeds, develop appropriate training programs, and supervise the delivery oftraining.

·  Highly developed negotiation skills, abilityto manage contracts and procurement functions.

·  Demonstrated proficiency with usingAustralian Department of Immigration and Citizenship information systems.

Position 3: Finance Officer


VACANCY: Finance Officer

Your application should include:

·a 1-2 page pitch of no more than 750 words telling us how your skills, experienceand qualifications makes you the best candidate for this opportunity

·curriculumvitae; and

·contactdetails for two work-related referees

Job Description

Under limited direction, the Finance Officer manages the official bank account with the Consulate-General’s official banker and maintains the relationship with the bank.

The key responsibilities of the position include, but are not limited to:

·Receive credit card payments taken by the Consulate-General, issue official receiptsand deposit monies into the official bank account.

·Maintain the relationship between the Consulate-General and the official bank, including assisting staff with opening and closing of bank accounts.

·Maintain the Consulate-General’s debtors register, issuing debt notices to clients formonies owed to the Consulate-General.

·Prepare and pay invoices for payments and purchases made by the Consulate-General inaccordance with legislative requirements.

·Calculate and pay allowances.

·Act as back-up to the Cashier and Accountant.

·Enter payments and purchases into SAP financial management system.


·Experience in using financial management systems.

·Sound general knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite of products.

·Competent communication skills in both written and spoken English and Mandarin Chinese.

·Interpersonal skills including an ability to liaise, negotiate and consult with internal and external stakeholders and experience in working in a close, tight-knit team.

·Analytical skills including a pro-active and practical approach to problem solving.

·Flexibility and adaptability, especially when implementing change.


Experience infinancial processing and payments.

Ability to process financial payments, prepare financial documents, issue invoices anddebt notices, make financial calculations.

Communications skills, including client services and interpersonal skills to work productivelyas part of a team.

Proven ability to work independently, to organise workloads and allocate resources so as to achieve objectives effectively.

Capacity to quickly understand the Australian Government legislative and operational context in which the clerical, administrative and unclassified office information systems of a Diplomatic Mission are conducted.

Knowledge andpractical experience of computer operating systems and commonly used commercialsoftware packages such as Microsoft Excel.

Demonstrated interpersonal skills, including an ability to work effectively with other members of a team or with colleagues. Flexibility and adaptability.

Ability to communicate verbally and in writing in English and Mandarin.

Position 4: Visa Processing Officer

About the position

Applicants must be Chinese citizens.

Employment conditions:

·Flexible working hours within a given bandwidth and core hours;

·Flexible leave to be agreed to by the staff’s supervisor;

·Paid overtime (when there is an operational requirement);

·Up to fourteen (14) paid public holidays a year that will include a mix ofChinese and Australian public holidays;

·Twenty (20) days of annual leave per year, credited monthly; and

·Fifteen (15) days of personal and carer’s leave credited annually.

Staffmay benefit from annual salary increments and/or a performance bonus dependingon achieved performance ratings.

The basic salaryfor the local engaged level 3 position will be RMB 106,124 per annum (including a thirteen-month pay). Calculationsof overtime are based on the basic salary.

The key responsibilities of the VisaProcessing Officer (LE3) include:

·Assess and decide temporary visa applications. Make fair, lawful and timelydecisions on routine cases and recommendations on more complex cases.

·Provide high levels of client service, including in more complex clientsituations.

·Interview clients and request information in-person, by telephone and inwriting. Record written outcomes clearly and concisely in English.

·Conduct inquiries on cases that have been referred from operational areas,analyse outcomes and record findings clearly and accurately in English.

·Liaise with and respond to clients and their representatives on routine andmore complex enquiries.

·Prepare correspondence, including emails and letters.

·Manage and organise high volume caseloads with limited supervision.

·Provide specialist advice to other areas of the office.

·Understand and apply complex migration legislation and policy.

·Undertake a range of administrative duties.

·Liaise with a range of stakeholders and service providers.

Selection Criteria:
