专栏名称: 留德华叫兽
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  留德华叫兽

博后 | 年薪35W+,牛津大学招聘博后职位

留德华叫兽  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-30 09:59



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Title : Postdoctoral Research Associate in Solid-State Batteries

Location : Oxford

Published : 2024-12-20

Application deadline : 2025-02-13

Job type : Postdoc


About the position

We are seeking a well organised and self-motivated researcher to work on the Faraday Institution funded SOLBAT and/or LiSTAR projects, reporting to Prof. Mauro Pasta.

Applicants must hold PhD/DPhil in Materials Science or Chemistry (or be close to completion), together with relevant experience in the field of beyond Li-ion batteries and have significant expertise in one or more of the following areas:

1. Fundamental materials science, including:

  • Mechanical and microstructural characterisation of ceramics;

  • Metallurgy

2. Synthesis of air-sensitive materials, in particular:

  • Sulphide-based ionic conductors;

3. Characterisation of air and beam sensitive battery materials, in particular:

  • Solid-state NMR;

  • Plasma focussed-ion beam;

  • Lab-based and synchrotron-based techniques .

4. Solid-state electrochemistry, in particular e lectrochemical impedance spectroscopy;



You should have significant experience in managing your own academic research and administrative activities along with excellent communication skills, including the ability to write for publication, present research proposals and results, and represent the research group at meetings. You will also have a strong publication record in a related field, and possess sufficient specialist knowledge in the discipline to work within established research programmes. You will have the ability to identify research objectives and to carry out appropriate research activities within a given timescale, demonstrating the ability to work co-operatively with colleagues in an extremely fast-paced and intellectually stimulating environment.


Additional information

This full-time fixed-term post is available until 31 March 2026. There is a possibility that the post may be extended if the project’s funding is extended.

All applications are to be made online using the Oxford University E-Recruitment system, no later than 12 noon on 13 January 2025.

You will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your application, which should be no more than four pages long (one page cover letter, two page CV, one page publication list). Please do not attach any manuscripts, papers, transcripts,  mark sheets or certificates as these will not be considered as part of your application.

For further details including the job description and selection criteria, please click on the link below.

Interviews are scheduled to take place shortly after the closing date and you must be available during this time via Zoom/Teams.

More information:






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