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2018 SAIF MF International Youth Leadership Finance Summit

金融先生MrFinance  · 公众号  · 金融  · 2017-11-20 11:59


2018 SAIF MF国际青年领袖金融高峰会


You are invited to attend the 2018 SAIF MF International Youth Leadership Finance Summit (IYLFS) ! This year’s summit will put the spotlight on FinTech , with topics ranging from robo-advisors to data mining . We are excited to build on the success of the 2017 IYLFS together and deliver another outstanding event.

时隔一年,峰会以全然一新的面貌再一次奏响集结的号角。2018 SAIF MF国际青年领袖金融高峰会诚邀您参加!本届峰会 以热点话题“FinTech”为基调,围绕“智能投顾”和“数据挖掘”两方面展开探讨交流 ,延续往届精彩,与您共创佳话!

2018 SAIF MF International Youth Leadership Finance Summit

Five summits have been successfully held since 2013, during which 599 carefully selected undergraduate students from over 40 top universities worldwide participated in the event. Students who attend the summit were mainly from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University, University of Science and Technology of China, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, National Chengchi University Nanyang Technological University, the London School of Economics and Political Science(LSE), Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT), Princeton University, Cornell University, Columbia University and so on. Senior executives from world renowned companies have been the competition judges. In the past five years, more than 20 senior executives from companies including Standard Chartered Bank, CFA China, SPD bank, Orient Securities, Haitong Securities, Shanghai Futures Exchange, SPD Silicon Valley Bank and other well-known finance companies attended the summit. 46 media outlets reported on the summit which included CNB, National Finance News, China Daily, and Net Ease along with many others.

SAIF MF峰会至今已成功举办五届,相继获得过CFA中国、GMAC、MSCI、彤程资本、上实融资等伙伴的赞助,先后有599名来自上海交大、复旦、北大、清华、浙大、中科大、香港中文大学、台湾政治大学、新加坡南洋理工、麻省理工学院、普林斯顿大学、康奈尔大学、哥伦比亚大学、伦敦政治经济学院等40所学校的学生参加。渣打银行美洲区副董事长、渣打银行大中华区首席经济学家、德意志银行中国投行部董事总经理、海通证券副总裁、浦发银行行长、浦发银行战略发展研究部总经理、上海期货交易中心国际业务部董事总经理、上海东方证券固定收益部执行董事等20余位业界领军人物曾作为嘉宾出席峰会。同时第一财经、上海教育电视台、国际金融报、网易新闻、China Daily等46家知名媒体对峰会进行过报道。

2018 International Youth Leadership Finance Summit (IYLFS) is a student competition hosted by the Master of Finance (MF) Program of Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. IYLFS aims to provide an interaction and learning platform for outstanding undergraduate students, as well as to cultivate their leadership, communication and organizational skills.

On behalf of SAIF MF program, we hereby officially invite you to join the 2018 International Youth Leadership Finance Summit (IYLFS) from January 27th to January 30th 2018 .

为给各高校的学子们搭建一个相互学习、共同进步的平台,培养学生们的领导力、沟通能力和组织能力,同时也让学生们有机会与行业领军人物现场对话并在各大媒体上展露风采,SAIF MF项目将于 2018年 1月27日-30日 在上海举办2018国际青年领袖金融高峰会。 峰会报名现已正式启动。

Summit Agenda


Date: Jan. 27th–30th, 2018(GMT +8)


Venue: Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, No. 211 West Huaihai Road, Shanghai, 200030, China




Jan. 27th

Registration and Opening Ceremony


Jan. 28th

Mini Lectures, Workshops by Professor and Industry Leaders


Jan. 29th

Team Campaign Day 1


Jan. 30th

Team Campaign Day 2 and Awards Dinner




The IYLFS winning team will receive a huge cash prize.


All teams participating in IYLFS will receive competition prizes.


Each attendee will receive a summit participation package.


Accommodation: SAIF MF will arrange for each attendee’s accommodation from Jan 27th to Jan 30th, 2018

住宿补贴:SAIF MF将承担并统一安排峰会决赛期间的住宿。

How to Apply

  1. Time for application: Nov. 13th to Nov. 30th, 2017 (GMT +8)

    申请时间: 2017年11月13日至11月30日

  2. Who can apply: current undergraduate students.


  3. Where to apply: Please click on  "read more" or scan the code below.

    SAIF MF官方指定唯一报名入口:请点击“阅读原文”,或识别下方二维码


We welcome undergraduate students from around to world to participate in this competition, and we are sincerely looking forward to seeing you in Shanghai.

Language: The official language of the IYLFS is English.

峰会语言: 英语


The Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) was established by the Shanghai Municipal Government at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in April 2009. Its mission is to become a world class institute of research and higher learning with world class faculty. SAIF is committed to developing top talents for the financial world and to generate cutting-edge knowledge in financial theories and applications. In February 2016, SAIF became one of the youngest business schools to be accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB).
