专栏名称: 四大新鲜事儿
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四大新鲜事儿  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-06 11:36



今天,小编带来个好消息! 美国亚利桑那州的离婚律师Kate Simonds认为 如果你正在寻找一个不会出轨的伴侣,会计师可能是一个稳妥的选择。

她列出了这三种最不可能出轨的职业,并表示“信我没错”! 这三种职业分别是 会计师 、药剂师、农民。

她称:“ 我觉得和会计师在一起会很安全,我看到他们有一种很常见的性格类型,和会计师在一起应该不用担心出轨问题 。”

近期Deepseek火爆全球,注会君也试着在Deepseek上提问“ 会计师是比较合适的结婚对象吗 ?”Deepseek称 选择结婚对象时,会 计师可能具备一些优势,但最终是否合适取决于双方的价值观、性格和生活方式是否契合。

Deepseek列出了与会计师成为伴侣的优势: 财务稳定、细致负责、逻辑清晰、遵守职业道德,不过也提到了会计师工作繁忙 。最终,Deepseek认为,职业只是参考因素之一,不能作为选择伴侣的唯一标准。

注会君最近也在社交媒体看到有会计行业从业人员发帖寻找“另一半”! 有会计同行表示相亲对象也是会计!该网友最终婉拒了这位同行相亲对象! 评论区有人称“ 那你找我吧,我是审计,你做账我查账 ”!

也有小伙伴指出, 会计+审计组合,一样喝西北风(穷)!

此前也有不少网友认为 会计工资太低,不能再找个同行!

也有人表示, 相亲的一条原则就是不找同行,会计不行,审计的更加不行 !有网友深有体会,评论称: 会计千万不要找审计,天天在家想干架



According to Kate Simonds, a divorce lawyer in Arizona, accountants are a safe bet if you’re looking for a mate who won’t cheat.

“If you’re in a relationship with one of these type of men, you’re safe,” she said in a TikTok video filled with comments about why she’s wrong on two of the three professions in her list (hint: it’s not accountants).

She lists these three professions as least likely to cheat, backed by the ultra scientific ‘trust me bro’ method:




“I think you’re pretty safe with an accountant,” she said. “I see a pretty common personality type, you should be good with no cheating with accountants.” What, workaholic? Risk averse? Devoid of rizz?

When popular adulterer website Ashley Madison was hacked in 2015, Deloitte allegedly went so far as to block the hack site from its network. We never figured out why exactly Deloitte didn’t want its people digging around in the 10 gigabytes of data that revealed intimate details about Ashley Madison’s 30 million users. It was theorized at the time that either people high up at Deloitte or in IT wanted to prevent colleagues from finding their names on the list OR, the more likely possibility, Deloitte didn’t want employees wasting time checking a data dump of cheaters instead of being chargeable.

A few years later, EY was engaged (heh) by Ashley Madison’s new owners to analyze traffic on the website. The firm found there were 5.7 million new accounts on the site in 2017 with a ratio of 1.13 active women to each active guy.

You probably won’t catch many accountants on a website like that, they stick to fidelity or banging colleagues. And occasionally clients.



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