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英文早点丨0905 - 一夜爆红的“ZAO”被约谈!

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2019-09-05 07:01



8月30晚间,打出“仅需一张照片,出演天下好戏”口号的“ZAO”刷屏朋友圈。大量用户使用这款App,上传自拍照片,将自己“变成”影视片段的主角,并将这些“改头换面”过的视频片段,上传微信朋友圈等社交平台,引发“病毒式”传播。短短两天之后的9月1日,在苹果应用商店App Store的免费App下载排名中,陌陌系出品的“ZAO”已经雄踞第一。“ZAO”的走红,让更多AI换脸软件引发关注。但有用户爆料称,“ZAO”的用户协议中疑似存在“霸王条款”,并有个人隐私泄露等风险。随后,“ZAO”官方助手对此进行了回应并致歉,其背后实控人陌陌科技则被工信部约谈。


Every man’s work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.——Butler


A Chinese app that lets users convincingly swap their faces with film or TV characters has rapidly become one of the country’s most downloaded apps, triggering a privacy row. Released on Friday, the Zao app went viral as Chinese users seized on the chance to see themselves act out scenes from well-known movies using deepfake technology, which has already prompted concerns elsewhere over potential misuse.

Users provide a series of selfies [in which they blink, move their mouths and make facial expressions], which the app uses to realistically morph the person’s animated likeness on to movies, TV shows or other content. The company was forced to issue a statement on Sunday pledging changes after critics attacked the app’s privacy policy, which it had “free, irrevocable, permanent, transferable, and relicenseable” rights to all user-generated content.

There has been growing concern over deepfakes, which use artificial intelligence to appear genuine. Critics say the technology can be used to create bogus videos to manipulate elections, defame someone, or potentially cause unrest by spreading misinformation on a massive scale.

文本选自 The Guardian(卫报)

作者: Agence France-Presse

原文标题 Chinese deepfake app Zao sparks privacy row after going viral

原文发布时间 :02 Sept. 2019



英 [spɑːk] 美 [spɑːrk]

  • n. 火花;火星;电火花;(指品质或感情)一星,丝毫,一丁点

  • v. 引发;触发;冒火花;飞火星;产生电火花


英 [swɒp]       美 [swɑːp]

  • v. 交换(东西);交换(工作);用…替换;把…换成;掉换

  • n. 交换;掉换;交换物;被掉换者


英 [mɔːf]       美 [mɔːrf]

  • v. (使)变形(利用电脑动画制作使图像平稳变换);(使)变化;(使)改变

  • n. (动植物的)变种;变体;语子;语素形式


英 [dɪˈfeɪm] 美 [dɪˈfeɪm]

  • v. 诬蔑;诽谤;中伤



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