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★AP News一分钟新闻|索马里新总统宣誓就职

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-02-13 10:55



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This is AP News Minute.

Despite the rebuke of Massachusetts Senator Elisabeth Warren for criticizing colleague and attorney general-designate Jeff Sessions with the words of Coretta Scott King from three decades ago, other Democrats quoted King in speeches on Wednesday. Senators Bernie Sanders and Tom Udall both read passages of the letter on the Senator floor.

Panamanian authorities say a 23-year-old U.S. tourist has been found dead on a Caribbean island. Officials said the body of Catherine Johannet of New York was found on Sunday on a trail in a wooded area not far from a beach on Bastimentos Island.

Somalia has declared a new president on Wednesday. Former prime minister Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo took the oath of office as the long-chaotic country moved toward its first fully functioning central government in a quarter-century.

And three Malayan tiger cubs are being cared for in the Cincinnati Zoo's nursery. The zoo says nursery staffers step in to help the cubs warm up and feed, as the first-time mother's maternal instincts didn't kick in immediately.

Emily Roseman, Associated Press with AP News Minute.


1.rebuke n.非难,指责

He had to put up with a smart rebuke from the teacher.

2.function vi.有或起作用;行使职责

The authorities say the prison is now functioning normally.

3.instinct n.本能,天性

His instinct would be to seek a new accommodation with the nationalists.

4.maternal adj.母亲的;母亲般的

I didn't have as strong a maternal instinct as some other mothers.


1.Former prime minister Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo took the oath of office as the long-chaotic country moved toward its first fully functioning central government in a quarter-century.

take the oath of office宣誓就职

Since he has yet to take the oath of office, it is obviously too soon to tell.

2.The zoo says nursery staffers step in to help the cubs warm up and feed, as the first-time mother's maternal instincts didn't kick in immediately.

kick in开始生效;起作用

As discounts kicked in, bookings for immediate travel rose by 15%...



尽管麻萨诸塞州参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elisabeth Warren)用三十年前科瑞塔·斯科特·金(Coretta Scott King)的讲话来批评同事和尚未上任的司法部长杰夫·赛辛斯(Jeff Sessions)而受到责难,其他民主党人周三也引用了金的讲话。参议员伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)和尤德尔(Tom Udall)都在参议员会议上读了信件的内容。

巴拿马当局表示,他们在加勒比岛上发现一名23岁的美国游客死亡。官员们表示,来自纽约的Catherine Johannet的尸体于周日在距离巴尔的摩岛一个沙滩不远处的林荫小道上被发现。

周三,索马里宣布选出新总统。前总理法马约(Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo)宣誓就职,成为这个长期混乱的国家四分之一个世纪以来首个全面运作的中央政府的总统。


Emily Roseman为您报道美联社一分钟新闻。
