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Aedas新作 | 杭州玉湖,一座“没有边界”的艺术馆

建筑师疯人院  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-18 21:27



坐落于余杭区良渚新城玉湖公园中央的玉湖美术馆,由Aedas院士、全球设计董事韦业启(Ken Wai)带领团队倾力打造。 玉湖公园不仅是城市公园区域的重要组成部分,更是良渚新城“玉湖文化走廊”的核心地带,融合了文化与活力,成为一座富有生命力的新城生活聚集地。
In the heart of Hangzhou's Yuhang District, "Liangzhu Yohoo Park", a distinctive art museum is created at the core of this historical cultural hub. Led by Aedas Global Design Principal Ken Wai, the design of the Yohoo Museum integrates culture and art, vitalising the city as Hangzhou's newest gem.

Yohoo Museum in the heart of the lake


Paying attribute to the Chinese culture
The design inspiration comes from jade, a noble and precious material used in important rituals since ancient times.
“玉石,作为一种既尊贵又珍贵的材料,自古以来一直用于重要的仪式中。我们的设计灵感来源于良渚文化中礼器的代表——六器之首的玉璧。” 玉湖美术馆整体鸟瞰呈双环结构,通过两个相互嵌套的玉璧圆环,寓意良渚与运河双遗文化联结,成为贯穿古今的纽带。
The overall aerial view of the Yohoo Museum presents a double-ring structure featuring two interlocking jade rings. It symbolises the connection between the culture of Liangzhu and the Grand Canal, serving as a link that bridges the ancient and the modern.
Massing generation


Design concept of merging Liangzhu and canal culture

Aerial view of the museum

The double-ring structure created a dynamic and cohesive form. Conceived as a singular steel frame structure, the museum's edges gently raised off the ground without visible support, seemingly defying gravitational pull. The smooth architectural contours enclose two public courtyards; the circular light well symbolises the connection between heaven and earth.

The museum stands out from the surroundings like a shining jade

The façade extends horizontally along the building's form. The design incorporates vertical and horizontal framing on the façade, creating a naturally flowing curvature.

The main entrance on the south side is adorned with translucent "emerald glass" (multilayer laminated glass), bringing a bright and evenly lit spatial experience required by museum designs. The large transparent glass on the north side maximises the scenery, providing an expansive view of the second-floor exhibition area and the first-floor office space. The glass showcases crystal-like transparency and jade's warm, gentle qualities.

A courtyard embraced by nature

“我们选 择这种具有玉石质感的玻璃,不仅因为其外部呈现出温润的质感,更能在保持室内外通透性的同时,与历史文脉进行对话。” 韦业启(Ken Wai)说。

Ken shares, 'The glass panels resemble the form of jades, optimising a subtle balance of opacity and transparency between the exterior and interior, and connecting between history and culture.'

Seamlessly connected by a winding walkway


Blurring the boundaries
The museum is elevated above the lake, creating a new urban statement in the heart of Hangzhou.
The slightly uplifted architectural forms on both sides create spacious entrances
Opposite edges of the building are slightly uplifted to create interconnected open spaces, providing diverse spatial experiences and outdoor recreational spaces for leisure and socialising.
Lakeside view
“我们将建筑底部开放,欢迎公众进入其核心区域,感受从孔洞中望向天空的独特体验。雕塑般的建筑形态, 不仅是对良渚文化的致敬,而且营造出独树一帜的场所体验,更为现代城市注入了新的文化活力。”
The elevated area on the west side, supported by a steel structure, creates a dynamic piazza. The north side features a glass curtain wall with a white jade texture extending towards the horizon.

A museum that carries the traditional and future culture

阳光透过幕墙和结构组合而成的表皮系统渗入室内,形成明亮柔和、斑驳交错的光影效果。在自然光线的折射与反射中,营造出独特的观展体验。 游客可通过水上连桥到达入口广场,登上360度观景平台,远眺渔人码头、城北艺术中心与科创亲水广场,另一侧则可抵达游船接驳点。

Sunlight penetrates the interiors through the translucent glass panels, creating a bright, soft interplay of light and shadow indoors. The reflection of light creates a unique experience. Visitors can access the entrances via the scenic trails and reach the island to enjoy the panoramic view of the surroundings.
The museum's undulating roof design changes appearance depending on different angles, creating a timeless city symbol for Hangzhou.
A diverse architectural form from different angles

View from Yohoo Park

玉湖美术馆不只是一座展览建筑。“过去良渚丰富的文化遗产以及中国运河系统的工程奇迹,构成了我们设计的基础。”从对不同时期的中华文化的呼应,到与市民的对话, “它打破了传统博物馆的边界,找到一个连接过去与未来的契机。”
在泗水交汇、文化集成的玉湖公园,玉湖美术馆不仅为公众创造了一个“没有墙和天花板”的展览建筑,更加提供了一个多维度的互动空间, “我们认为这座美术馆应该是先锋的、实验的,同时也是东方的。 韦业启(Ken Wai)说。
Ken shares, 'The Yohoo Museum, located in the Yohoo Park, is a pioneering artdestination that offers a multi-dimensional interactive space for the community.'
A timeless architecture that pays tributes the art and nature, through heritage and innovation

位置: 中国杭州
业主: 杭州良渚新城交通投资有限公司
合作设计方: 中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司
设计及项目建筑师: Aedas
建筑面积: 5,356 平方米
竣工时间: 2024
主要设计人: 韦业启(Ken Wai),Aedas院士、全球设计董事
Location: Hangzhou, China
Client: Hangzhou Liangzhu Transportation Investment Group Co., Ltd
Design Collaborator: Power China Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited
Design and Project Architect: Aedas
