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【QT灵修 民数记】7.4 礼拜二:《咒诅不能及的蒙福人生》(音频版)

基督徒今日QT灵修  · 公众号  · 基督教  · 2017-07-04 09:30










唯有在祢的里面,我才能得享平安,今天,求你打开我的灵眼,看见你的旨意,带领我学习明白祢的话语,让我今天一天都靠着祢的话语得胜,此刻,求主帮助我安静在祢的面前,卸下一切重担、自我的想法、个人的意念,全心敬拜仰望祢。求主带领接下来 QT 的时间,圣灵掌管,领受从神而来的旨意和恩典,让自己一天信心满满!奉主耶稣基督的名祈求,阿们!


今日经文 民数22:41~23:12节

22:41 到了早晨,巴勒领巴兰到巴力的高处。巴兰从那里观看以色列营的边界。
The next morning Balak took Balaam up to Bamoth Baal, and from there he saw part of the people.

1  巴兰对巴勒说,你在这里给我筑七座坛,为我预备七只公牛,七只公羊。
Balaam said, 'Build me seven altars here, and prepare seven bulls and seven rams for me.'

2  巴勒照巴兰的话行了。巴勒和巴兰在每座坛上献一只公牛,一只公羊。
Balak did as Balaam said, and the two of them offered a bull and a ram on each altar.

3  巴兰对巴勒说,你站在你的燔祭旁边,我且往前去,或者耶和华来迎见我。他指示我什么,我必告诉你。于是巴兰上一净光的高处。
Then Balaam said to Balak, 'Stay here beside your offering while I go aside. Perhaps the Lord will come to meet with me. Whatever he reveals to me I will tell you.' Then he went off to a barren height.
4  神迎见巴兰。巴兰说,我预备了七座坛,在每座坛上献了一只公牛,一只公羊。
God met with him, and Balaam said, 'I have prepared seven altars, and on each altar I have offered a bull and a ram.'

5  耶和华将话传给巴兰,又说,你回到巴勒那里,要如此如此说。
The Lord put a message in Balaam's mouth and said, 'Go back to Balak and give him this message.'

6  他就回到巴勒那里,见他同摩押的使臣都站在燔祭旁边。
So he went back to him and found him standing beside his offering, with all the princes of Moab.

7  巴兰便题起诗歌说,巴勒引我出亚兰,摩押王引我出东山,说,来阿,为我咒诅雅各。来阿,怒骂以色列。
Then Balaam uttered his oracle: 'Balak brought me from Aram, the king of Moab from the eastern mountains. 'Come,' he said, 'curse Jacob for me; come, denounce Israel.'

8  神没有咒诅的,我焉能咒诅,耶和华没有怒骂的,我焉能怒骂,
How can I curse those whom God has not cursed? How can I denounce those whom the Lord has not denounced?

9  我从高峰看他,从小山望他。这是独居的民,不列在万民中。
From the rocky peaks I see them, from the heights I view them. I see a people who live apart and do not consider themselves one of the nations.

10 谁能数点雅各的尘土,谁能计算以色列的四分之一,我愿如义人之死而死。我愿如义人之终而终。
Who can count the dust of Jacob or number the fourth part of Israel? Let me die the death of the righteous, a nd may my end be like theirs!'

11 巴勒对巴兰说,你向我作的是什么事呢?我领你来咒诅我的仇敌,不料,你竟为他们祝福。
Balak said to Balaam, 'What have you done to me? I brought you to curse my enemies, but you have done nothing but bless them!'

12 他回答说,耶和华传给我的话,我能不谨慎传说吗?
He answered, 'Must I not speak what the Lord puts in my mouth?'


2. 名词注解

3. 今日经文摘要
