Howard Amanson once said: "Don't underestimate people who overestimate yourself." The arrogant who overestimates yourself can occasionally become a big deal. This is a very uncomfortable part of modern life. I have learned to adapt, and what can I do if I don't adapt, it's no surprise. The arrogant can occasionally be a big winner, but I don’t want a group of arrogant dangling in front of my eyes. I choose people who are cautious.
霍华德·阿曼森 讲过这样一句话:“千万别低估高估自己的人。” 高估自己的自大狂偶尔竟然能成大事,这是现代生活中让人很不爽的一部分。我已经学会适应了,不适应又能怎样,见怪不怪了。自大狂偶尔能成为大赢家,但我不愿一群自大狂在我眼前晃来晃去,我选择谨慎的人。
#芒格内部讲话# #财经#
Howard Amanson once said: "Don't underestimate people who overestimate yourself." The arrogant who overestimates yourself can occasionally become a big deal. This is a very uncomfortable part of modern life. I have learned to adapt, and what can I do if I don't adapt, it's no surprise. The arrogant can occasionally be a big winner, but I don’t want a group of arrogant dangling in front of my eyes. I choose people who are cautious.
霍华德·阿曼森 讲过这样一句话:“千万别低估高估自己的人。” 高估自己的自大狂偶尔竟然能成大事,这是现代生活中让人很不爽的一部分。我已经学会适应了,不适应又能怎样,见怪不怪了。自大狂偶尔能成为大赢家,但我不愿一群自大狂在我眼前晃来晃去,我选择谨慎的人。
#芒格内部讲话# #财经#