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30个日夜100封邮件,海外专访vol.1 | 超现实主义女摄Brooke Shaden

一半旅行  · 公众号  · 美图  · 2017-04-13 18:40


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半半君整整一个月努力翻墙,踏破铁鞋,走遍Google、Facebook、Instagram,发现了一大群超级特别的外国摄影师!每一位摄影师的风格都不一样,拍的东西也不一样,但是他们每个人都完全没有架子,脑洞还特大,一说起话来狂戳半半君笑点!自从投入了外国摄影师的怀抱,从此以后每天上班就和中文说bye bye,刷刷刷下来都是满满的英文!我们并不希望只是做一个普通采访,我们希望可以通过专访给大家了解到外国摄影师的思维方式和生活观念~为此,半半君每次专访前,还得怒刷每一位摄影师近几年来的所有专访,绞尽脑汁榨出一些更好玩的问题,终于终于完成了第一位摄影师的专访啦!!




“因为刚开始太内向,不敢找别人拍照,全身上下就只有三样东西,相机、三脚架和自己。所以索性就把自己放到作品当中啦!”——Brooke Shaden



Brooke Shaden



家庭教育理念:去做那些让你开心的事!(Do whatever made you happy!)

座右铭:与其追随别人安稳的生活,不如杀出一条自己想要的道路!(Build the life you want to live instead of settling down forsomething easy and normal.)



Brooke小时候吧,特喜欢写东西,给大家讲讲故事,所以大学还特意选了文学专业。后来发现影视制作可以将故事(Storytelling)和视觉艺术(Visual Art)结合起来,听起来挺神奇的,就想着顺便把这专业也修了吧~一次巧合,被一朋友拉出去,说要带她玩玩自画像摄影,这一玩,就一发不可收拾地上瘾了!

半半君: 在你成为全职摄影师之前,你在一个影视公司做前台。在那一段时间,你每天早上5点起床,上班之前拍几张照片,午餐时间修图,晚上再po到社交软件上面分享出来。 可不可以给我们看看最开始你制作的照片,告诉我们是什么让你有动力每天都坚持做这件事情呢?

Brooke: 那段时间是我灵感最爆发的时候。那时我刚毕业,是自己独立创造的最初始阶段,也是我真正开始接触摄影的第一年,我满脑子都是点子,而且我可以感觉到那些点子都很迫不及待要冲出我的脑子!我完全不知道我会在摄影这路上走得多远,我当时也没想过要将摄影当成职业,所以其实那段时间,我只是单纯地想释放我脑子里那些疯狂的点子。 (It was such aninspired time for me. It was the first time I was out of school and creatingsolely for myself. It was also my first year as a photographer, so I was filledwith ideas that wanted to come out. The exciting part about that time in mylife was that I had no idea where photography would take me. I didn't aspire tohave a career yet as a photographer, so I was creating purely for the joy ofgetting my ideas out of my head.)

Brooke: 制作上面这张照片之前,我到了一个堆满家具、很陈旧的办公室,想着能不能“借”点东西回家拍照。所以晚上很晚的时候我拿走了这张椅子,第二天一大早急急忙忙拍个照,在有人发现我拿了椅子之前,火速把椅子放回原位! (For this image, Iwent looking through an old office with a lot of furniture in it to see if Icould "borrow" something to take home for a photo. That night I tookthis chair with me, and I knew I had to get the shot quick so that I couldreturn it without anyone knowing! I did this shoot the next morning, veryearly, and brought the chair back with no one knowing!)

半半君: 而且我知道哦,那段时间你的同事都注意到你做的事情,他们都会每天站在你桌子后面看看“今天又有什么好玩的新照片哇?”,而且有个人还很好玩地说了一句“那些画廊里面的作品比你差多了,不如你把这些照片都放到画廊里试试~” 那段时间,你办公室里面有没有什么人对你启发特别大,特别支持你继续在摄影的路上走下去的?

Brooke: 还真的有!她是我们公司的律师,她的名字是Michelle,她超级热情,帮我找画廊的网站、在她家打印我的照片、帮我收集起来送到画廊、拼命给我建议!Michelle是第一个那么鼓励我的人,我那时候对摄影什么都不懂,我现在也还不知道为什么她当时可以对我这么有信心,但是她就这么每天鼓励我,真的很感动。 (I did, and she was myfirst cheerleader. I still don't know why she had such faith in my abilities,because I really didn't know a lot then, but she encouraged me every day. Sheworked as a lawyer at the company where I was a receptionist - her name isMichelle. She helped me in so many ways - showing me gallery websites, printingmy photos for me at her house, mounting them to present to galleries and givingme advice. It was so invaluable!)

半半君: 你总说你有很多的灵感来源于死亡(Death)。很多人会对这个话题避而远之,但是对于你来说,死亡一点也不可怕,相反,它是一件很美妙的事情。我读了一些你之前的采访,知道你的奶奶一定给了你很多这方面的灵感。因为你的奶奶,你才创造出了第一幅你认为是艺术(Fine Art)的作品,是一幅很特别的两个你在画面中的照片。 你可以给我们展示一下那副照片,给我们说说它的特殊意义吗?

Brooke 当然可以~你说的没错,我的奶奶真的给了我很多的启发。她在我13岁的时候去世,她是我生命里要面对的第一个身边亲密的人离开。我记得我当时真的很伤心,但是同时我又很平静,那一瞬间我很害怕死亡但是又觉得它很美丽。这样的矛盾让我对死亡更着迷,而且我常常会发现一些别人看不到的美好事物,这可能也是我创作的灵感来源吧。 (Absolutely, and youare right that my grandmother gave and gives me a lot of inspiration. She diedwhen I was 13 but I was very close with her and her death was the first big onein my life. I remember being terribly sad, but also at peace. I rememberfeeling that it was beautiful, but I was also scared. That juxtaposition iswhat fascinates me about death. I often see beauty where others do not, andthat is why I am interested in creating. )

Brooke: 上面这一张照片,我将相机放在三脚架上面,调了10s定时。我用纸灯笼给这张照片一点光,手里捧着圣诞灯,拍完第一张照片之后,马上转移到床的另一边拍下第二张。将两张照片合在一起的时候,就是一些基本的photoshop技巧了,像masking和erasing,虽然很基础,但是当时我花了几天才完成。 (For this image, I set my camera on the tripod with a 10-second timer. I lit the picture with paperlanterns and held Christmas lights in my hand. I then moved myself after thefirst shot to the other side of the bed and took a second picture. Putting ittogether was a matter of masking, or erasing, one person in next to the other.It is a simple Photoshop technique but then it took me days to accomplish.)

半半君: 我知道你从来就不缺创意!你知道吗,在中国,像你这样特别有创意的人,我们会说你们脑洞超大!总觉得你深不见底的脑洞里面藏了无穷无尽的鬼点子!在这里,我们总会有那么一个点卡住了,想不到新的东西,我们把这个称为瓶颈期。 你可以跟我们分享一下如何可以让灵感源源不断地迸发,打破常规、突破瓶颈的方式吗?一些我们可以开发脑洞的小练习?

Brooke: 谢谢你这么说!那我很乐意别人说我有个巨大的脑洞~其实我和每一个人一样有瓶颈期,我的点子确实会一直不停地迸发出来,但是问题就是这个点子到底够不够新颖,能不能推着我进步。 (Thank you for sayingso! I'd love to think that I have a big brain hole! However, I do get stucksometimes like everyone. I can always think of an idea, but the trouble iscoming up with an idea that is fresh enough and moves me forward on my path.)

有一个我经常做的小练习是从主题下手。我会写下一些我觉得有共鸣的主题,一些我想去创作的主题,如:生与死、衰退、时间流逝等。当你定了一个主题,你就可以开始写下和这个主题有关的视觉词汇。举个例子,衰退这个主题,你可以写下,“废弃的大楼”,“蔓生的青苔枝藤”,“腐烂的水果”。接着,你就可以写下更直接的摄影元素,如一个地点,一个配色,怎样的姿势,服装等等。 (One thing that I alwaysdo is to start with theme. I write down themes that I feel connected to: lifevs. death, decay, time passing, etc. These are themes that I like to createwith. Once you have themes, you can start writing down visual words that mightgo with it. Perhaps for "decay", you write down "abandonedbuilding", "overgrown ivy", or "rotting fruit". Thenyou might start to write down the more obvious photographic elements, like alocation, color palette, pose, wardrobe, etc.)

另一个我也挺喜欢做的练习是按照5个分类:地点、时间、服装、色彩和道具,分别随机写下5个词。举个例子,我现在根据这5个分类就会写出:森林、夜晚、维多利亚裙子、红色和灯笼。那么,现在我需要做的就是把这5个元素组织起来,它们很自然就会组成一幅照片,你就想想你可以通过这幅照片给大家传递一个什么讯息(是一个什么主题)。 (Another exercise I liketo do is to write down five random words, one from each of these categories:location, time, wardrobe, color, and prop. My random words might be: forest,evening, Victorian dress, red, and lantern. Now, all I have to do is put my ownspin on those elements. The image creates itself and you just need to put yourvoice to it.)

半半君: 我了解了一下你在印度的一个项目,是要帮助非法人口贩卖的幸存者。这个真的很棒! 在你待在印度的那段时间,有没有发生什么特别的事情让你很难忘、很感动的呢?你在印度经历的一切,有没有给你的摄影一些新的启发?

Brooke: 真的有一件事,是发生我第一次去印度的旅途上,让我重新打开了我摄影生涯的眼界!我当时在教一群女生摄影,我给她们展示了一张照片,是一个穿白裙子的女生躺在床上,然后问她们觉得这幅照片的意义是什么。她们全部都异口同声地说,这象征着死亡。我当时很震惊,因为对我来说,我认为这是一幅象征着梦想的照片,但是我并不会说任何人是错的。我后来了解到印度人被安葬的时候是穿着白衣服,所以他们觉得那个女生穿着白衣服是去世了。这真的是打开我的眼界,是我第一次真切地感受到文化对我们对这个世界的观念和感知影响这么大! (One thing that happened on my first trip to India was a really special and eye-opening momentin my photography career. I was showing an image of a girl in a white dresssleeping on a bed and I asked the girls I was teaching what they thought theimage meant. They all, simultaneously, said that it represented death. I wasreally surprised, because to me it was a picture about dreams, though I wouldnever say that anyone was wrong. I learned then that Indians bury they dead inwhite, so they thought the girl had died. It was eye-opening because for thefirst time I saw first hand how cultures can shift our perspectives andperceptions of the world around us.)

半半君: 中国有很多摄影师,不管是业余的还是专业的,都会试着去给自己定位,譬如是风光摄影师还是人像摄影师。我同意你说的,有时候强行贴个标签并不是太好,但是有时候很多摄影师不得不找一个标签去让大家在很短时间内去了解自己。 你对此有没有什么建议想告诉中国摄影师的呢?

Brooke: 有的有的!首先最重要的有两点,你要清楚你想通过你的艺术、你的摄影表达什么,还有你想要用什么样的方式来进行创作。第一点是因为你需要去了解你的摄影作品所代表的意义,而第二点重要是因为你创作的方式将会决定你会被归为哪一个类别里。比如说我,我的作品可以用于商业用途,为别人创作,但是我更偏向于遵循自己的原则去为自己创作,于是我会被归类为艺术(Fine Art)。 (Definitely, and Iagree that to some degree, success depends on how definable a person is. Iwould say, first and foremost, to understand what you are trying to say withyour art and how you like to create. The first is important so that you knowthe message of your life's work. The second is important because how you work willdetermine what category you fall under. For example, the type of work I docould easily be advertising - if I liked to create for other people. However, Ilike to create by myself and with my own rules, so it is fine art, instead.)

半半君: 你是个很独特的摄影师,我们很多人都超爱你的创作点子的,而且都很期待看你接下来会做什么。但是越来越多人知道你的时候,争议也会来了,有些人可能并不怎么欣赏你的作品。 可能现在在中国,有些摄影师有巨大的潜力,但是他们备受争议,所以会有一定受挫的感觉,你有什么想对他们说的吗?~

Brooke: 我相信每一个有争议的人背后都有一副值得别人谈论的作品,这是特别的,而且不应该放弃!我的作品在过去一直都是被争议的焦点,而且我会时刻提醒自己,我需要被别人谈论,不管是对我的创意还是世界观的谈论。当一个艺术家创作出一个作品,并且允许别人去抒发自己的观点,是一件很美好的事情。我一直相信,艺术是在大众的观点和批评中进步的,而不会因此消失。 (I believe that anyonecreating controversy with their work is doing something worth talking about,and that is special and should not be abandoned. My work has been the topic ofcontroversy in the past, and it always reminds me to keep saying what I feelneeds to be said - about my imagination or the world. It is the most beautifulthing when an artist can create from within and allow others to take what theywill from it. I have come to believe that art is enhanced by public opinion,not diminished by it.)

半半君: 你去过世界上很多的地方分享你的作品,开办自己的workshop。 对于旅游,你有什么看法呢?旅游是不是也会给你的摄影一些启发?

Brooke: 我超爱旅游的!因为旅游让我了解到其他国家的人是如何去感知这个世界的。我也很喜欢去写小众冷门的目的地,就像你之前和我聊的,旅游就像看书一样~但是,我这人爱旅游的同时我也很爱宅在家里!当我到了一个跟我的国家很不一样的目的地时,我会受到很大的启发,因为我感觉我像是进入了另一个世界。那是一种神奇的感觉!我觉得目前为止,冰岛是我体验最好的国家! (I love to travelbecause it allows me to understand how other people live and perceive the worldaround them. I love to see what everyday life is like in places that few peopleever visit. It is a glimpse into a book, as you say. I have a big appetite fortravel but also for being home. I love home more than any other place, so I am alwayscaught between worlds! I am most inspired when I travel when I get to seelocations that look like other worlds to me because I simply did not grow uparound those landscapes. Those are magical moments. I think Iceland has beenthe greatest travel experience for that reason.)



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