专栏名称: Aloha成长英语
ALO~HA你好,ALOHA~再见,ALOHA我爱你。ALOHA精神通常被描述为关心、接纳与尊重等。Aloha Growing English正是要秉持这种精神,让成长之路更有爱,让孩子们学会用另一种语言拥抱世界, ALOHA,WORLD!
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Alice唱One little finger

Aloha成长英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-04-15 23:27



今天下午,午睡醒来,她居然说唱了一句 Mommy, where are you? Here am I.

于是,我们又录音了,唱一首One little finger,一首非常非常非常简单的歌。歌词随性改动了一点O(∩_∩)O~。


不管是point your finger up, point your finter down 还是point to the ceiling, point to the floor,基本歌词都差不多,可以进行应景的 内隐学习 ,很简单,比如,洗澡的时候说说五官,唱唱这首歌,轻松愉快,忽然有一天你的宝宝也会输出了。


附:歌词,五官和身体部位的词可以自行替换,比如chin, arm, leg, foot, toes等

One little finger,one little finger,One little finger,tap,tap,tap!

Point to the ceiling,point to the floor.

Put it on your nose .

One little finger,one little finger, one little finger, Tap taptap!

Point to the ceiling,point to the floor.

Put it on your eye .

One little finger,one little finger,One little finger,tap,tap,tap!

Point to the ceiling,point to the floor.

Put it on your head .

One little finger,one little finger,One little finger,tap,tap,tap!

Point to the ceiling,point to the floor.

Put it on your mouth .

One little finger,one little finger,One little finger,tap,tap,tap!

Point to the ceiling,point to the floor.

Put it on your nose .

One little finger,one little finger, one little finger, Tap taptap!

Point to the ceiling,point to the floor.
