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耶伦证词偏鸽派:通胀是一大不确定因素 未来加息空间不大(附讲稿全文)

见闻IPO  · 公众号  · 股市  · 2017-07-13 07:44





针对近期较为疲软的通胀数据,耶伦在书面讲稿中指出, 美联储密切关注通胀进展 ,对通胀持续低于2%的目标保持警惕, 最近通胀稍有下降的部分原因在于有些项目价格出现异常下滑 ,这一表态与多数联储官员在6月FOMC会议的观点一致。耶伦强调,通胀是一大不确定性因素。

耶伦还认为,美国经济在二季度升温,预计经济在未来将继续温和增长, 当前经济路径为进一步加息提供依据 利率无需进一步升高太多即可达到中性状态。 未来几年则需要额外的渐进式加息。

至于缩表,耶伦的态度一如6月FOMC会议,称将在年内开始缩表,但表示 资产负债表的最终规模暂未确定 ,还称 不会将资产负债表用作主动政策工具 。当月会议纪要显示,联储官员在何时启动缩表问题上存在意见分歧,并没有透露缩表启动的具体时间。证词公布前,瑞银报告称缩表细节可能在7月会议中决定。

耶伦书面证词基本符合市场预期,措辞偏鸽派,对通胀表示担忧,认为加息空间不大。 分析认为,除非耶伦在问答环节给市场一个“惊喜”,十年期国债收益率不会变动太多。法巴银行Mortimer-Lee指出, 耶伦证词意味着美联储9月不会行动。





  • 通胀: 美联储密切关注通胀进展,通胀对经济状况的反应是一大不确定因素。通胀率低于目标,最近有所下降,部分原因在于有些项目价格出现异常下滑。在这些项目被剔除之前,其价格的异常下滑将拖累12个月的通胀。美联储很可能在低通胀的情况下仍然退出刺激。

  • 缩表: FOMC预计今年开始缩表。资产负债表的适当规模取决于一些未知因素,包括银行准备金的未来需求。

  • 加息: 利率无需进一步升高太多即可达到中性状态。当前经济路径料为进一步加息提供合理根据,未来几年需要额外的渐进式加息。

  • 美联储政策: 除了通胀,美国财政政策是另一个不确定性来源。美联储不打算将资产负债表用作主动政策工具,而是打算以政策利率作为主要货币政策工具,但若经济展望明显恶化提供足够理由时,将恢复使用资产负债表工具。

  • 经济: 美国经济在二季度升温,受益于家庭支出、企业投资及全球经济增强。围绕美国经济前景的风险大致平衡,投资已经转升,海外经济走强。预计未来几年经济继续温和增长。经济增速快于及慢于美联储当前预估水准的机率大致相当。


Chairman Hensarling, Ranking Member Waters, and other members of the Committee, I am pleased to present the Federal Reserve’s semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress. In my remarks today I will briefly discuss the current economic situation and outlook before turning to monetary policy.

Current Economic Situation and Outlook

Since my appearance before this committee in February, the labor market has continued to strengthen. Job gains have averaged 180,000 per month so far this year, down only slightly from the average in 2016 and still well above the pace we estimate would be sufficient, on average, to provide jobs for new entrants to the labor force. Indeed, the unemployment rate has fallen about 1/4 percentage point since the start of the year, and, at 4.4 percent in June, is 5-1/2 percentage points below its peak in 2010 and modestly below the median of Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) participants’ assessments of its longer-run normal level. The labor force participation rate has changed little, on net, this year--another indication of improving conditions in the jobs market, given the demographically driven downward trend in this series. A broader measure of labor market slack that includes workers marginally attached to the labor force and those working part time who would prefer full-time work has also fallen this year and is now nearly as low as it was just before the recession. It is also encouraging that jobless rates have continued to decline for most major demographic groups, including for African Americans and Hispanics. However, as before the recession, unemployment rates for these minority groups remain higher than for the nation overall.

Meanwhile, the economy appears to have grown at a moderate pace, on average, so far this year. Although inflation-adjusted gross domestic product is currently estimated to have increased at an annual rate of only 1-1/2 percent in the first quarter, more-recent indicators suggest that growth rebounded in the second quarter. In particular, growth in household spending, which was weak earlier in the year, has picked up in recent months and continues to be supported by job gains, rising household wealth, and favorable consumer sentiment. In addition, business fixed investment has turned up this year after having been soft last year. And a strengthening in economic growth abroad has provided important support for U.S. manufacturing production and exports. The housing market has continued to recover gradually, aided by the ongoing improvement in the labor market and mortgage rates that, although up somewhat from a year ago, remain at relatively low levels.

With regard to inflation, overall consumer prices, as measured by the price index for personal consumption expenditures, increased 1.4 percent over the 12 months ending in May, up from about 1 percent a year ago but a little lower than earlier this year. Core inflation, which excludes energy and food prices, has also edged down in recent months and was 1.4 percent in May, a couple of tenths below the year-earlier reading. It appears that the recent lower readings on inflation are partly the result of a few unusual reductions in certain categories of prices; these reductions will hold 12-month inflation down until they drop out of the calculation. Nevertheless, with inflation continuing to run below the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run objective, the FOMC indicated in its June statement that it intends to carefully monitor actual and expected progress toward our symmetric inflation goal.

Looking ahead, my colleagues on the FOMC and I expect that, with further gradual adjustments in the stance of monetary policy, the economy will continue to expand at a moderate pace over the next couple of years, with the job market strengthening somewhat further and inflation rising to 2 percent. This judgment reflects our view that monetary policy remains accommodative. Ongoing job gains should continue to support the growth of incomes and, therefore, consumer spending; global economic growth should support further gains in U.S. exports; and favorable financial conditions, coupled with the prospect of continued gains in domestic and foreign spending and the ongoing recovery in drilling activity, should continue to support business investment. These developments should increase resource utilization somewhat further, thereby fostering a stronger pace of wage and price increases.

Of course, considerable uncertainty always attends the economic outlook. There is, for example, uncertainty about when--and how much--inflation will respond to tightening resource utilization. Possible changes in fiscal and other government policies here in the United States represent another source of uncertainty. In addition, although the prospects for the global economy appear to have improved somewhat this year, a number of our trading partners continue to confront economic challenges. At present, I see roughly equal odds that the U.S. economy’s performance will be somewhat stronger or somewhat less strong than we currently project.
