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唧唧堂:JOB 组织行为期刊2021年3月刊论文摘要7篇

唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-04-12 21:03


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: ATP
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: Eric.J, 明月奴
编辑 | 悠悠

1. 揭露并缩小创造性绩效的性别差异:一个多层次模型


Building upon and extending the interactionist perspective of creativity, social role theory, and role congruity theory, we develop an integrated multilevel model to examine gender differences in creative self-efficacy and determine how the contextual factor of team psychological safety shapes employees' creative self-efficacy and, through this motivational mechanism, influences their creative performance. Using data from a sample of 335 employees from a large food manufacturer collected over three time periods, we theorize and demonstrate the pivotal role of creative self-efficacy in explaining gender differences in creative performance. Our findings indicate that women may have lower creative self-efficacy than men in organizational contexts. However, team psychological safety restores parity between men and women through a cross-level moderated mediation, such that psychological safety has a stronger effect on women's creative self-efficacy than that of men, resulting in increased creative performance for women. These findings offer interesting implications for research on gender differences in creative performance and for human resources by pinpointing methods of bridging the existent differences in the creative self-efficacy of men and women in organizations.

参考文献:Hora, S., Lemoine, G. J., Xu, N., & Shalley, C. E. (2021). Unlocking and closing the gender gap in creative performance: A multilevel model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3), 297–312. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2500

2. 快乐的情感文化如何培养团队复原力?社会认知的角度

工作任务的复杂性使得许多组织围绕团队开展工作,因而团队必须出发展应对和适应各种不利情况的能力。然而,我们对促进和抑制团队复原力发展的因素(即团队复原力的变化)的认识和理解还不够深入。基于扩展-建构理论(broaden-and-build theory)的建构假设,我们探讨了团队复原力变化的动态的情感、社会和认知成分。我们认为,团队快乐情感文化的变化通过社会机制和认知机制(即相互性的变化和反映性的变化)来预测团队复原力的变化。一项涉及91个团队(包括1291个个体反应)的两阶段研究结果表明,相互性的变化和反映性的变化在快乐情感文化的变化与团队弹性能力变化之间的正向关系中起中介作用。该研究从理论上划分了引起团队复原力在团队内部出现差异性的情感、社会和认知集体的潜在机制,从而推进了关于团队复原力的研究。

The complex nature of work tasks leads many organizations to organize work around teams, which must develop the capacity to cope with and adapt to a variety of adverse situations. However, our knowledge and understanding of what enables and inhibits the development of resilient teams, that is, change in teams' resilience capacity, have yet to be fully developed. Drawing on the build hypothesis of broaden-and-build theory, we explore the dynamic emotional, social, and cognitive elements that underlie change in team resilience capacity. We posit that a change in a team's emotional culture of joy predicts change in team resilience capacity through both social and cognitive mechanisms (i.e., change in mutuality and change in reflexivity). The results from a two-wave study involving 91 teams (comprising 1291 individual responses) indicate that the positive relationship between change in the emotional culture of joy and change in team resilience capacity is mediated by change in mutuality and change in reflexivity. This research advances the emerging literature on team resilience by theoretically delineating the underlying affective, social, and cognitive collective mechanisms that lead to within-team variability in team resilience capacity.

参考文献:Hartmann, S., Weiss, M., Hoegl, M., & Carmeli, A. (2021). How does an emotional culture of joy cultivate team resilience? A sociocognitive perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3), 313–331. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2496

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3. 团体多元化对团体绩效下滑的预防效益:一项潜在增长模型的研究


Integrating the open systems perspective of groups and the contingency approach to diversity, we study how group diversification (i.e., a process in which a group becomes more diverse over time as members join and/or leave the group) affects group performance change in an adverse task environment. We argue that diversification benefits performance by reducing group performance decline in times of adversity. Group size increase, however, attenuates this preventative benefit of group diversification. Focusing on organizational tenure and gender, we studied 279 sales groups (3277 individuals) in a large German financial consulting company from 2004 to 2008. In this period, a national legislative change prompted the company to withdraw its star product from the market and presented adversity to the sales groups. Results from latent growth models (LGMs) overall support our arguments. This research extends the (conditional) beneficial view of diversity from a static theoretical space about group being diverse to a dynamic one about group becoming diverse.

参考文献:Li, J., Shemla, M., & Wegge, J. (2021). The preventative benefit of group diversification on group performance decline: An investigation with latent growth models. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3), 332–348. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2498

4. 被所爱之人忽视:理解家庭排斥何时以及为何会抑制工作中的创造力


This paper extends the understandings of the contextual antecedents of employee creativity at work by examining what can happen when employees are ostracized by loved ones at home, a phenomenon referred to as family ostracism. Drawing on insights from the conservation of resources (COR) theory, we examine the moderated multiple mediation relationships between family ostracism and an individual's creativity at work through strain-based family-to-work conflict (FWC) and creative process engagement (CPE), moderated by the need for affiliation. Using time-lagged data collected from working adults in the United Kingdom, our results demonstrate that the relationship between family ostracism and creativity is negatively and serially mediated by both strain-based FWC and CPE. These results hold even when controlling for the time- and behavior- based dimensions of FWC, workplace ostracism, family undermining, harmonious passion, and Time 1 creativity. Furthermore, individuals with a higher need for affiliation react more strongly to their experiences of family ostracism than those with a lower need. The implications for research and practice are also discussed.

参考文献:Babalola, M. T., Kwan, H. K., Ren, S., Agyemang-Mintah, P., Chen, H., & Li, J. (2021). Being ignored by loved ones: Understanding when and why family ostracism inhibits creativity at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3), 349–364. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2499

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Teammates' perceptions of person-focused interpersonal citizenship behavior (ICB) are important for effective teamwork, and a member's emotion suppression may critically influence others' respective perceptions. The existing research is inconclusive, however, whether emotion suppression is helpful or harmful in this regard. This ambiguity hampers our understanding of the development of ICB perceptions within work teams, and it creates uncertainty as to whether members' emotion suppression is beneficial or detrimental for themselves and the overall team. Hence, we examine a model that specifies important boundary conditions for the emotion suppression-ICB perception linkage. We illustrate a three-way interactive relation across two studies, such that a member's emotion suppression is positively or negatively associated with a teammate's person-focused ICB perceptions, depending on both the dyadic interaction context (i.e., relationship conflict) and the overall team context (i.e., goal interdependence). Beyond creating new knowledge on the origins of ICB perceptions, these results reconcile prior, seemingly contradictory perspectives on the role of emotion suppression by explicating when this emotion regulation strategy appears as either “faking in good faith” or “faking in bad faith.” Moreover, reiterating our findings' relevance, we link others' ICB perceptions with members' receipt of ICB from their teammates as well as team performance.

参考文献:Lam, C. K., Walter, F., & Lawrence, S. A. (2021). Emotion suppression and perceptions of interpersonal citizenship behavior: Faking in good faith or bad faith? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3), 365–387. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2502

6. 挑战还是阻碍?目标定向和认知评估在压力源-绩效关系中的作用


Stress transactions are influenced by the properties of the stressful situation and those of the individual. Much research has focused on the differential effects of challenge and hindrance stressors on job performance, but few studies have explored individual differences in the cognitive appraisal of stressors, which is the central component of stress transactions. Therefore, the present study examined the moderating effect of employee goal orientation (i.e., learning, performance prove, and performance avoidance goal orientation) on stressor-appraisal relationships and tested whether goal orientation further moderates the indirect relationships of stressors with job performance via appraisals. We tested the hypothesized model at both between- and within- person levels and obtained convergent results across two studies with multisourced data. Goal orientation was found to be an important boundary condition of the stressor-appraisal relationships. Specifically, the challenge stressor-challenge appraisal relationship was strengthened by learning goal orientation and performance-prove goal orientation. The hindrance stressor-hindrance appraisal relationship was strengthened by performance-prove goal orientation and performance-avoidance goal orientation, but weakened by learning goal orientation. On this basis, employee goal orientation also moderated indirect relationships between stressors and task performance/work proactivity via appraisals. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.

参考文献:Ma, J., Peng, Y., & Wu, B. (2021). Challenging or hindering? The roles of goal orientation and cognitive appraisal in stressor-performance relationships. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3), 388–406. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2503

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7. 进入上升螺旋:探究管理者谈论辱虐如何以及何时会导致随后的辱虐管理

