Time engraved on the annual ring, circle around and never stop. I have heard of a cypress in Jinci Temple was planted in Zhou Dynasty, for already five thousand years of history.
While human life is transient, like old people say, ten thousand years too long, seize the day, sounds like this is the only way to show their respect for time.
However, you can’t rush a lot of things of life and have to wait for its maturity. Sometimes time should be "wasted", detour is the inevitable way of life. When we look back, trivial details can’t be remembered but experience of hard work. Maybe this is the best way to keep the days.
Patience, loneliness and keep trying, I think this is so-called the ingenuity.
Teng said that the balcony is so small to keep the things he made, so he built a studio. People always ask me, how did the Mathgic start? To be honest, from the beginning I just wanted to do some part-time job, but satisfied textbooks for me was so hard to found, then I began to write my own textbooks. Probably a lot of things in the world are started with "I don’t like it."
I don’t like it, I can’t take it, I don’t compromise, so I prefer to spend more time to persuade, to deliberate, to change.
Teng said he respect every piece of wood, it is an extension of life. Mathgic respect every child, they are clever, naughty, introverted, and maybe some of them are not so sagacious, but each one of them is a gift from God. As long as you are willing to devote time for this, you can get the gains to respond to your beginner’s mind.
Time, to holding back the days.
Ingenuity, to reach the beginner’s mind.
Yes, ingenuity is the best respect for the time.