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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-03-26 10:44


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今天我们讨论一个大家最喜欢八卦的话题 —— 出轨




- Q1 -

How would you personally define cheating in relationships? What behaviors would count as cheating?  


Cheating can be a very broad term. Obviously having sex with someone who is not your partner if you both agreed to be exclusive with each other, thats cheating. But broader than that, I think there is definitely the possibility of emotional cheating sometimes. You dont confide in your spouse or significant other as much as you should. 


If youre building your emotional relationship with someone else, that could also be cheating. Also things like using porn could be cheating, unless you both like porn, then whatever.  But, if you use porn instead of putting effort into your relationship, that can cause trouble, right? Like if that causes you to value your wife or husband less: its possible cheating there. 


I know people close to me, who said that if there is no ring, its fair game. which always seems really shitty to me, because you can have a committed relationship without signing legal papers to say that the government approves of your marriage. So then if you have decided you want to be exclusive with somebody, whether or not they have given you a ring, or sign some papers, it shouldnt matter. 

我的一些朋友认为:“只要没戴戒指,就算公平竞争。” 我个人觉得这种观点相当渣,因为两个人建立一段相互承诺的关系,并不是靠政府批准的一纸婚书,而是每个人自己的决定。所以如果你确定要和TA发展一段恋爱关系,不论你们结婚与否,(对这段关系的忠诚度)都应该没有区别。

All of these things I think apply to almost any relationship. Even if youre just dating kind of casually, but you both agree to date exclusively to see whether it works out. You can cheat on that person, and that can be really harmful and mean. So dont do it. Be nice to people. 


There could even be cheating in an open relationship. Although open relationships have looser rules, honesty is still essential. Like if you dont tell your partner that you are seeing someone, that might be cheating. Or if your partner hates someone and you sleep with that person without informing them, then it might count as cheating. 


• 开放式关系 •

开放式关系(open relationship)是上世纪70年代产生的一个概念。处在这种关系里的双方,既是情侣关系,又不受传统单偶制的限制,任一方都有在对方知情并许可的前提下与第三者发生亲密关系的自由。



- Q2 -

If someone does cheat, how does their partner usually deal with it?


Having a big fight, splitting in peace, or forgiving and pretending nothing happened; depending on the people, all of the above are possible. 


It would depend on the level of cheating. As we previously discussed, there are levels, like having sex with somebody is different than the just getting emotionally attached to someone else, or like fooling around but not actually having sex. They are all wrong and mean, but they are not on the same level.


The amount of cheating that happened could also have an effect on how people would deal with it. You know, having a one night stand is different than seeing 8 different people for years. Having sex with a prostitute is different than with a co-worker. 


And another factor is how deep you were in this relationship. Getting cheated on by a 10-year husband probably feels different than with a one-month boyfriend. 


Anyway, depending on the personality of the people, they have all sorts of ways of dealing with it and sometimes it will get really really uglyLike in the movie Gone Girl, in order to deal with her husbands cheating, the wife framed her husband for her murder, and got him arrested and almost killed. And she even considered killing herself so that they could die together. Although its just a movie, there might be some similar stories in real life. So guys, dont cheat on your wife.  Ladies, dont cheat either.


Related to this question, like I said, you shouldnt cheat in the first place, but what should you do if you find someone else attractive while you are in a relationship? That could totally happen because life is never simple. 


Well, I dont think that there is a standard answer for this question, but for me, depending on where I am in the current relationship, I will deal with it differently. First of all, I will never date someone for more than a month or sleep with her if I am not sure I loved her, which is why I was single for almost 30 years.  So if I was in a relationship less than a month, then I find someone else attractive,  I would be honest with my current girlfriend and break up with her first, and then move on to the girl I liked more. 


But if I was in a stable relationship in which I was pretty sure I did love my girlfriend, I would not even think of any other girl in that way. I dont really understand how you could love two people at the same time. Even if I find some girl is nicer, and thats a big IF, I still have all the history with my current partner, which make her special for me. So I would let any thoughts of infidelity disappear ASAP, not to say do anything about it.  


And at very least, there is responsibility. Like, and lust, and love are different, at least for me. Maybe you can like a lot of people when you first meet them, and its clear that you can find people sexually attractive after just meeting them, but you can love only after you spend a lot of time with them alone in your personal life. Getting to know someone other than your partner on that level could be an irresponsible thing to do to your relationship. It might mean that your current relationship already has some problems. You should try your best to sort that out before you do anything stupid.


If you cannot fix it and you both agree to end it, you can divorce or break up first and then start to consider other people. But if your partner still wants to be with you, you at least owe it to them an unambiguous break up before moving on. Being in this relationship is your own life choice and you should take some personal responsibility for it. There is no excuse for being dishonest and cheating. 


Anyway, that leads us to another important topic that might be worth discussing in some later show: which way of life is better: wait until you find the right person (and maybe never find them), or get someone who is good enough (but maybe not perfect for you)?  Since a lot of excuses boil down to one person finding someone else they think theyre in love with, which could be true, maybe we should figure out why and how to avoid this. 


Ok, back to the question: how to deal with people cheating? If you are a couple of crazies who are just all about the passion of love, and then one person cheats, its possible that you will both act like crazy weirdos. I knew some people who would break everything they owned when they found out about being cheated on, and still couldnt stop quarreling at their kids wedding 10 years after their divorce. 


Other people will split mostly peacefully. If they have common property, they may hire a lawyer to split it. And US lawyers are very, very expensive. So cheating and divorce is not a very economical way of life; the only winner there is the lawyer. 


But some people would stay together because of kids, so Anchor Babies are totally a thing in the US.  I think you might have a similar concept in China: the baby is the thing that keeps the family from falling apart, like how an anchor keeps a ship from drifting away. Its not good, but people will use kids as an excuse to stay together, which can lead to a more awful and torturous relationship, because now you hate each other and cant leave. 


Other excuses that people use to stay together are that they believe marriage is sacred, or they think that they can work through it, or they actually still love each other. This is especially true for very Christian people, since the Bible says that god doesnt approve of divorce… Its not like God is in favor of cheaters, you know, because the Bible also says that god doesnt approve of cheating in the first place, so maybe they should have thought things through a little more thoroughly. 


- Q3 -

If a famous person has affairs outside of marriage, what would peoples thoughts be about it? Is there a difference between male and female cheating in the publics reaction?


I think the US is very judgmental about other peoples sex lives, in general. And theres a prevailing idea that marriage and exclusivity is still a good thing. So when people do cheat, especially when public people cheat, they get judged very harshly. 


And there is a difference between male and female cheating in public opinion, because sexism is still a thing. In the ideal world, in the American mind, they would be treated exactly the same. But men still get off easier than women. Just like sexually men are more free than women are. But compared to a lot of places, the social punishments for cheating are still fairly close. And if you cheat, regardless of your sex, youll still get in trouble. We look down on cheaters in general. 


But for famous people, I think its fairly regardless of their gender.  If the man cheats, we treat that pretty much the same as if a woman cheats. I think we are happy when people split up because if one of them cheated, we feel like the person who didnt cheat would be getting a bad deal if they stayed with them. 


So if you look at someone like Hillary and Bill Clinton, obviously Bill got judged for sleeping around, but Hillary got judged pretty harshly too for staying with Bill. Although, because their relationship is more political than a lot of marriages, staying together might be more understandable on some level. But people say that he was treating her pretty poorly and she should have stood up for herself. In last years presidential election, Trump used this as one way to attack Hillary during the debates. And it is one of factors that made people, especially women, think less of her.   

拿克林顿两口子举例来说,Bill 因为婚内出轨、到处乱搞被骂惨了,但是希拉里因为没和他离婚,下场也没好到哪儿去。虽然大家心里或多或少都懂,他们俩就是政治婚姻,不离婚也能理解,但是吃瓜群众依然会说,Bill 就是个大人渣,这样对希拉里,她居然还不离婚!她应该勇敢站出来,为自己讨回公道呀!实际上在去年的大选中,川普在辩论里就用了这一条来攻击希拉里。而且这一条确实让她失去了不少人的支持,特别是女性。

Conversely with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, since he was fooling around on the side, the public was happy that she left him, because she doesnt need to put up with that crap. She is a powerful woman and she shouldnt settle for less than she deserves, or what she thinks she deserves. 


Angelina has been on both sides: the one who broke someone elses family and the one whose family was broken up.  Way back in the old days, when Brad cheated on Jennifer Aniston with Angelina, I think thats where Angelina got her reputation as a home breaker. She got judged harshly for breaking their marriage, but then more recently she was judge positively for ending her own marriage when it turned out that Brad was just a serial cheater. 


But there was also news that said that Angelina may have cheated on Brad too. Who knows which one is true! 


Weve got the saying once a cheater, always a cheater. So cheating follows you in life, particularly if you are a celebrity because people all know you, and they will continue to judge you for that. I think Angelina had a tough time getting over that. And even all of these years later, some people will laugh at her pain and say, ha, that bitch finally got what she deserved. Brad cheated on her too. You can always find comments like that online.  




@ Leo D: 


Some people think that only dudes cheat, but thats also not the case.  Kristen Stewart, the main actress in the movie Twilight, was a celebrity example of the female in a relationship cheating. She was dating Robert Pattinson and cheated with her married director. And of course she got judged harshly back then and she even came out to apologize for it publicly. But the guy she cheated with got hit harder, because he was already married and had kids.


Unlike Angelina, she found a bit more forgiveness, because she apologized and stopped seeing the guy. A lot of people even felt sorry for her later, thinking that she was young and naive back then, and it was understandable to make some mistakes, and she tried her best to own her actions and try to fix her mistakes. 


So in general, regardless of gender, our public punishment will be harder for people cheating inside marriage and home wreckers. The victims of cheating are encouraged to divorce. For the unmarried ones who didnt break up a family, if they are willing to admit their mistakes and try to fix it, the public will tend to forgive, if they dont make the same mistake again. 


The gender difference is more prominent in real life. The same as any male dominant culture: a female family breaker may be judged more than a male one; the married female cheater is worse than the male in most peoples minds; divorce is less encouraged for a female victim; people tend to judge female home wreckers more harshly than the married male she was cheating with. But Id like to think that the difference is getting smaller as time goes on, and you can probably only find it in some conservative areas now. Feminism has helped to make a lot progress on this in my country.   


So I mean its complicated. But overall, I think we like people who dont stay in their relationships after they get cheated on. And we hate cheating, especially cheating in marriage, and cheating is a great way to earn a bad reputation that follows you for the rest of your life.


In closing, I’d like to ask all of you a question: where would you draw the line for cheating?  Would you forgive your partner for emotional cheating? How about a one night stand?  What if they had a long-term friend with benefits(Cannon Friend in your words)on the side?  Why?


Let us know your thoughts by discussing with us in the commenting area. 




Obviously having sex with someone who is not your partner if you both agreed to be exclusive with each other, that’s cheating.




Let's stop seeing other people and make this relationship exclusive.


get ugly 


Anyway, depending on the personality of people, they have all sorts of ways to deal with it and sometimes it will get really really ugly.


get ugly,变得丑陋,不光可以指外貌上变得丑陋,也可以指一件事情或者一个人的情绪变得很坏,但是为了避免歧义,最好不要直接说一个人get ugly,而是说她的心情、情绪等get ugly。


Her mood got ugly when she saw her ex-boyfriend.


friend with benefits


What if they had a long-term friend with benefits (Cannon Friend in your words)on the side?


friend with benefits,炮友


A lot of people are not ready for a serious relationship, so they just want a friend with benefits.






