专栏名称: 医学生考研
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医学生考研  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-14 18:01


作者介绍: 酥梨(笔名)英语81,政治68,西医238,19考研er,现就读于中山大学。

去年学姐考研的时候,因为没有正确把握时间,写新题型的时候被难哭,在最后一分钟瞎填的答案交卷。考完对答案,只得了 2 分,一度是以为要凉凉了,结果分数让我惊喜

这充分说明一个道理:考的都会,蒙的都对,只不过是一个美好的愿望而已。但是 作文和阅读最大的一个区别就在于,阅读你读不懂确实没办法,但是作文就不一样了,你可以自由地选择你想用的表达,你会的单词。


小作文在英语(一)中所占分值为10分,基本上形式就是私人和公务信函、备忘录通知等。 这次为大家介绍一个简 单的方式,每天背 1 个句子 + 2 个灵活填充进去的单词,工作量绝对小于背诵模板。


首先我们排除两句话:开篇的 Dear XXX, 结尾万能落款 Yours sincerely/Sincerely yours L i Ming 这两句着实是初中生水平,对能够完成九年义务教育的同学都不是问题。接下来写正文了。

NO1. 我是谁 My name is Li Ming, who is( 题干中人物的关系 )

NO2. 从哪里来 On behalf of/ As one of( 组织,比如学生会 )/( 人群 ), I have the honor to make to you the following communications .

NO3. 要干嘛 I am writing the letter in purpose of (expressing my+ 名词 )/( 动词 +sth.)

NO4. 找你干啥 You are welcome to ( 题干内容 ) , which will start at 7 p. m. on March 17, 2015 in No.3 Teaching Building, and this will be followed by a ban quet. 适用于事件型,交代时间地点)

NO5. 为啥找你 The ( XX ) will hold a lot of wonderful surprises for you, so make sure you join us then.

NO6. 谢谢您嘞 For all you (have done)/(will do)for me, my true gratitude is beyond the word's description./ 对不住您嘞 For all I have done to you, my true apology is beyond the word's descrip tion.

NO 7 . 错错~是我的错 ~ It is due to my negligence, for which I m exceedingly sorry.

NO.8 想干嘛 I wish I could (recover or resolve it someday) /repay you someday) /(help you)/( get your help for + 题干内容 )

NO.9 不再发生

(1)我来保证 : I make sure that incidents like this will never happen again.

(2) 得保证 : We trust you will consider this matter seriously and promise that incidents like this never happen again . (一般用于写投诉信)

NO.10 接受理解 Hope you can accept m y (invitation) /(appreciation) /(apology) /(recommendation) /(resignation) /(suggestion) /(requirement) and understand my (situation) /(feeling) /(motivation). (根据实际的写作要求,括号里的词选一个就可以了)

NO.11 推荐条件 I would be grateful if you consider (me )/( 题干人物 )/( 题干事物 ) as(a candidate for the position 用于求职、推荐人 )/(one of your favorites 用于推荐书、电影之类 ). Because (I +have)/ ( 题干人物 +has) not only the qualifications for( 题干内容 ), but also the right personality, and (I+have) / ( 题干人物 +has) the talent and the amiable temper .

NO.12辞职理由 I have expected the job to be Interesting and challenging , which turns out to be the opposite. 如果把 job 改成题干内容,这一句也可以用于写投诉信,形容词 interesting challenging 可以视情况替换。

NO.13 感谢 xxx P lease let me take this chance to thank you for the rewardin g expe rience I have enjoyed.

NO.14 建议目的 To further improve( 题干内容 ), it is my pleasure here to offer you some use ful advice concernin g that . 用于提供建议,可用于建议信和投诉信。

NO.15 建议内容 ( In my humble opinion)/ When it comes to such a situation ), I would like to suggest that you should do sth

NO.16听我的,你就能。。。 If you could take what I suggest seriously, you would improve ( 题干内容 ) 记这一句的时候想想黄晓明。

NO.17有句话不当讲,但我偏就要讲 . I feel bad to trouble you, but I am afraid that I have to make a com plaint about( 题干内容 )

NO.18 如果你不给我一个妥善的处理结果,我可以是要告你的! I must have you fully understand that without a satisfying s olution, I will reserve my right to take legal action . 这句话比较严肃了,用于投诉信吧。

NO19. 我等不了了,一定要立马写信给你 (凑字数灌水神句,啰里八嗦没几个字有实际意义的) I tried to wait till I heard (about this from you)/( that you will come here) but decided to write this letter right away because I just cannot wait to tell you how happy I am for that at this moment .

NO20. 为你骄傲 This is a special and happy moment for y ou and I am ver y pro ud o f your (achievement)/(coming).

NO21. 预祝未来 My best wishes for (your further success)/(your greater success in future career)/(your good health and good luck )/( the company's contin u ing development).

NO22.随时联系 (凑字数灌水万能神句,几乎可以用于所有文章,轻轻松松 30 多个词) If (anything that I can do for you is needed)/(anything that you need to know about + 题干内容 )/( you can give me an opportunity for the interview), please feel free to contact me at any time at 666666.

NO.23感谢阅读 (几乎万能) Thank you for your time and consideration.

NO.24 期待回信 I'm looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.

NO.25再次表达 (此句可有可无,字数不够时用于灌水) (Once again)/ (O nce more),

I would like to express my (sorry for any inconvenience caused)/(warm thanks to you)/( cordial congratulation to you)/(warm welcome to you).

知道了这些句型,只要我们理解这些句子的结构和含义,分分钟就能自己组装一篇原装小作文,并取得高分。 比如:


第一段 :开头 Dear xxx + NO.1 我是谁 + NO.2 我从哪里来 + NO.3 我要干嘛

第二段 NO6. 对不住您嘞 + NO7. 错错是我的错 ~ + NO.8 我想干嘛 + NO.9 不再发生—我来保证 + NO.10 接受理解(此时,括号里的词就选 apology 就好了)

第三段 NO.23 感谢阅读 + NO25. 再次表达(字数够了,没时间了也可以不写) + Yours sincerely


第一段: 开头 Dear xxx + NO.1 我是谁 + NO.2 我从哪里来 + NO.3 我要干嘛(第一段跟道歉信一样)

第二段: NO.11 推荐条件 + NO. 22 随时联系 + NO.21 预祝未来

第三段: NO.23 感谢阅读 + NO24. 期待回信 + Yours sincerely

通过这两个例子,不难发现,大部分信件第一段是一样的,除它之外,只需自己随意写5、 6 句话文章就立马出来了 ~ 是不是很轻松呢?

背诵这些句子呢,并不是什么捷径,而且也要下一定功夫,但是相比较于背模板,一方面工作量少很多,另一方面不会涉及模板雷同、模板不给分之类的问题。 因此这绝对是一个事半功倍的好办法!

