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【会议自荐】IEEE AIMS 2017

Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-04-21 09:38


该会议信息由用户[email protected]推荐,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

IEEE AIMS 2017 Special Track: AI as a Service, Call for Papers , Co-located Conferences with ICWS 2017

6th IEEE International Conference on AI & Mobile Services

June 25 - June 30, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

AI currently reshapes the thinking of business model. Companies increasingly like to focus on their key expertise area, accordingly AI services can help them to address and to support all their needs in optimizing business flow. The emerging services technologies will bridge the gap between AI technologies and the industry and business to maximize the value of AI. The special track aims to seek the servitization of AI and original innovations in multiple application (industry, agriculture, business, transportation, finance, etc.) and technical (innovative theories and approaches) areas. Papers which relate to the application-driven solutions and corresponding projects are particularly encouraged, with a focus on novel application contexts for engineering needs, architectures, infrastructures, platforms and novel AI algorithms.

AIMS 2017 has obtained approval from the following journals to organize special issues based on extended versions of top AIMS papers:
- Special Issues in Internati onal Journal of Web Services Research (JWSR) (Indexed by SCI & EI, IF: 1.2),
-Special Issues in Services Transactions on Big Data (STBD)

-Special Issues in Services Transactions on Internet of Things (STIOT)

Conference Website: http://www.themobileservices.org/2017/cfp.html

Important Dates for the Special Track:

Full Paper Submission: May 2, 2017

Decision Notification: May 15, 2017

Camera-ready Paper: May 20, 2017
