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上海交大巴黎高科评论  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-08-17 10:56



Dear friends,



Thank you for your continue support to ParisTech Review. 2017 is the 7th year of ourmagazine, since we launched our central edition in Paris in 2010 we have published about 1,000 articles in total and got 10 million pageviews.  After successfully launching SJTU ParisTech Review(上海交大巴黎高科评论) in 2014, we started our India edition in 2016, operated with the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad. An African edition is underway and more developments will follow to enrich our global network, starting with a Brasilian edition.



From the beginning ParisTech Review is positioned to analyse how technological innovations and fundamental changes impact business, the economy, society, and individuals. Our contributors are visionary business leaders, experts, and researchers who specialize in these fields. Our difference: unconstrained, unbiased and rigorous analysis. Our goal: to stimulate non-ideological and non-political debates (save when we debunk these ideologies) and engage our readers.



While the world changes, innovation plays a big role nowadays and changes people’s work & life everyday and everywhere. The magazine is dedicated to understanding innovation from a broader and more diverse perspective in order to adapt to the trend of the times. We are confident to announce, in our 7th anniversary, two main changes:



ParisTech Review partners with PSL Research University and becomes Paris Innovation Review.



SJTU ParisTech Review gives way to Paris Innovation Review – China Edition (创瞰巴黎)

 为什么《巴黎高科评论》决定与PSL Research University合作?首先,《巴黎高科评论》的三位成员都与PSL建立起了非常紧密的联系,包括:巴黎高等矿业学校巴黎工业物理化学学校和巴黎高等化学学校。其次,PSL在工程学、社会科学以及商业和经济学之间搭建了一座桥梁,其成员包括法国高等社会科学院、法兰西学院、巴黎第九大学;这与我们杂志致力于从更广阔的视角理解创新的理念相一致。最后,《巴黎创新评论》也将依靠PSL的国际合作伙伴关系发展自身的海外版图。

Why ParisTech Review decided to partner with PSLResearch University ? Firstly,three members from ParisTech, with whom very close links have been established, joined PSL: Mines ParisTech, ESPCI, and Chimie ParisTech. Secondly PSL builds a bridge between engineering and social science as well as business and economics, with members such as EHESS, Collège de France, Université Dauphine. This is consistent with our conception of a magazine dedicated to understanding innovation from a broader perspective. Thirdly Paris Innovation Review will also rely on PSL’s international partnerships to develop its own network of foreign editions.



Magazine’s management, team and editorial board remain the same, independence is guaranteed, openness to external authors is more than ever our credo. But we also wish to engage in a close editorial relationship with PSL, whose world class researchers are encouraged to contribute to the magazine, whether through articles or interviews.



In China, SJTU ParisTech Review, launched in 2014 as a joint venture with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, will give way to ParisInnovation Review – China Edition (创瞰巴黎).

A friendly relationship will be maintained with both SJTU (who has a partnership with PSL), SJTU-ParisTech Elite Institute of Technology, and the ParisTech Community in China, starting with ParisTech Alumni China. Projects involving other institutions will also be launched over time.


新的管理团队由马识路先生(Hervé Machenaud)任董事梁艳女士(Caroline)任执行董事,他们负责杂志的转型和发展马识先生自2002年起就担任法国电力公司集团高级执行副总裁,他同时也是一位在《巴黎高科评论》核能工业领域的积极供稿者,多次发表文章并受到读者的广泛好评。梁艳女士在媒体、广告和市场营销领域拥有18年以上的从业经验,同时她也获得了巴黎高等商学院EMBA学位以及奢侈品管理专业高级证书。在原有杂志的基础上,我们将通过引进来自欧洲、印度、非洲的文章,同时不断地将中国专家的文章推广给全球受众的方式,打造一个全新的、在国际市场中发挥重要作用的新媒体杂志。

A new management, Executive Director LIANG Yan (Caroline) and Chairman Hervé Machenaud马识wil lmanage the transition and development. Hervé has been the Group Senior Executive Vice President of EDF since 2002, he is also an active contributor to ParisTech Review in nuclear power industry. Caroline has more than 18 yearsexperience in media, advertising and marketing, she also got an EMBA with Luxury Management major in HEC Paris. On the basis of the original magazine, a new, ambitious media aiming to play a major role in the network of foreign editions, both through translating articles from Europe, India, Africa, and in promoting Chinese experts whose articles will reach a global audience.


杂志全新的网站已经就绪(http://parisinnovationreview.cn),新的公众号 “创瞰巴黎” (微信号:parisinnovationcn) 今日正式上线。原公众号将停止更新。感知现今,触摸未来,请移步关注公众号“创瞰巴黎”与我们同步。

The new website is ready http://parisinnovationreview.cn) and our new WeChat official account “创瞰巴黎” (WeChat:parisinnovationcn) in ON today.  We will stop any updates in our original WeChat from now on! We thank you for your support and please stay with us (by following with “创瞰巴黎”) and feel the pulses of the world.

顺祝      秋安




《创瞰巴黎》执行董事ExecutiveDirector of Paris Innovation Review China Edition


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