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考研英语外刊阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-10 07:59


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词数:440 words



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In a world where instant gratification and self-fulfillment are shoved down our throats, we forget that a large part of being human…is just boring.


1. shove: to put something somewhere carelessly or without thinking much






In July’s UK election the Conservatives suffered, in their terms, a wipeout . Their 121 seats on 24 per cent of the vote were their worst results since the party was formally established in the 1830s. In the ensuing leadership contest, MPs put forward two rightwingers for party members to choose between. The winner, Kemi Badenoch, is a marginally more credible leader than her rival Robert Jenrick. As the party’s fourth female leader, and the first Black leader of a major UK party, she continues the Tory openness to diversity in its top ranks. But her victory marks a doubling down on the post-Brexit swerve to the right that is the root of the party’s current travails. The only road back to power is through restoring its appeal to the UK at large, not a narrow right flank .

在7月的英国大选中,用他们的话来说,保守党遭遇了“全军覆没”。他们以24%的得票率获得121个席位,这是自19世纪30年代政党正式成立以来最糟糕的成绩。在随后的领导人竞选中,议员们推举了两位右翼人物供党内成员选择。最终获胜的是凯米·巴登诺奇,她比她的竞争对手罗伯特·詹里克稍微靠谱一些。作为党内第四位女性领导人,也是第一位担任主要英国政党领导人的黑人,她延续了保守党在高层领导中的多样性开放性。 翻译划线句,在文末留言打卡,答案下期公布~。 保守党 重新掌权的唯一途径是恢复其对整个英国的吸引力,而不是狭隘的右翼。


1. wipeout


n. 被浪打翻,全部覆灭;失败

2. ensue


v. 继而发生,因而发生; 追求

3. swerve


v. (使)突然转向,(使)急转弯; 改变,背离

n. 突然转弯; (球,其他物体)突然转向(或作弧线运动); 偏离的程度

4. flank


v. 侧面有; 位于……的两侧; 侧攻

n. 胁腹; (军队或球队的)翼侧,侧面; (大型物体的)一侧,一边



Both candidates, in different ways, misdiagnosed the cause of the Conservative rout as being insufficiently rightwing, particularly on immigration and tax. In reality, many voters were so disenchanted with 14 years of Tory rule that they sought to dispatch the government by any means possible.



1. rout


n. 溃败;溃退;聚众闹事者;嘈杂的人群;捣乱分子;盛大晚会

v. 彻底击败,打垮;(使)溃退;(动物)用鼻子拱;在(木料或金属表面)刻纹

2. disenchant


v. 使清醒;使不抱幻想



Some did opt for Nigel Farage’s right-wing Reform party. Others voted tactically for whichever non-Conservative stood the best chance in their area. That explains, in part, Labour’s whopping majority on a modest winning vote share, and the Liberal Democrats’ record 72 seats. The Tories bled support to both right and left.



1. whopping


adj. 巨大的;天大的;异常的

vt. 猛打;痛击(whop 的 ing 形式)



In former foreign secretary James Cleverly, the party had a leadership candidate who correctly identified its problem as being seen by voters as untrustworthy, divided and barely competent. His exhortation to “be more normal” was the standout pitch at September’s party conference. MPs instead sent Badenoch and Jenrick to members. That Jenrick made the misguided fringe issue of exiting the European Convention on Human Rights a centrepiece of his programme shows how far removed he is from most voters’ real concerns.



1. exhortation


n. 讲道词,训词;劝告

2. fringe


n. 穗,流苏; (地区、组织或活动范围的)边缘,外围; 偏激的人,极端的活动; 散乱边纹; (动物的)缘缨,(植物的)毛缘; (工资外的)补贴

v. 在……上装以缘饰,加穗于; 形成……的边缘

adj. 次要的,非主流的



Unlike her rival, Badenoch has not committed herself to a list of divisive policies. While she is highly ideological, her manifesto was deliberately vague. As a leader, she is not the finished article. She made a name for herself by calling out the excesses of “woke” politics, and as business secretary was prepared to defy the leadership over bad policy, scrapping Rishi Sunak’s pledge to review or revoke all retained EU law. But she has been too ready to indulge in culture wars, and recent comments on the UK’s minimum wage, maternity pay and autistic people have appeared politically obtuse . If she is to bring together her fractious party, she will need to restrain her propensity to pick fights.


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