1.cv2.imread() — 用于读取图像文件并将其存储为 NumPy 数组。
import cv2
# Read an image file and store it as a NumPy array
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')
cv2.imshow() — 用于在屏幕上显示图像。
import cv2
# Read an image file and store it as a NumPy array
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')
# Display the image on the screen
cv2.imshow('Image', image)
# Wait for the user to press any key before closing the window
# Destroy the window
cv2.cvtColor() — 用于将图像从一种颜色空间转换为另一种颜色空间。
import cv2
# Read an image file and store it as a NumPy array
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')
# Convert the image from BGR to grayscale
gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
import cv2
# Read an image file and store it as a NumPy array
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')
# Resize the image to half its original size
resized_image = cv2.resize(image, (int(image.shape[1]/2), int(image.shape[0]/2)))
cv2.GaussianBlur() — 用于使用高斯内核模糊图像。
import cv2
# Read an image file and store it as a NumPy array
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')
# Blur the image using a Gaussian kernel with a kernel size of 5x5
blurred_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (5,5), 0)
cv2.Canny() — 用于使用 Canny 边缘检测算法检测图像中的边缘。
import cv2
# Read an image file and store it as a NumPy array
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')
# Detect edges in the image using the Canny edge detection algorithm
edges = cv2.Canny(image, 100, 200)
cv2.threshold() — 用于对图像应用阈值处理,将其转换为二值图像。
import cv2
# Read an image file and store it as a NumPy array
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')
# Apply thresholding to the image, turning it into a binary image
_, thresholded_image = cv2.threshold(image, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY