Call for Papers
Frontiers of Law in China
(FLC) is a scholarly journal (quarterly), launched in 2006, published by Higher Education Press (HEP). The editorial welcomes articles from scholars, researchers, legal practitioners, and postgraduates in the field of law who are interested in Chinese law and comparative law between China and other countries, and the related legal issues that explore the significance of Chinese legal system. Topics for publication include all main branches of law, such as jurisprudence, legal history, civil and commercial law, criminal law, procedural law and environmental law. All the manuscripts will go through peer reviews before being accepted for publication. Authors submitting to the journal should not simultaneously submit the manuscript to another journal, nor should the manuscript have been published elsewhere in a substantially similar form or with substantially similar content.
Manuscripts must be no less than 8,000 words; and with a title page on a separate document, include title of the manuscript, full name(s) of the author(s), his/her/their position(s) and affiliation(s), address(es) of the institution(s) in which the work was carried out, together with the postal code(s) and email address(es) of the author(s), an abstract of 120–200 words, and 3 to 8 keywords. All author-identifying information in the body of the text, footnotes, and references must be removed. Financial grants and other funds should be acknowledged; also, the contribution of colleagues should also be mentioned. This part is to be placed at the bottom of the front page. Manuscripts for FLC should be submitted via
or via email in MS-Word (.doc/.docx) format to
Authors publishing in the journal will be asked to sign a Copyright Transfer Statement. In signing the Statement, it is assumed that authors have agreed with the conditions stated in the Statement and authorized the publisher related to use any copyrighted or previously published material in the articles. Articles cannot be published in FLC until a signed Copyright Transfer Statement is received by the publisher.