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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-03-09 06:01



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Maligned braceros


Kicking out immigrants doesn’t raise wages


At least, it didn’t when America tried in the 1960s


Feb 4th 2017


MEXICAN immigrants were said to be holding down wages and taking jobs that could go to honest Americans. (读者试译) The poorest natives were supposed to be suffering most grievously. “We cannot afford to disregard it,” intoned the president. “We do not condone it.” The immigrants were soon sent home and not allowed to return.

(期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~) 最穷的当地人蒙受最严重的损失。“我们不能无视它,”总统说道,“我们不会容忍它。”移民很快会被遣送回国,并不被允许返回。

All that happened in the early 1960s. The president was John F. Kennedy; the Mexicans were participating in the bracero programme, which allowed almost half a million people a year to take seasonal work on America’s farms. But the parallels with the present are plain. Donald Trump has also complained that immigrants are keeping Americans from good jobs and has promised to do something about it (another parallel: not since Kennedy has America seen such an astonishing presidential coiffure ). So it is a good moment for a bracing new assessment of the bracero scheme and its demise .


  • Pa rallel n. 平行线;对比

  • Coiffure 发型

  • Demise 终止,失败

Michael Clemens and Hannah Postel of the Centre for Global Development, and Ethan Lewis of Dartmouth College, have used archived records of American agricultural jobs and wages to test whether Kennedy was right. Did ending the bracero scheme in 1964 in fact lead to higher wages and more work for Americans in the fields?

来自全球发展中心的Michael Clemens以及Hannah Postel,和达特茅斯学院的Ethan Lewis,使用美国农业就业和薪资的归档记录来测试肯尼迪做法的正确性。1964年终止工人计划到底有没有提高美国农民的工资并给他们带来更多工作?

  • archived records 归档记录

The answer is a firm no. In states where farmers had relied heavily on foreign labour—a group that includes California and Texas—American natives found a few more farm jobs in the mid 1960s. But the rise was small and temporary; within a few years the long decline in agricultural jobs had resumed. And the trend was almost identical in states where there had been no braceros. Similarly, farm wages rose in states where there had been lots of migrant workers, states where there had been few migrant workers and states where there had been almost none (see chart). Ending the bracero scheme seems to have affected American workers not a bit.

