IT BEGAN in November, soon after the election of Donald Trump as America’s president. The publisher of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a conservative newspaper, opined in an editorial that it was time to contemplate “the altogether unthinkable for a German brain, the question of a nuclear deterrence capability, which could make up for doubts about American guarantees”. Roderich Kiesewetter, a foreign-policy expert in the Christian Democratic Union, the party of Chancellor Angela Merkel, chimed in that there should be no “thought taboos”. He and other politicians then went silent, apparently after a signal that the chancellor did not need this distraction in an election year. But in Germany’s think-tanks the debate kept raging.
德国想拥有核武器的想法在11月初见端倪,也就是在唐纳德特朗普当选美国总统不久后。风格偏于保守的德国《法兰克福汇报》的一篇社论表示:“如果特朗普不为欧洲提供核安全保障,德国是时候考虑一下如何拥有自己的核威慑能力”。Angela Merkel总理领导的基督教民主联盟的外交政策专家Roderich Kiesewetter对此赞同,并表示关于核武器不应该存在什么“思想禁忌”。但随后由于总理忙于选举,无法分心对此事投入过多精力,Roderich Kiesewetter和其他政客的态度转为沉默。但是,在德国国内的智囊团,他们对此的辩论正在变得越来越激烈。