专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-13 09:06


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,印度商务部公布的临时数据显示, 10 月印度热轧板材出口量同比增长 146% 616,172 吨,但平均价格降至 444 美元 / 吨, 2018 10 月为 595 美元 / 吨。

Indian hot rolled flat products exports soared 146% on-year in October to 616,172 tonnes,according to Indian commerce ministry provisional data seen by Kallanish .Their average price was, however, down to $444/tonne versus $595/t in October2018.

对越南出口量继续增长,达到 352,941 吨,仅比前一个月低 4,500 吨, 2018 10 月为 21,157 吨。对阿联酋出口量增长 55% 56,757 吨,对台湾出口量为 47,632 吨,去年同期为零。对尼泊尔出口量增长 38% 41,366 吨,但对意大利出口量下降 53% 30,811 吨。

Vietnamese intake ballooned for a consecutive month, reaching 352,941t, only 4,500t below the previous month’s tonnage and compared to 21,157t in October 2018. UnitedArab Emirates’ intake rose 55% to 56,757t and Taiwan imported 47,632t versus zero a year earlier. Nepal increased intake 38% to 41,366t but Italian intakefell -53% to 30,811t.

对孟加拉国、约旦、吉布提和肯尼亚出口量大幅增长,但对韩国出口量为零,去年同期超过 3 万吨。

Bangladesh,Jordan, Djibouti and Kenya significantly increased sourcing from India, butSouth Korea took in zero versus over 30,000t a year earlier.

1-10 月印度热轧板材出口量同比增长 67% 444 万吨,对三个最大市场——越南、意大利和阿联酋的出口量均有所上升。

InJanuary-October Indian HR flats exports thus rose 67% on-year to 4.44 milliontonnes, with top three markets Vietnam, Italy and UAE all increasing intake.

同时, 10 月印度涂层板材出口量增长 11% 116,176 吨。海关编码 721049 项下的热镀锌卷材平均价格为 647 美元 / 吨, 2018 10 月为 790 美元 / 吨。

Indiancoated flats exports, meanwhile, rose 11% in October to 116,176t. The averageprice of hot-dip galvanized coil under HS code 721049 was $647/t versus $790/t in October 2018.

对最大市场——比利时的出口量下降 14% 23,276 吨,而对英国出口量增长 96% 16,319 吨,对意大利出口量从 148 吨增长至 4,886 吨。

Top market Belgium nevertheless took in -14% less at 23,276t. The UK, however, increased intake 96% to 16,319t, while Italian intake rose to 4,886t from only 148t.

1-10 月涂层板材出口量下降 29% 376,752 吨,对最大市场——比利时的出口量下降,但对第二和第三大市场——英国和西班牙的出口量增长。


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