专栏名称: 安卓开发精选
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Android Notification 详解——基本操作(下)

安卓开发精选  · 公众号  · android  · 2016-11-27 14:28


(点击 上方公众号 ,可快速关注)

来源:伯乐在线专栏作者 - 踏歌行


点击 → 了解如何加入专栏作者


case R . id . btn_send_flag_no_clear_notification :

//发送 ID = 1, flag = FLAG_NO_CLEAR 的 Notification

//下面两个 Notification 的 ID 都为 1,会发现 ID 相等的 Notification 会被最新的替换掉

sendFlagNoClearNotification ();

break ;

case R . id . btn_send_flag_auto_cancecl_notification :

sendFlagOngoingEventNotification ();

break ;

case R . id . btn_send_flag_ongoing_event_notification :

sendFlagAutoCancelNotification ();

break ;




* 发送最简单的通知,该通知的ID = 1


private void sendNotification () {

//这里使用 NotificationCompat 而不是 Notification ,因为 Notification 需要 API 16 才能使用

//NotificationCompat 存在于 V4 Support Library

NotificationCompat . Builder builder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( this )

. setSmallIcon ( R . mipmap . ic_launcher )

. setContentTitle ( "Send Notification" )

. setContentText ( "Hi,My id is 1" );

mNotificationManager . notify ( DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_ID , builder . build ());



* 使用notify(String tag, int id, Notification notification)方法发送通知

* 移除对应通知需使用 cancel(String tag, int id)


private void sendNotificationWithTag () {

NotificationCompat . Builder builder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( this )

. setSmallIcon ( R . mipmap . ic_launcher )

. setContentTitle ( "Send Notification With Tag" )

. setContentText ( "Hi,My id is 1,tag is " + NOTIFICATION_TAG );

mNotificationManager . notify ( NOTIFICATION_TAG , DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_ID , builder . build ());



* 循环发送十个通知


private void sendTenNotifications () {

for ( int i = 0 ; i 10 ; i ++ ) {

NotificationCompat . Builder builder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( this )

. setSmallIcon ( R . mipmap . ic_launcher )

. setContentTitle ( "Send Notification Batch" )

. setContentText ( "Hi,My id is " + i );

mNotificationManager . notify ( i , builder . build ());





* 该 flag 表示该通知不能被状态栏的清除按钮给清除掉,也不能被手动清除,但能通过 cancel() 方法清除

* Notification.flags属性可以通过 |= 运算叠加效果


private void sendFlagNoClearNotification () {

NotificationCompat . Builder builder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( this )

. setSmallIcon ( R . mipmap . ic_launcher )

. setContentTitle ( "Send Notification Use FLAG_NO_CLEAR" )

. setContentText ( "Hi,My id is 1,i can't be clear." );

Notification notification = builder . build ();

//设置 Notification 的 flags = FLAG_NO_CLEAR

//FLAG_NO_CLEAR 表示该通知不能被状态栏的清除按钮给清除掉,也不能被手动清除,但能通过 cancel() 方法清除

//flags 可以通过 |= 运算叠加效果

notification . flags |= Notification . FLAG_NO_CLEAR ;

mNotificationManager . notify ( DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_ID , notification );




* 该 flag 表示用户单击通知后自动消失


private void sendFlagAutoCancelNotification () {


Intent resultIntent = new Intent ( this , MainActivity . class );

PendingIntent resultPendingIntent = PendingIntent . getActivity (

this , 0 , resultIntent , PendingIntent . FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT );

NotificationCompat . Builder builder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( this )

. setSmallIcon ( R . mipmap . ic_launcher )

. setContentTitle ( "Send Notification Use FLAG_AUTO_CLEAR" )

. setContentText ( "Hi,My id is 1,i can be clear." )

. setContentIntent ( resultPendingIntent );

Notification notification = builder . build ();

//设置 Notification 的 flags = FLAG_NO_CLEAR

//FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL 表示该通知能被状态栏的清除按钮给清除掉

//等价于 builder.setAutoCancel(true);

notification . flags |= Notification . FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL ;

mNotificationManager . notify ( DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_ID , notification );




* 该 flag 表示发起正在运行事件(活动中)


private void sendFlagOngoingEventNotification () {

NotificationCompat . Builder builder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( this )

. setSmallIcon ( R . mipmap . ic_launcher )

. setContentTitle ( "Send Notification Use FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT" )

. setContentText ( "Hi,My id is 1,i can't be clear." );

Notification notification = builder . build ();

//设置 Notification 的 flags = FLAG_NO_CLEAR

//FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT 表示该通知通知放置在正在运行,不能被手动清除,但能通过 cancel() 方法清除

//等价于 builder.setOngoing(true);

notification . flags |= Notification . FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT ;

mNotificationManager . notify ( DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_ID , notification );



设置 Notification 的通知效果

前面讲了 Notification 的创建、更新和取消,以及给 Notification 设置 Action 等基本操作。那么,我怎么给 Notification 设置诸如震动、铃声、呼吸灯等效果呢?别急,接下来马上就会告诉你怎么给 Notification 添加效果。

Notification 有震动、响铃、呼吸灯三种响铃效果,可以通过 setDefaults(int defualts) 方法来设置。 Default 属性有以下四种,一旦设置了 Default 效果,自定义的效果就会失效。楼主在这里踩了坑,愣是调了半天没找到为什么自定义效果会消失,忘大家慎之。




Notification . DEFAULT_VIBRATE


Notification . DEFAULT_SOUND

//添加默认呼吸灯效果,使用时须与 Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS 结合使用,否则无效

Notification . DEFAULT_LIGHTS


Notification . DEFAULT_ALL

除了以上几种设置 Notification 默认通知效果,还可以通过以下几种 FLAG 设置通知效果。

//提醒效果常用 Flag


Notification . FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS



//让声音、振动无限循环,直到用户响应 (取消或者打开)

Notification . FLAG_INSISTENT




Notification . FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL


Notification . FLAG_NO_CLEAR



Notification 通知效果的设置方式及注意事项全部在代码中,核心代码如下:


* 最普通的通知效果


private void showNotifyOnlyText () {

NotificationCompat . Builder builder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( this )

. setSmallIcon ( R . mipmap . ic_launcher )

. setLargeIcon ( mLargeIcon )

. setContentTitle ( "我是只有文字效果的通知" )

. setContentText ( "我没有铃声、震动、呼吸灯,但我就是一个通知" );

mManager . notify ( 1 , builder . build ());



* 展示有自定义铃声效果的通知

* 补充:使用系统自带的铃声效果:Uri.withAppendedPath(Audio.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, "6");


private void showNotifyWithRing () {

NotificationCompat . Builder builder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( this )

. setSmallIcon ( R . mipmap . ic_launcher )

. setContentTitle ( "我是伴有铃声效果的通知" )

. setContentText ( "美妙么?安静听~" )





//调用自己提供的铃声,位于 /res/values/raw 目录下

. setSound ( Uri . parse ( "android.resource://com.littlejie.notification/" + R . raw . sound ));


//Notification notify = builder.build();


//notify.defaults = Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;


//notify.sound = Uri.parse("android.resource://com.littlejie.notification/"+R.raw.sound);


//notify.sound = Uri.withAppendedPath(MediaStore.Audio.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,"2");


mManager . notify ( 2 , builder . build ());



* 展示有震动效果的通知,需要在AndroidManifest.xml中申请震动权限


* 补充:测试震动的时候,手机的模式一定要调成铃声+震动模式,否则你是感受不到震动的


private void showNotifyWithVibrate () {


long [] vibrate = new long []{ 0 , 500 , 1000 , 1500 };

NotificationCompat . Builder builder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( this )

. setSmallIcon ( R . mipmap . ic_launcher )

. setContentTitle ( "我是伴有震动效果的通知" )

. setContentText ( "颤抖吧,凡人~" )




. setVibrate ( vibrate );


//Notification notify = builder.build();


//notify.defaults = Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE;


//notify.vibrate = vibrate;


mManager . notify ( 3 , builder . build ());



* 显示带有呼吸灯效果的通知,但是不知道为什么,自己这里测试没成功


private void showNotifyWithLights () {

final NotificationCompat . Builder builder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( this )

. setSmallIcon ( R . mipmap . ic_launcher )

. setContentTitle ( "我是带有呼吸灯效果的通知" )

. setContentText ( "一闪一闪亮晶晶~" )

//ledARGB 表示灯光颜色、 ledOnMS 亮持续时间、ledOffMS 暗的时间

. setLights ( 0xFF0000 , 3000 , 3000 );

Notification notify = builder . build ();


notify . flags = Notification . FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS ;

