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《Axure官方文档译读》之0304:Widget Groups(部件组合)

AT阿宝哥  · 简书  ·  · 2020-01-09 01:17


Axure RP

1、Widget Groups


widget groups

When you have several widgets you'd like treat as one item for purposes of moving, editing, or applying interactions, you can group them. Then instead of working with each widget separately, you can work with the group itself to affect all of its contained widgets.

2、Grouping and Ungrouping


To group two or more widgets together, select them and click Group in the top toolbar. To break apart a group of widgets, select it and click Ungroup .

要将两个或多个小部件组合在一起,请选择它们并单击顶部工具栏中的** group 。要拆分一组小部件,请选择它并单击 Ungroup**。

grouping and ungrouping widgets

Groups appear in the Outline pane as folders, and contained widgets are listed under the folder. You can add a widget to an existing group by dragging it into the group's folder. Similarly, you can remove a widget from a group by dragging it out of the folder.

组以文件夹的形式出现在“ 大纲 ”窗格中,包含的小部件列在文件夹下。您可以将小部件拖放到现有组的文件夹中,从而将其添加到现有组。类似地,您可以通过将小部件拖出文件夹从组中删除它。

You can also add widgets to a group on the canvas. Double-click the group to select one of its contained widgets. This will place a thick border around the entire group, showing its boundaries. Any widgets you add to the canvas while in this mode will be added to the group.

3、# Editing a Group and Its Contents

Edits you make to a group are also applied to its contained widgets. Changing a group's dimensions will proportionally resize widgets in the group, and editing a group's style properties, such as font face or fill color, will apply those changes to the contained widgets as well.



Group-level changes are only applied to widgets for whom the change is possible. For example, repeater widgets cannot be resized, so a repeater in a group will not be resized when the group is resized.

To edit the widgets in a group individually, double-click one of the contained widgets on the canvas or select it in the Outline pane.

要单独编辑组中的小部件,双击画布上包含的小部件之一,或在 Outline 窗格中选择它。

4、Special Interactions


4.1、Fire Mouse Style Effects


By default, widgets with mouse style effects inside groups work as usual: The style effect is shown when you mouse over or click on the widget in the web browser. You can, however, choose to fire the style effects of all contained widgets at once when you mouse over or click on any part of the group itself, including any empty space between widgets.

默认情况下,在组中使用鼠标style effects的小部件与往常一样工作:当您在web浏览器中鼠标单击小部件时,将显示样式效果。但是,您可以选择在鼠标悬停或单击组本身的任何部分(包括小部件之间的任何空白)时立即触发所包含的所有小部件的样式效果。

To do so, select the group and check the box for Fire Mouse Style Effects in the More Properties menu of the Interactions pane.
为此,在“ 交互 ”窗格的“ More Properties ”菜单中,选择“组”并选中“ Fire Mouse Style Effects ”复选框。

4.2、Targeting Groups with Actions


Actions can be applied to groups just like any other widget type. When configuring actions like Show/Hide Widget , you can choose a group to show or hide instead of an individual widget. This will hide the group along with all of its contained widgets.

操作可以像其他小部件类型一样应用于组。在配置像 Show/Hide Widget 这样的操作时,您可以选择显示或隐藏一个组,而不是单独的小部件。这将隐藏组及其包含的所有小部件。


Use a widget group when you want to show or hide a user input form, a dialog, or a modal.

targeting a group with a Show action

4.3、## Interactions on Groups VS Contained Widgets

Groups have some of the same events as their contained widgets might have ( Click or Tap , for example), which can potentially lead to conflicts. If a group and one of its contained widgets have actions set up on the same event, the widget's actions will be executed instead of the group's.

组具有一些与其所包含的小部件可能具有的相同事件(例如 Click或Tap ),这可能导致冲突。如果一个组及其包含的某个小部件在同一个事件上设置了操作,那么将执行小部件的操作而不是组的操作。