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每日一练 | Data Scientist & Business Analyst 面试题 187

大数据应用  · 公众号  · 大数据  · 2017-09-12 09:53



Day 87

DS Interview Questions

Design an experiment to figure out which web design alternative to use. Assume there have been no other experiments done and there is no knowledge of the user behavior. Discuss potential issues that can occur with the conclusions and how to avoid them.

BA Interview Questions

Database Interview Questions: Describe the differences in the first through fifth normalization forms.


Day 86 答案揭晓

DS Interview Questions

What is a point estimate?

In statistics, point estimation involves the use of sample data to calculate a single statistic which is to serve as a ‘best guess’ or ‘best estimate’ of an unknown (fixed or random) population parameter. There are a variety of point estimators, each with different properties.

  • Minimum-variance mean-unbiased estimator (MVUE)

  • Best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE)

  • Minimum mean square error (MMSE)

  • Median-unbiased estimator

  • Maximum likelihood (ML)

  • Method of moments, generalized method of moments

BA Interview Questions

Mention what does not ‘R’ language do?
