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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-03-26 10:44


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本文转自念念英文 echo_eng ,已获授权

今天我们讨论一个大家最喜欢八卦的话题 —— 出轨




- Q1 -

How would you personally define cheating in relationships ? What behaviors would count as cheating ?


Cheating can be a very broad term. Obviously having sex with someone who is not your partner if you both agreed to be exclusive with each other , that s cheating. But broader than that , I think there is definitely the possibility of emotional cheating sometimes. You don t confide in your spouse or significant other as much as you should.


If you re building your emotional relationship with someone else , that could also be cheating. Also things like using porn could be cheating , unless you both like porn , then whatever.  But , if you use porn instead of putting effort into your relationship , that can cause trouble , right ? Like if that causes you to value your wife or husband less: it s possible cheating there.


I know people close to me , who said that if there is no ring , it s fair game. which always seems really shitty to me , because you can have a committed relationship without signing legal papers to say that the government approves of your marriage. So then if you have decided you want to be exclusive with somebody , whether or not they have given you a ring , or sign some papers , it shouldn t matter.

我的一些朋友认为:“只要没戴戒指,就算公平竞争。” 我个人觉得这种观点相当渣, 因为两个人建立一段相互承诺的关系,并不是靠政府批准的一纸婚书,而是每个人自己的决定。 所以如果你确定要和TA发展一段恋爱关系,不论你们结婚与否,(对这段关系的忠诚度)都应该没有区别。

All of these things I think apply to almost any relationship. Even if you re just dating kind of casually , but you both agree to date exclusively to see whether it works out. You can cheat on that person , and that can be really harmful and mean. So don t do it. Be nice to people.

这些出轨的定义适用于几乎所有的关系。即使你只是随便交往一下, 想试试看对方是否合适, 只要你们双方都认可了这期间只和对方交往, 那出轨的定义在这里依然成立,而且(这样的行为)会很伤人。所以不要这样,要善良。

There could even be cheating in an open relationship. Although open relationships have looser rules , honesty is still essential. Like if you don t tell your partner that you are seeing someone , that might be cheating. Or if your partner hates someone and you sleep with that person without informing them , then it might count as cheating.


• 开放式关系 •

开放式关系(open relationship)是上世纪70年代产生的一个概念。处在这种关系里的双方,既是情侣关系,又不受传统单偶制的限制,任一方都有 在对方知情并许可的前提下 与第三者发生亲密关系的自由。


不管关系如何开放,依然有一个底线,就是关系里的双方必须坦诚, 同任何第三者发生各种程度的恋爱关系都必须经过现任伴侣的同意。

- Q2 -

If someone does cheat , how does their partner usually deal with it ?


Having a big fight , splitting in peace , or forgiving and pretending nothing happened ; depending on the people , all of the above are possible.


It would depend on the level of cheating. As we previously discussed , there are levels , like having sex with somebody is different than the just getting emotionally attached to someone else , or like fooling around but not actually having sex. They are all wrong and mean , but they are not on the same level.


The amount of cheating that happened could also have an effect on how people would deal with it. You know , having a one night stand is different than seeing 8 different people for years. Having sex with a prostitute is different than with a co-worker.


And another factor is how deep you were in this relationship. Getting cheated on by a 10-year husband probably feels different than with a one-month boyfriend.


Anyway , depending on the personality of the people , they have all sorts of ways of dealing with it and sometimes it will get really really ugly . Like in the movie Gone Girl , in order to deal with her husband s cheating , the wife framed her husband for her murder , and got him arrested and almost killed. And she even considered killing herself so that they could die together. Although it s just a movie , there might be some similar stories in real life. So guys , don t cheat on your wife.  Ladies , don t cheat either.


Related to this question , like I said , you shouldn t cheat in the first place , but what should you do if you find someone else attractive while you are in a relationship ? That could totally happen because life is never simple.


Well , I don t think that there is a standard answer for this question , but for me , depending on where I am in the current relationship , I will deal with it differently. First of all , I will never date someone for more than a month or sleep with her if I am not sure I loved her , which is why I was single for almost 30 years.  So if I was in a relationship less than a month , then I find someone else attractive , I would be honest with my current girlfriend and break up with her first , and then move on to the girl I liked more.


But if I was in a stable relationship in which I was pretty sure I did love my girlfriend , I would not even think of any other girl in that way. I don t really understand how you could love two people at the same time. Even if I find some girl is nicer , and that s a big IF , I still have all the history with my current partner , which make her special for me. So I would let any thoughts of infidelity disappear ASAP , not to say do anything about it.

但是如果我处于一个很稳定的关系中,这就说明了我很确定爱我女朋友,那我就不会对其他女生有非分之想。我不是很理解为啥有些人可以同时爱两个人,即使我遇到了更好的女生(这几乎不可能),但我和现任已经有了很多共同的历史了, 这些共同的经历使她对于我来说是很特别的。 所以我会让自己任何不忠的想法立马消失,更不用说会有什么实际行动了。

And at very least , there is responsibility. Like , and lust , and love are different , at least for me . M aybe you can like a lot of people when you first meet them , and it s clear that you can find people sexually attractive after just meeting them , but you can love only after you spend a lot of time with them alone in your personal life. Getting to know someone other than your partner on that level could be an irresponsible thing to do to your relationship. It might mean that your current relationship already has some problems. You should try your best to sort that out before you do anything stupid.

而且还有责任的问题。至少对于我来说,喜欢、冲动和爱是不一样的。 你可能会有很多第一次见面就喜欢的人,甚至也可能觉得某些你刚认识的人很性感,但是只有在跟一个人长期、深入的相处了解过后,你才会爱上一个人。 而花时间去深入了解除了你伴侣之外的人,已经是对你当前关系的不负责任了。这很可能意味着你和现任的关系出了一些问题,在做任何傻事(劈腿)之前,你应该先尝试去解决问题。

If you cannot fix it and you both agree to end it , you can divorce or break up first and then start to consider other people. But if your partner still wants to be with you , you at least owe it to them an unambiguous break up before moving on. Being in this relationship is your own life choice and you should take some personal responsibility for it. There is no excuse for being dishonest and cheating.

如果你无法解决你们之间的问题,你们俩都觉得应该分了,你可以先离婚或者分手,然后再考虑其他人。如果你的伴侣对你还有依恋,出于对TA的责任,你至少应该先和TA彻底结束,再和其他人在一起。 毕竟当前的关系也是你自己的人生选择,你就得为这个选择负责, 总之不管什么情况下,都没有理由出轨。

Anyway , that leads us to another important topic that might be worth discussing in some later show: which way of life is better: wait until you find the right person ( and maybe never find them ), or get someone who is good enough ( but maybe not perfect for you )? Since a lot of excuses boil down to one person finding someone else they think they re in love with , which could be true , maybe we should figure out why and how to avoid this.


Ok , back to the question: how to deal with people cheating ? If you are a couple of crazies who are just all about the passion of love , and then one person cheats , it s possible that you will both act like crazy weirdos. I knew some people who would break everything they owned when they found out about being cheated on , and still couldn t stop quarreling at their kids wedding 10 years after their divorce.


Other people will split mostly peacefully. If they have common property , they may hire a lawyer to split it. And US lawyers are very , very expensive. So cheating and divorce is not a very economical way of life ; the only winner there is the lawyer.


But some people would stay together because of kids , so Anchor Babies are totally a thing in the US.  I think you might have a similar concept in China: the baby is the thing that keeps the family from falling apart , like how an anchor keeps a ship from drifting away. It s not good , but people will use kids as an excuse to stay together , which can lead to a more awful and torturous relationship , because now you hate each other and can t leave.


Other excuses that people use to stay together are that they believe marriage is sacred , or they think that they can work through it , or they actually still love each other. This is especially true for very Christian people , since the Bible says that god doesn t approve of divorce… It s not like God is in favor of cheaters ,


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