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Their
relationship
tapered
off
by
the
fall
of
1984,
到1984年秋季,他们的关系逐渐转淡,
when
Egan
made
it
clear
that
she
was
still
far
too
young
to
think
of
getting
married
.
伊根明确表示她现在太年轻了,谈婚论嫁还为时过早。
Shortly
after
that
,
just
as
the
turmoil
with
Sculley
was
beginning
to
build
at
Apple
in
early
1985,
此后不久,即乔布斯跟斯卡利在苹果的矛盾于1985年初开始形成的时候,
Jobs
was
heading
to
a
meeting
when
he
stopped
at
the
office
of
a
guy
who
was
working
with
the
Apple
Foundation
,
有一天他赶去开会,顺便去找一个跟苹果基金会合作、
which
helped
get
computers
to
nonprofit
organizations
.
帮助非营利组织募捐电脑的人。
Sitting
in
his
office
was
a
lithe
,
very
blond