专栏名称: 取经号JTW
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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-01-02 12:49







I’ve performed in front of hundreds of turkeys. I sing Welsh folk songs and ones my dad would have loved to hear, like the Animals’ House Of The Rising Sun.


本文选自The Guardian | 取经号原创翻译

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I got my first guitar when I was 12, and it's been a slow process of self-tuition since then. I also play piano and violin, but I only play the guitar to the turkeys on the Rhug Estate farm in Corwen, north Wales, where I work.

12岁那年,我得到了人生的第一把吉他,进度缓慢的自学过程也从此开始了。我也会钢琴和小提琴,但在Rhug Estate农场里,我只对火鸡们弹吉他。这座农场位于北威尔士的科文,是我工作的地方。

It began as an experiment. Rhug is an organic farm, and the main principle is to create as little stress as possible for the animals. But the farm is on the side of a main road, so some get spook ed by loud noises: the traffic, machinery or sounds from the car park. We started playing the radio to them overnight. We'd put on Classic FM when we were shutting up at 7pm and leave it on until we returned in the morning.

这起初是一个实验。Rhug是一座有机农场,尽量减少动物的压力是我们秉承的主要原则。但农场旁边就是一条主干道,交通噪音、机械轰鸣和停车场传来的声响,会让部分动物受到 惊吓 。我们开始通宵播放电台音乐给它们听。晚上七点收工后,我们就打开古典音乐调频,让它一直放,等第二天早上回来才关掉。

spook [spuːk] v. frighten or scare, and often provoke into a violent action 惊吓;鬼怪般地出没;受惊

The turkeys in particular responded really well. So we started playing the radio all day, every day. Then my boss, Lord Newborough, thought, "What if the music was much more up close and personal?" He knew I played guitar and suggested I had a go. I think my facial expression may have shown I was a bit flabbergaste d by the request. I thought he was joking.


flabbergasted ['flæbɚɡæstɪd] adj. as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise目瞪口呆的;大吃一惊的

But we tried it. And from the moment I started strum ming, the turkeys crowded round. I got the impression they enjoyed listening to me play. They started pecking on the guitar and plucking the strings. That's the result of organic farming: you get inquisitive animals, rather than ones that are scared.

但我们真的尝试了。我才刚开始 拨弄 琴弦 ,火鸡们就簇拥而至,在我身边围成一圈。看来它们还挺享受我的演奏呢。然后它们开始啄我的吉他板、拉扯吉他弦。这就是有机放牧的成果:这里的动物对一切事物充满好奇心,而不是害怕恐惧。

I don't know how to describe the noise they make. People often say " gobble ". They did a lot of that - they were almost like a choir, gobbling away in response to my music. After seeing how much they enjoyed it, we did it again - and kept on going.

我不知道该如何形容它们发出的叫声。人们常说火鸡叫是“ 咯咯咯 ”。它们咯得可以说是非常起劲了--那阵势简直像一场大合唱,用它们的咯咯咯来回应我的吉他声。看到它们如此陶醉,我们又弹了一次--就这样一直到现在。

I've now performed in front of hundreds of turkeys. If you put hundreds of humans in front of me, I'd never be able to perform (my guitar abilities are fairly limited). I sing Welsh folk songs and ones my dad would have loved to hear, like the Animals' House Of The Rising Sun - that's the one I like playing most. I play pop songs, too, like Kylie Minogue, but with a folk twist.


I've been described as a turkey whisperer. It's like a horse whisperer, but not as glamorous. I don't have a magic touch - anyone who played to them would get the same reaction, to be honest.


The turkeys arrive here as day-old chicks at the beginning of June; more than 1,000 of them are delivered. They're kept in a controlled environment for the first couple of weeks, but as they develop into larger birds, we slowly introduce them to a free-range way of life. From the first light of day to nightfall, they're out grazing in the fields. We're a 6,500-acre farm, so they've more land than they need.


They're not chicks for long. You'll go home on a Friday evening and come back on a Monday, and you'll think, "Bleeding heck, where did these come from?" All of a sudden, they're huge. We've got Norfolk Bronze and Hockenhull Blacks. Are turkeys ugly? I wouldn't want to say. They're not exactly cute and probably won't win any beauty contests.


Turkeys are the noisiest of the bunch on the farm, but they're also intelligent and curious. We hang up CDs for them, or put pumpkins in the fields at Halloween, which they love - anything new, they'll check it out.

在农场里,火鸡是声音最吵的,但它们也很聪明,而且富有好奇心。我们为火鸡挂上CD做装饰,或者在万圣节把南瓜放在田野里,它们喜欢得不得了 -- 不管有什么新玩意,它们都要去瞄一眼。

I'm an animal lover and it's important to me that the turkeys are happy. But I'm not a vegetarian. Getting so close to the birds doesn't make me think I have to give up meat. Farming is a mega industry, but here the focus is on quality of life. Having worked with them, it's impossible to imagine turkeys in cages.


I will be eating turkey at Christmas, and it will be a Rhug Estate one. Millions of turkeys end up on the Christmas table all across the UK, but at least I'll know where mine came from and that it had a good life.

我会在圣诞节吃火鸡,而且还是Rhug Estate的火鸡。尽管数百万只火鸡会被端上英国各地的圣诞餐桌,但至少我知道我吃的火鸡从哪里来,也知道它曾拥有过一段美好的生活。

In January, when all the turkeys are gone, I won't be sad. It's a short wait till June when the new chicks arrive. It'll be quieter when they're not here, but on such a big farm, there's always something to fill the silence.




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