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【双语】国防部回应中柬关系:两军关系牢不可破 兄弟情谊坚如磐石

国防部发布  · 公众号  · 军事  · 2025-02-27 16:24


国防部回应中柬关系:两军关系牢不可破 兄弟情谊坚如磐石

MND Comment on China-Cambodia Relations: Unbreakable Military Relations and Rock-Solid Brotherhood


记者: 近期,个别自媒体唱衰中柬关系。请问发言人有何评论?中柬两军今年将有哪些交往?

Question: A small number of we-media accounts painted a bleak picture about China-Cambodia relationship. May I have your comments on this? What are the programs of engagement the Chinese and Cambodian armed forces will have for this year?

吴谦: 有关言论完全罔顾事实,纯属造谣中伤。中柬是同甘共苦、守望相助的铁杆朋友。两军关系牢不可破,兄弟情谊坚如磐石。近年来,在两国领导人战略引领下,两军高层交往密切,各领域务实合作成果丰硕,成功举办6次“金龙”系列联演与“和平天使”卫勤联演,在院校、扫雷、新闻等领域交流合作不断深化,前不久柬国防部为中国援柬院校和军医专家组颁授勋章。下一步,中国军队将与柬方一道,落实两国领导人重要共识,推动两军关系不断迈上新台阶、取得新发展。

Wu Qian: Relevant remarks are sheer slanders and not true. China and Cambodia are iron-clad friends who share weal and woe and always support each other. Our two militaries enjoy unbreakable relations and rock-solid brotherhood. In recent years, under the strategic guidance of the leaders of the two countries, the PLA and the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces have had close high-level interactions and productive and substantive cooperation in various areas. The two sides successfully held Golden Dragon joint exercise for six times and also conducted Peace Angel military medical service exercise. Exchanges between military academies and cooperation on de-mining and military publicity have continued to deepen. Not long ago, the Cambodian Ministry of National Defense conferred medals upon the Chinese medical expert team and academic expert team in Cambodia. Going forward, the Chinese military will join hands with the Cambodian side to deliver on the important consensus between the leaders of the two countries, and grow our military-to-military relations from strength to strength.


Trust is like a tree rooted in the soil of mutual support. China-Cambodia relations have withstood the tests of changing international landscape. No attempt to malign the bilateral ties will ever succeed.
