专栏名称: 轻松参会
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轻松参会  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-12 12:11



I am an incoming Assistant Professor at the ICSA Institute of the University of Edinburgh. My research aims to automatically produce small, fast, low-energy and secure computing systems using formal methods. My research interests include high-level synthesis, formal methods, deep learning systems and hardware security. I have a wide range of research collaborators, and you can find them in my publcation list.

Currently I am a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory with Prof. Timothy M. Jones. I am also a visiting researcher at Imperial College London, hosted by Dr Aaron Zhao. I completed my PhD at the CAS group of Imperial College London with Prof. George A. Constantinides and Dr John Wickerson.

NOTE: I have funding to support one or two PhD students including international studentships. If you are interested in applying, please check Joining us:

For Prospective PhD Students

I am always looking for bright and enthusiastic students to join our research group!

Who am I looking for?

In particular, I would be very happy to discuss projects in the area of Computer Architecture, Compilers, Programming Languages, Machine Learning and Hardware Security.

I expect that YOU :

  • are motivated in continuously finding research problems and solutions;

  • had a 1st class first degree or a 2:1 first degree + a 1st class project in the fields of Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics; and

  • have either a strong coding background (such as C/C++, Python, Verilog/VHDL) or a strong math background.

If you are interested in joining my group, feel free to contact me. My email address is on my home page.

What does it mean to work with me?

Here are a few things about me:

  • I believe the the goal of PhD is not to become an engineer or technician but an independent researcher .

  • I understand students might be struggling at the beginning, and I am happy to provide any help if necessary.

  • I encourage students in the later stage of their PhD to bounce ideas around, and I am happy to step back as a collaborator .

  • I am generally open to any interesting research questions and ideas.

  • I am actively writing code, in both software and hardware, and am happy to help students to debug.

  • I have a wide range of collaborations with researchers worldwide and am always happy to refer students to my collaborators.

  • I enjoyed doing internships during my PhD and I would strongly suggest other PhDs to do the same given that they are on track.

Application Process

Before you apply, you should have read the How to apply page of the school. If you are interested in working with me, the first step is to email me your CV and a research proposal. The research proposal should include your research interests and first-year plan by trying to answer the first four questions of the Heilmeier Catechism. A detailed guide on how to write a research proposal can be found here.

I am happy to provide some feedback on your PhD application before you make your final submission. If you contact more than one person in the school, please make sure you let each person know that you have also contacted others.

Funding Opportunities

PhD funding is usually available for home (UK) or EU students, but competitive for international students. Please contact me to discuss them.

NOTE: This year, I have funding to support one or two PhD students including international studentships. If you are interested in applying, please email me.

For Prospective PostDocs

I currently do not have immediate funding to hire postdoc researchers, but feel free to contact me if you are interested in joining my group next year.

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