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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-06-06 18:00


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This is a download from BBC Learning English . To find out more , visit our website . 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English . com .

本文来自 BBC Learning English 。如需获得更多内容请访问我们的网站。 BBC Learning English . com 英语六分钟节目。

Dan : Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English the show that brings you an interesting topic , authentic listening practice and six new items of vocabulary . I'm Dan


Neil : And I'm Neil . We'll be discussing dogs being used in cancer detection .


Dan : Everything ok , Neil ?


Neil : I am so tired . One of my children is as sick as a dog . I didn't sleep all night long looking after them .


Dan : As sick as a dog is an expression meaning very ill . I'm sorry to hear it . Try and hold on if you can .

As sick as a dog 是指病得很重。听到这个消息我很难过。尽可能的撑下去吧。

Neil : Don't worry . There's life in this old dog yet .


Dan : Good . It's funny that you mention dogs because the UK's National Health Service is currently assessing whether dogs can be used to detect early stage prostate cancer .


Neil : Amazing . Any success ?


Dan : Let me ask you in this week's question . In what percentage of cases were dogs able to detect the presence of cancer in urine ? Is it a ) 50%? b ) 70%? c ) 90%?

我先问问你今天的问题吧。在多少比例的案例中,狗狗能够探测出尿液中存在癌症? a ) 50%? b ) 70%? c ) 90%?

Neil : I'm going to guess a ) 50%.

我猜是 a ) 50%。

Dan : We'll find out later if you're right or wrong . So , Neil , I say dog , what do you think ?


Neil : A wet nose , four paws , which is what we call the feet of certain animals , a fluffy coat and a waggy tail ? Man's best friend ? But I've never heard of cancer dogs . I wonder what makes them suitable ?


Dan : Well , I'll let Dr Claire Guest , CEO of the charity Medical Detection Dogs take that one .


Although the dog has a fluffy coat and a waggy tail , he is in fact a highly sophisticated bio - sensor . You know , evolution has given him this highly sensitive nose , going down to parts per trillion . People board planes every day that have been screened by detector dogs to see if there are explosives on board . Why do we rely on them there and yet not in assisting us with health ?


Dan : So , dogs have evolved to have a highly - developed sense of smell that allows them to act as a bio - sensor , a sensor which uses a living thing to detect chemicals .


Neil : Yes , and she mentioned that humans have a history of using dogs in security to screen , or examine for suitability , for explosives and bombs .


Dan : Yep ! Can you think of any other places that dogs are used to support humans ?


Neil : Well , there's guide dogs , or seeing - eye dogs as they're known in North America . They help people who are blind to avoid danger .


Dan : Nice . Any more ? Maybe around the home ?


Neil : Are you referring to guard dogs , meaning a dog which keeps a house or place safe from burglary , theft or trespassing .


Dan : Yep . Ex - burglars have often said that they're a much bigger deterrent , or reason not to do something , than an alarm system .


Neil : Oh and there's rescue dogs . They are trained to search and find victims of natural disasters such as avalanches or earthquakes .


Dan : Exactly , dogs are perfect


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