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脱口秀 | 为什么 dear money 会被称为“杀人不见血”的刀?

早安英文  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2022-10-15 05:30



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1. 小费
2. 零花钱
3. 首付款

大家都知道,dear是亲爱的,money是钱,那dear money=亲爱的钱?当然不是!🙉

其实,dear除了常见的“亲爱的”意思外,还能表示“利息高的”。 这就很容易理解了,dear money=高利贷,一种非法民间贷款行为,又被称为“杀人不见血”的刀👇

相似的表达 还有 funny money、 marry money 、good money......真实意思都很有趣!大家可以在评论区猜一猜😊

当然啦,聊到“钱”只会money是远远不够的! 在今天的节目里,Blair老师和 Summer老师就带大家来 聊聊各种和 「钱」有关的干货表达,快来学! ⬇️



change /tʃeɪndʒ/

n. 找回的钱,零钱

📝讲解: 大家最熟悉的含义表示交换、 改变,but here it is used as a noun, meaning the money that you get back when you have paid for sth giving more money than the amount it costs 找的零钱。

📍例句1: keep the change .

不用找了, 零钱 你留着吧。

📍例句2: Don't forget your change !

别忘了找给你的 零钱


pocket money/ allowance 零花钱

📝讲解: a small amount of money that parents give their children, usually every week or every month 父母给孩子的零花钱, pocket money 在 british English 用的更广泛,在北美地区,allowance 更常见。

📍例句1: Can I have more pocket money ?

我可以要多一点 零用钱 吗?

📍例句2: My allowance was sufficient to afford my mom's birthday gift.

我的 零用钱 足够给妈妈买一份生日礼物。


tip /tɪp/ v. 给小费 n. 小费

📝讲解: it's a small amount of extra money that you give to sb, for example sb who serves you in a restaurant 表示小费; Tip can also be used as a verb. 表示给小费。

📍例句1: He gave the waiter a generous tip .

他给了服务员很多 小费

📍例句2: You need to tip the waiter.

记得 服务员 小费


tuition /tuˈɪʃ(ə)n/ 学费

📝讲解: You can use tuition to refer to the amount of money that you have to pay for being taught in a university, college, or private school. 表示学费。

📍例句1: Excepti onal students are given free tuition .

表现优异的学生免交 学费

📍例句2: That's about 17,000 dollars for the tuition and fees.

学杂费 大约是17000美元。


deposit /dɪˈpɑːzɪt/ n. 订金

📝讲解: a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment 订金。

📍例句1: We've put down a 5% deposit on the house.

我们已支付了房款的5%作为 订金

📍例句2: We have $500. Will it be enough for a deposit ?

我们有500元。够不够作 押金


down payment /ˌdaʊn ˈpeɪmənt/


📝讲解: If you make a down payment on something, you pay only a percentage of the total cost when you buy it. You then finish paying for it later, usually by paying a certain amount every month.

📍例句1: We are saving for a down payment on a house.

我们正攒钱支付买房的 首付金

📍例句2: I've already paid the down payment .

我已经付了 首付


loan /loʊn/


mortgage /ˈmɔːrɡɪdʒ/


📝讲解: money that an organization such as a bank lends and sb borrows 贷款 A mortgage is a loan of money which you get from a bank or savings and loan association in order to buy a house. 这个单词在发音的时候要注意 /ˈmɔːrɡɪdʒ/ 中间的字母 t 不发音。

📍例句1: She applied for a student loan .

她申请了学生 贷款

📍例句2: We paid off our mortgage after fifteen years.

我们历经十五年的时间还清了 抵押借款

1. 小费
2. 零花钱
3. 首付款
