专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-20 12:20


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,方大炭素新材料科技股份有限公司已经批准一项投资计划,从考伯斯国际有限公司( KIBV )收购考伯斯 ( 江苏 ) 炭素化工有限公司( KJCC )。

Fangda Carbon NewMaterials Company has approved an investment plan to purchase Koppers (Jiangsu)Carbon Chemical (KJCC) from Koppers International B.V. (KIBV) in JiangsuProvince, Kallanish notes.

该公司计划出资 5,000 万美元收购 KJCC 公司 46.23% 的股份,以满足方大碳素子公司方大喜科墨的针状焦需求。另一家公司 New Japan Coal Chemical Company (NJC) 将以 5,700 万美元收购 KJCC 53.27% 的股份。 NJC 是新日铁的子公司。

It plans to spend $50million to purchase 46.23% of KJCC shares to satisfy the demand of needlecoke from Fangda Xikemo, a Fangda Carbon subsidiary. Another company, NewJapan Coal Chemical Company (NJC), will purchase 53.27% of KJCC for $57million. NJC is a subsidiary of Nippon Steel.

KIBV 一直在退出以煤炭为基础的业务,转而专注于更清洁的以木材为基础的产品。不过,该公司也指出,这家中国工厂一直与“……最大的客户”存在争议。 KIBV 表示,他们觉得近年来其产品的季度价格一直低于市场价格。

KIBV has beenretreating from coal-based businesses to focus on cleaner wood-based products.It also notes however that the Chinese plant has been in a dispute with its"… largest customer." KIBV says it felt quarterly prices for itsproducts in recent years had been below market rates.

2013 6 月,方大碳素为两个项目融资 17.96 亿元( 2.5629 亿美元),生产 3 万吨 / 年的特殊石墨产品和 10 万吨 / 年的针状焦。 2017 1 月,该公司批准用部分资金( 4.0168 亿元)收购江苏喜科墨 51% 的股份。后者拥有 6 万吨 / 年针状焦, 4 万吨 / 年煤焦油沥青和 11 万吨 / 年炭黑油产能。同时, NJC 收购了其余 49% 的股份。

In June 2013 FangdaCarbon raised capital of CNY 1.796 billion ($256.29 million) for two projectsto produce 30,000 tonnes/year of special graphite products and 100,000 t/y ofneedle coke. In January 2017, the company approved to use part of the capital,CNY 401.68 million to acquire a 51% share in Jiangsu Ximoke. The latterhas capacities of 60,000 t/y of needle coke, 40,000 t/y of coal tar pitchand 110,000 t/y of carbon black oil. In the meantime, NJC purchased theremaining 49% shareholding.

然而,上述两个项目分别在 2016 7 月和 2019 6 月被叫停。剩下的 5,000 万美元将用于投资 KIBV 。这将节省时间和资金成本,确保为其电极厂供应高端原材料,从而向上游延伸产品链。

However, the twoprojects above were halted in July 2016 and June 2019 respectively. Theremaining capital of $50 million will be used to invest in KIBV. This will savetime and capital cost in securing supply of high-end raw materials for itselectrode plants, extending the product chain upstream.

KIBV 成立于 2014 4 月,由 Koppers Holdings 和沂州集团共同出资组建,拥有 30 万吨 / 年的焦油加工能力。 2019 1-11 月营业收入 9.2598 亿元,可分配净利润 4,200 万元。 Koppers Holdings 是一家美国焦油加工公司,年产能 210 万吨。

KIBV was set up byKoppers Holdings and Yizhou Group in April 2014. It has tar processingcapacity of 300,000 t/y. Its operating operating revenue from January toNovember 2019 was CNY 925.98 million, net attributable profit reached CNY42m. Koppers Holdings is an American tar processing company, with 2.1million t/y of capacity.



Asia Steel Markets 2020 (已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
