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【文献情报】|Journal of Hydrology|硝酸盐的季节性输入驱动了区域地表水-地下水相互作用!

R语言与水文生态环境  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-03-01 00:02


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  • 期刊: Journal of Hydrology

  • 中科院分区: 1区 地球科学

  • 影响因子(IF):5.9

  • 第一作者:Yali Wu

  • 通讯作者:Yuan Ni,Xia Jiang

  • 第一作者单位:State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, National Engineering Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control and Ecological Restoration, Beijing 100012, China

  • 原位连接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2025.132973

  • (1)地下水流量和壤中流分别达到5.33和5.45 mm / day;

  • (2)季节性硝酸盐输入驱动地表水和地下水相互作用;
  • (3)地下水NO3 -浓度主要来源于土壤N、粪肥和污水;
  • (4)M & S贡献的分布与Cl和SO - 42 -浓度相对应。
研究人为氮输入影响下的氮地球化学循环及其水文过程,为水资源管理和水生态系统保护提供了新的决策思路。然而,目前对硝酸盐( NO3- )的来源贡献以及在明确水文条件下的转化缺乏进一步的认识。由于它们的时空异质性,季节性人类活动变化对它们的影响尚未被彻底阐明。本研究将水文地球化学分析、多种稳定同位素( δ15N-NO3 - , δ18O-NO3 - , δ2H-H2O , δ 18O - H2O)、统计学方法和贝叶斯同位素混合模型( MixSIAR )相结合,对中国丘陵区地表水-地下水相互作用、硝酸盐来源和循环过程进行了研究。结果表明,受水-岩相互作用和人类活动的影响,地下水水化学类型呈现季节性变化,由枯水期的HCO3 - Ca · Mg型转变为丰水期的Cl · SO4-Ca · Mg型,特别是在硝酸盐浓度较高的地区。地下水中的化学风化作用是由硅酸盐岩和碳酸盐岩的联合溶解所驱动的。地下水对地表水的贡献率为73.5 %,3月份地下水对地表水的贡献率为0.20 mm / d。5 - 10月总壤中流量为407.03 mm。硝化作用是地下水中氮转化的主要过程,而反硝化作用是局部的,主要发生在丰水期。地下水中NO3 -的主要来源是土壤氮( SN )。枯水期为48.4 ± 17.5 % ,丰水期为30.5 ± 11.6 %)和粪肥污水( M & S ;枯水期为41.0 ± 17.7 % ,丰水期为54.8 ± 11.7 %)。M & S贡献的空间分布与Cl和SO - 42 -浓度的升高相对应,尤其是在丰水期硝酸盐含量较高的站点。这些发现揭示了人为氮输入显著影响地下水水化学类型、硝酸盐来源和氮转化过程的时空变异性。


Fig. 1. Sampling sites of the Quanmin Reservoir watershed (a). Major geological formation of the watershed (data) (b).Source: http://www.ngac.cn

Fig. 2. Cations and anions of groundwater in the watershed during the dry (a) and wet season (b).

Fig. 3. Piper diagram for the hydrochemical composition of groundwater (a) and (b), and surface water (c) and (d) in the dry and wet season. The color of the points represents the NO3 – concentration.

Fig. 4. Gibbs diagrams of the hydrochemical components in groundwater during both seasons (a) and (b). Endmember diagram of Ca 2 +/Na+— HCO3 –/Na+ (c) andCa 2 +/Na+— Mg 2 +/Na+ (d) in groundwater during both seasons.

Fig. 5. Relationships between δ 2 H-H 2 O and δ 18 O-H 2 O of groundwater and surface water in the watershed during the dry (a) and wet (b) season. Relationship between δ 18 O-H 2 O and d-excess (c), δ 18 O-H 2 O and Cl - concentrations (d) in groundwater and surface water during the dry and wet season. The local meteoric water line is based on Chinese Network Isotopes in Precipitation (CHNIP).

Fig. 6. Daily precipitation, potential evaporation (a), overland flow (b), interflow (c) and groundwater (baseflow) in 2023.

Fig. 7. Plots of δ 15 N-NO3 – versus δ 18 O-NO3 – (a), NO3 –/Cl - versus δ 15 N-NO3 – (b), (NO3 –+ Cl - )/HCO3 – versus TDS (c), and Cl - versus Na+ (d) of groundwater during the dry and wet season.

Fig. 8. Spatial distributions of the contributions for NO3 − sources in groundwater during the dry (a) and wet (b) season.

Fig. 9. Plots of δ 18 O-NO3 – versus δ 18 O-H 2 O (a), DO versus pH (b), δ 15 N-NO3 – versus 1/NO3 – (c), and δ 15 N-NO3 – versus ln(NO3 –) (d) of groundwater samples during the dry and wet season.

Fig. 10. Conceptual models for the effects of surface water and groundwater interactions on the nitrogen in the watershed.

  • (1)学习资源

【PMF源解析】 | 地下水、土壤 | 手把手教你如何操作,适合科研小白、初学者!
