德国消费者信心在5月继续复苏,从4月的-27.3点上升至-24.2点。根据GfK数据,该指数每变化1个点即消费量变化0.1%。NIM消费者专家Rolf Buerkl表示:“我们的分析表明,收入预期主要基于实际收入增长,当前释放出的信号肯定是积极的。”
GfK2月发布的一项研究表明,92%的德国受访者认为品牌应该使用可回收的包装材料。通过更高效和可持续的包装,食品行业可以节省高达30%的成本并减少约25%的温室气体排放。GfK专家Petra Süptitz指出,89%的德国人相信没有浪费的生活是可以实现的。
去年,德国厨电市场销售额同比下降3.3%,至60亿欧元左右。德国厨电制造商乐观地认为,最糟糕的时期可能已经过去。GfK大家电部门负责人Markus Wagenhäuser对此持乐观态度:“由于大型年度假期被取消,许多家庭在疫情期间提前购买了厨电,因此大多数高收入消费者的可用预算也高于平均水平。”
NIQ GfK对意大利国家统计局数据的分析表明:老龄化带来的人口结构调整正在推动健康、个人护理和化妆品方面的支出增加。74%的受访者表示将维持或增加在美容方面的支出,50%的受访者表示价格上涨将不会对他们的消费造成影响。
意大利科技及耐用消费品市场正面临着销售压力,2023年全年销售额同比下降6.4%。NIQ GfK意大利总裁Enzo Frasio强调:“与2022年相比,销量下降了7.3%,其变化趋势也略为负面。”
GfK DAM数据显示,今年3月,西班牙有1300万人(近该国人口总数的三分之一)的互联网用户使用了与住房相关的网站和应用程序。其中55~64岁年龄段的人最为活跃,平均每月花43分钟浏览这些平台。GfK数字解决方案总监David Sánchez表示:“越成熟的人群越会花更多的时间浏览住房网站,他们或是在寻找第二套住房,或正在考虑收购房产用作投资。”
根据GfK于2023年代表APROMAR进行的一项研究,“Crianza de Nuestros Mares y Ríos de España”的认证使水产养殖的销售额提升了 10%。研究显示,72%的消费者在购买时将鱼类产品的原产地作为考量标准,69%的消费者更喜欢来自原产地的鱼类。
GfK最近发布的欧洲消费者景气指数中,西班牙的指数仍为负值(-14点),这表明西班牙消费者对本国经济发展信心不足。西班牙市场研究负责人Antonieta Martín总结道:“虽然人们对经济表现和通货膨胀的预期越来越乐观,收入似乎正在改善,但人们消费和储蓄的意愿仍然有限。”
4月,英国的GfK消费者信心指数从3月的-21点上升至-19点。GfK客户战略总监Joe Staton表示:“小费信心的改善反映了通胀下降对家庭预算的影响,以及进一步减税带来的乐观预期。”3月,英国的通胀率降至3.2%,而最低工资标准提高了近10%。
GfK Market Monitor数据显示,瑞士第一季度零售额同比增长1.7%,其中食品行业增长4.2%,非食品行业下降2.6%。瑞士GfK Market Monitor是一项与40家瑞士主要零售商合作开展的研究项目,这些零售商的零售额合计约占瑞士零售总额的40%至50%。
三年前,“最佳品牌调查活动”被引入波兰市场,今年该活动新增了美容与个人护理类别。GfK 2023年的调查显示,超过53%的波兰消费者青睐既能给他们带来快乐、又能凸显个性的商品。GfK消费者及营销洞察高级总监Barbarua Lewicka认为:“在今年的最佳动力品牌竞争中,我们希望表彰那些在如此困难的时期仍能蓬勃发展的品牌。”
Germany: Income optimism boosts German consumer sentiment in May, finds GfK
German consumer sentiment continued its recovery into May, rising to -24.2 from -27.3 in April, reports reuters.com. A one-point change in the index indicates a 0.1 percent change in consumption, according to GfK. "Our analyses show that income expectations are primarily based on the development of real incomes. And the signals here are definitely positive," said NIM consumer analyst Rolf Buerkl. "finanzen.net", "wiwo.de", "welt.de", "stern.de", "focus.de", "web.de", "de.finance.yahoo.com", "gmx.ch", "finanzen.ch", "cash.ch", "uk.investing.com", "marketscreener.com", "dailymail.co.uk", "tradingview.com" also report.
Germany: Original and functional
According to a GfK study published in February, 92 percent of respondents in Germany believe that companies should use recycled packaging materials, reports "C2 Coating & Converting". With more efficient and sustainable packaging, the food industry could save up to 30 percent of its costs and around 25 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, and GfK expert Petra Süptitz points out that 89 percent of Germans believe a life without waste is conceivable.
Germany: German kitchen manufacturers hit by construction crisis
German kitchen manufacturers are optimistic that the worst is probably over, after sales fell by 3.3 percent last year to around EUR 6 billion, reports the "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger". "Many households brought forward their kitchen purchases during the pandemic because the big annual holiday was canceled - so the mostly high-income buyers also had an above-average budget available," says Markus Wagenhäuser, Head of Major Appliances at GfK, putting the current developments into perspective.
Italy: Spending on cosmetics and wellness also increases with age
On the occasion of Just Italia's 40th anniversary, a NIQ GfK analysis of data from the Italian National Statistics Institute (Istat) reveals a significant trend: demographic change, driven by an aging population, is leading to increased spending on wellness, self-care and cosmetics. According to "larena.it", 74 percent of respondents said they intended to maintain or increase their spending on beauty, with 50 percent saying price increases would not deter them.