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How do you like Wolf Warriors 2?

Quora精选  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-08-10 14:22




Wu Jing as a director and an actor helps people to empathize with what the African people are going through, but he takes a massive gamble with this movie and it pays off.

1. In all honesty, this is the best action film I have seen in a long time. I had so much fun immersed in the fierce action scenes and cinematography of this film. It is beautifully shot with postcard-qualityscenery depicting Africa perfectly. From a military Enthusiast point of view,Jacky Wu (吴京) did not disappoint and his film features real-battle-scene-coverage of the Chinese Navy, battle tanks and other battle field weaponry for the first time in a Chinese movie.

2. Wolf Warrior 2 has great cinematography, fast-paced action,great characters and outdoes the original. I think we are witnessing the beginning of a new era in Chinese action movie: Jackie Chan (成龙) has the Police Story series, Jet Li (李连杰) has the Once upon a time In China series,Donnie Yen (甄子丹) has the Ip Man series, and now Jacky Wu has his very own signature Wolf Warrior series.

3. I watched Wolf Warriors 2 yesterday. It was a glorious breath of fresh air. To me, this movie is a big, wonderful “F you” to the entire awful, racist, unjust, and tired old Hollywood tropes repeatedly beating the dead East Asian horse. I even watched it in London. I can’t believe it is only 2017 and I could watch a film with an East Asian male action hero in a cinema in London.

4. Wolf Warriors 2 was a well-done military action movie, with a Chinese male action hero lead, and puts the Chinese military in a positive light.

5. Like a typical Hollywood military action film might glorify the US military, Wolf Warriors 2 glorifies the Chinese military. I find this great because I am so sick of this genre being dominated by Hollywood biases. Maybe some day when the whole world is watching Chinese military action films and no-one, not even Americans, watch many Hollywood military action films, I will change my preferences and advocate for more balance the other way. But for now and the foreseeable future I find it awesome to see the Chinese action hero being glorified.

6. Related to being aimed at adomestic Chinese audience, Wolf Warriors 2 pushes a “social justice”-ish (with Chinese characteristics) message aimed at improving the sometimes biased views of Chinese audiences.

7. Wolf Warriors 2
