职位title:Site Manager
1. Addressesand solves customer problems and issues as well as performs onsite maintenance andupgrades on the set of complex equipment and systems.
2. Provideshighly visible customer support through the performance of on-siteinstallation, as well as overseeing any necessary diagnoses, troubleshooting,service, and repair of complex equipment and systems.
3. Checksout and approves operational quality of system equipment.
4. Instructscustomers in the operation and maintenance of the system. Serves as companyliaison with customer on administrative and technical matters for assignedprojects.
5. Interpretscustomers’ needs and clarifies if the responsibility for problem resolutionfalls to sales personnel, customer support reps, or engineers. This job mayinclude any aspect of field support, and is not limited to system hardware andsoftware, PCs, and networking/wireless networking.
6. Managementwill supervise field operations personnel and/or site managers on day-to-dayoperations as well as setting the service delivery strategy with product groupsand sales.
7. Designsbusiness processes and strategies.
8. Responsiblefor performing the installation and warranty planning, execution and control ofassigned sites or regions.
9. May beresponsible for overseeing all the Field Service issues in one or more sites orall the sites in one or more regions.
1. Over 12years of related experience in Display/Semi industry.
2. Strongleadership skills
3. GoodEnglish communication skills.