【[5星]VolumetricSMPL:让3D人体模型与场景无缝交互的神器!亮点:1. 基于SMPL模型,新增体积(SDF)表示,完美融入3D几何;2. 支持SMPL、SMPLH和SMPL-X,兼容性强;3. 提供碰撞检测与自交损失计算,助力复杂场景建模】
'VolumetricSMPL is an extension of the SMPL body model that incorporates a volumetric (signed distance field, SDF) representation. This enables seamless interaction with 3D geometries, such as scenes, objects, and other humans.'
GitHub: github.com/markomih/VolumetricSMPL
#3D建模# #人体模型# #碰撞检测# #AI创造营#
'VolumetricSMPL is an extension of the SMPL body model that incorporates a volumetric (signed distance field, SDF) representation. This enables seamless interaction with 3D geometries, such as scenes, objects, and other humans.'
GitHub: github.com/markomih/VolumetricSMPL
#3D建模# #人体模型# #碰撞检测# #AI创造营#