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鲁柏祥博士  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-23 08:49


编者按: 从通宵唱 K ,泡吧,到凌晨三点半的朋友圈,“熬夜”似乎成了一种新风尚。它畸形的地方在于,所有人都知道晚睡会影响健康,但仍有大批人走火入魔似的坚持“修仙”。为什么这样的“修仙”每天都有那么多人“坚持”?唯一可以解释的是他们被裹挟了。明知生活方式不正确,为什么不予以纠正?不想走出舒适区,自我划定又有“志同道合”的人。最难改变的人惟有自己,所以自己设定目标,让人监督,不执行则亡,坚持改变自己,最终会影响身边的人。

谁都知道早睡早起的好处非常多,可就是难以坚持。可如果有人陪你一起呢?即使是小习惯也需要坚持,日后可能会影响你的一生。想要养成早睡早起的习惯吗?这个 TED 英文演讲也许能影响到你的人生品质。

How waking up every day at 4:30 a.m.
can change your life
Beyond natural. It’s always better to go beyond natural. In your private or professional life, anywhere and anytime, try to push your limits well beyond your comfort zone. Try to not stay comfortable and, with that, reach things you’ve never imagined before.
But what does it mean to “go beyond natural”? Well, I believe that you don’t need to do a huge thing to make something different. In reality, those big things like employing hundreds of people, saving lives somewhere in Africa, or representing your country when you are part of its government, are the result of many little things, hundreds,thousands, little things that you do in all your life.

Of course, you must be ambitious in your life. But, at the same time, you need to be very patient. Because you only reach your most desired goals with a lot of hard work, a few risks and a little bit of luck. And this may take years.
So, today I’m here to show you that a little thing, in some way different than usual, may lead to something great. The best example that I have for you happened with me last year. It started with a simple challenge: wake up at 4:30 am during 21 consecutive days. A challenge that I gave the name of #21earlydays.
所以,今天我在这里向你展示一件小事,在某种程度上与平时不同、可能会带来一些好处的小事。去年我展示给大家的就是一个最好的例子。它始于一个简单的挑战:连续 21 天在凌晨 4:30 醒来。一个挑战,我给了# 21earlydays 的名字。
So this is the reason I am here today, and the reason I was featured on Business Insider, also on national TV, newspapersand radio. But why? Well, probably you will agree with me that this is quite unusual but, at the same time, this is something that anyone in the world could do, too. I don’t have any special power to wake up at 4:30 am. But this is something that everyone can do. There are millions of people doing that everyday.

所以这就是我今天来到这里的原因,也是我在 Business Insider 、国家电视台、报纸和电台上的特色。但为什么?好吧,也许你会同意我的观点,这是非常不寻常的,但与此同时,这也是世界上任何人都能做到的事情。我没有任何特殊的能力使我在凌晨 4:30 醒来。但这是每个人都能做到的事情。每天有数百万人这样做。
But if we take a better look on it, you see that my challenge wasn’t to wake up so early. What I challenged was a global status quo that says how your life must be, what you must study, why where you must work, what you must watch on TV, and also at what hour you must wake up. I confess: many times I also fall in this chain where you just follow what the others do, without questioning why.
但是,如果我们更好地了解它,你会发现我的挑战不是那么早起床。我挑战的是全球现状,说明你的生活必须如何,你必须学习什么,你必须在哪里工作,你必须在电视上看什么,以及你必须在什么时候醒来。我承认:很多时候我也会陷入这个链条, 你只关注其他人所做的事情,而不会质疑为什么。

So, why the hell am I waking up so early? What is the reason behind it? The story behind it is very simple, in fact.
One day, I was thinking about why I wasdoing my days the way I was doing and what I could improve in my life to be a better person. I remembered reading some articles in the press, about how early some of the most successful CEOs in the world wake up, and so I decided to take a chance on it. I thought it was interesting.
有一天,我正在思考为什么我按照自己的方式过我的日子,以及在生活中我可以改善自己做一个更好的人。我记得在新闻界读到一些文章,关于世界上一些最成功的 CEO 醒来的时间有多早,所以我决定抓住机会。我觉得这很有趣。
But why 21 days? Well, 21 days, I put alimit of 21 days because there are theories that say that it is the right amount of time you need to form a new habit. I didn’t know if it would work,but for me it was more for the sake of establishing a goal. A thing that I always apply to life is to always establish agoal when you want to reach or change something in your life. Because only in this way will you understand if you succeeded or failed.
但为什么 21 天?那么, 21 天,我限制了 21 天,因为有理论认为你需要养成一个新习惯。我不知道它是否会起作用,但对我而言,更多的是为了建立一个目标。 一直适用于生活的一件事是,当你想要达到或改变生活中的某些东西时,总是要建立一个目标。 因为只有这样你才能理解你是成功还是失败。

So, I started to share a lot of thoughts with my network. The advantages of it, the little pleasures and also myprogress. Many people started following what I was doing. And 2 or 3 weeks after, there were already people trying to do the same, waking up so early.
所以,我开始在网上分享很多想法。它的优点、小乐趣和我的进步。许多人开始关注我的工作。在 2 3 周后,已经有人试图这样做,这么早起床。
But — This thing about #21earlydays really exploded when I shared a blog post on Medium about the lessons I have learned with that. Thousands of people saw my blog post. My blog post was also republished on Business Insider with more than 1 million views, and the Twitter feed around #21early days  is endless,still today.
但是,关于# 21earlydays 这件事真的爆发了,当时我分享了关于我所学到的课程的博客文章。成千上万的人看到了我的博文。我的博客文章也在 Business Insider 上重新发布,观看次数超过 100 万次,推特# 21earlydays 以前的日子已经无穷无尽,至今仍然如此。

So, what did I learn with this? These were my lessons:
1. One, Find support along the way. It isalways better to find these people that will push you forward and will hold you accountable for failing, even if they criticize you. This is my blog post — my Facebook post, the original one, about the challenge, and where I was more exposed to many people.
1. 寻求支持。最好找到能够推动你前进的人,即使他们批评你,也会让你对失败负责。这是我的博客帖子 - 我的 Facebook 帖子,也是原始的帖子,这是一个挑战,也是让我更多地接触到许多人的地方。
2.Two, People like to see different things. And come on, a young guy like me, waking up so early, is different. At least it’s not what people see on Facebook and at least people see different pictures on their Instagram feed.
2. 人们喜欢看不同的东西。来吧,像我这样的年轻人,这么早醒来,是不同的。至少它不是人们在 Facebook 上看到的,至少人们在他们的 Instagram 上看到不同的东西。
3.Three, No. You don’t need to sleep less.One thing that happened a lot was a lot of people, horrified, asking me: “So you sleep less. How do you manage to do that?”
And I say: “Okay, I don’t sleep less. I only go to bed earlier.” This is what he is saying. That means: Bed early and rise early. In fact this is simple. I went to sleep a few hours before.
3. 不。你不需要少睡。一件发生了很多次的事是,很多人吓坏了,问我:“所以你睡得这么少。你是如何做到那样的?

4.Four, Get rid of your obstacles. This is really important. When you want to change something in your life, it’s important to eliminate all the obstacles because it becomes much easier to reach your final goal.
4. 摆脱你的障碍。这非常重要。当你想改变生活中的某些东西时,消除所有障碍是很重要的,因为它更容易达到你的最终目标。
5.Five, A healthy life is really important if you want to sleep properly. So I sleep well, I eat well and I exercise, and it helps a lot with that. I fall asleep really fast, 5 minutes on average. I sleep well and anywhere if needed, and I wake up without any problems, and this helps a lot, of course with my challenge. This is me exercising. So it’s a proof that I exercise.
5. 如果你想要正常睡眠,健康的生活是非常重要的。所以我睡得很好,我吃得很好,我运动,这些都很有帮助。我入睡很快,平均 5 分钟。如果需要的话,我可以在任何地方睡个好觉,而且我没有任何问题就醒了,我有在锻炼,所以这是我锻炼的证据。

6.Six, Forget snooze, please. For me this is one of the worst inventions ever on mankind. Come on, it doesn’t help you with anything. You delay for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes of your life.There are studies that say that you get more tired sleeping that time, and you are wasting your time for more interesting things. So forget this. Nothing good comes from snooze.
6. 请克服回笼觉。对我来说,这是人类有史以来最糟糕的发明之一。来吧,它对你没有任何帮助。你延迟了 10 分钟、 20 分钟、 30 分钟的生命。有些研究表明,那段时间你睡得更累,而你却在浪费时间去做更多有趣的事情。所以克服这个,睡回笼觉没什么好处。
7.Seven, I only need 6 or 7 hours of sleep.This is me waking up a little bit. I swear that I’d like to sleep, but my bodyonly demands this much time of sleeping. So why waste my time with sleep when there are a lot of things that are way more interesting?
7. 我只需要 6 7 个小时的睡眠时间。这时我就会醒来一点点。我发誓我想睡觉,但我的身体只需要这么多的睡眠时间。那么,当有很多事情变得更有趣时,为什么要浪费我的睡眠时间呢?

8.Eight, I found that doing this, I have more working time. In fact 2 more hours per day. And in the end I can leave the office earlier and have some drinks with my friends enjoying the beautiful sun of Lisbon.
8. 我发现这样做,我有更多的工作时间。实际上平均每天会多出 2 个小时。最后,我可以提前离开办公室,和我的朋友一起享用饮料,享受里斯本美丽的阳光。

9.Nine, I found that it was a better way to get messages out of my way. During the morning no one is working, so I can answer all the emails and messages and I have an Inbox zero and no instant answer for today, and this is a great feeling during the morning.
9. 我发现这是一种更好的处理信息的方法。在早上没有人在工作,所以我可以回复所有的电子邮件和消息,我的收件箱是空的,今天没有需要即刻回复的内容了,这会让一整个早上的心情都很好。
10.Ten, I found that I have also more time at the gym. So this is the proof that I go to the gym, and I found that waking up earlier, when I go to the gym I am not so tired. As I worked before for 2 hours that’s not an excuse. It helps a lot on those days when you think that you don’t have enough time to exercise.
10. 我发现我还有更多的时间去健身房。所以这就是我去健身房的证据,我发现早些时候醒来,当我去健身房时,我并不那么累。因为我之前工作了 2 个小时,这不是一个借口。当你认为自己没有足够的时间锻炼时,它会很有帮助。

11.Eleven, New view on the world. This gaveme a few little feeling for pleasures like seeing a sunrise when I was running.This is great.
11. 看世界的新视角。这给了我一些小小的愉悦感,就像我跑步时看日出一样。这很棒。
